BarBend The Online Home for Strength Sports Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:55:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 BarBend 32 32 10 Best Natural Pre-Workouts of 2024 Wed, 10 Jan 2024 18:38:00 +0000 The best pre-workout supplements can provide physical and cognitive benefits, but formulations tend to vary wildly, with many containing artificial sweeteners, colors, dyes, and additives that may blunt their overall impact. Since more and more athletes are looking for clean supplements, we tasked ourselves with curating a list of the best natural pre-workouts on the market.  Over the...

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The best pre-workout supplements can provide physical and cognitive benefits, but formulations tend to vary wildly, with many containing artificial sweeteners, colors, dyes, and additives that may blunt their overall impact. Since more and more athletes are looking for clean supplements, we tasked ourselves with curating a list of the best natural pre-workouts on the market. 

Over the years, our team of fitness professionals has tested over 65 pre-workouts, singling out their favorite formulations with naturally sourced ingredients. During testing, the certified personal trainers, weightlifting coaches, nutrition coaches, and CrossFit trainers at BarBend rated each pre-workout on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), taking into account factors such as formulation, taste, side effects, and more. Furthermore, our picks have been verified by a registered dietitian to ensure each brand’s formulation is as natural as they claim. Here are our picks for the best natural pre-workouts.

10 Best Natural Pre-Workouts of 2024

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for the diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine.

About Our Expert

This article has been reviewed by Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., RDN, LD, a registered dietitian with 10 years of experience in the clinical setting. She reviewed our research, including the efficacy of the pre-workouts we list to help ensure we’re providing advice that’s safe and sound. However, everyone’s body is different, so before you try any new products, it’s best to consult your doctor.

How We Tested the Best Natural Pre-Workouts

Our testing team consists of competitive weightlifters, nutrition coaches, certified personal trainers, CrossFit trainers, endurance athletes, and weightlifting coaches. We have tested over 65 pre-workouts across several years, researching the ingredients and consulting registered dietitians.

To help convey the benefits and drawbacks of each product, we’ve developed a rating methodology that takes into account factors such as value, formulation, taste, third-party testing, solubility, side effects, and even a brand’s customer service. 

Throughout our testing, we asked the same questions you’re asking. What’s the cost-to-value ratio? Does each pre-workout contain effective doses of each ingredient? How does it taste? What’s going on with that proprietary blend? Are there any side effects? The list below is the result of numerous workouts completed by actual fitness professionals to bring you the best information to choose the best natural pre-workout for you.

Best Overall Natural Pre-Workout: Legion Athletics Pulse 

Legion Pulse Pre-Workout
Legion Pulse Pre-Workout
Legion Pulse Pre-Workout

This pre-workout supplement can come with or without caffeine and in 16 different flavors. Each serving provides 350 milligrams of L-theanine and eight grams of citrulline malate, which may facilitate better pumps. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.69
  • Servings Per Container: 20
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 350mg
  • Key Ingredients: L-citrulline malate, beta-alanine, betaine anhydrous, L-theanine, alpha-GPC, sodium, potassium, calcium
  • Flavors: Fruit Punch, Blue Raspberry, Green Apple, Tropical Punch, Peach Ring, Apple Cider, Arctic Blast, Blood Orange, Blueberry Lemonade, Cherry Limeade, Frosted Cranberry, Grape, Mojito, Pina Colada, Pink Lemonade, Rainbow Sherbet, Sour Candy, Strawberry Kiwi, Strawberry Margarita, Watermelon


  • Its natural formulation is expertly balanced to promote muscle endurance, power, and energy.
  • The electrolytes in the formula — potassium, sodium, calcium — can boost hydration.
  • It is free from all artificial ingredients, including added sugars.


  • Pulse contains 350 milligrams of caffeine per serving, at least 100 milligrams more than the average pre-workout. (1)
  • At $1.71 per serving, Pulse falls on the higher end of the $0.80 to $2 range of most pre-workouts.
  • Our tester noted that the natural sweeteners produced a bit of a bitter taste.

We chose Legion Athletics Pulse Pre-Workout as our best overall natural pre-workout because of its balanced mix of all-natural ingredients in clinically effective doses. Its formula contains zero artificial sweeteners, food dyes, or flavors, and Legion cites 54 peer-reviewed scientific studies in support of the formula’s ingredient and dose combination. Pulse has also been independently third-party tested and certified for purity. 

Registered dietitian Chelsea Rae Bourgeois was impressed by the formula when reviewing it for BarBend. “I was impressed to see all the clinical research backing a natural pre-workout like this.” she said. “Having no artificial sweeteners or dyes also stood out to me.”

While its 350-milligram caffeine count is high compared to the average 250 milligrams, it is balanced with a 1:1 ratio of L-theanine for a smooth energy boost, followed by a gentle comedown. (2) “I’m a huge fan of the 1:1 ratio of L-theanine to caffeine,” said Bourgeois. “However, a cup of coffee contains about 95 milligrams of caffeine, so 350 milligrams per serving could be intolerable for some people,” The good news? Legion also has a caffeine-free option.

Our tester with a scoop of Legion Athletics Pulse in the BarBend gym.

Pulse also contains 8 grams of L-citrulline malate, which — with its 2:1 ratio of L-citrulline to malate — is on the high end of the clinically effective dose. (3) This ingredient is common in pre-workouts because it is known to boost nitric oxide production, which promotes the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle. (4) That means more relaxed blood vessels, allowing for improved blood flow and prolonged muscle endurance. (5

Bourgeois rated the overall formulation 3.75 out of 5, saying, “I love that this product is tested by a third-party lab. That way, I can be sure that I’m getting exactly what’s advertised. There is also total transparency in the formula.” To promote hydration, it has electrolytes, calcium, potassium and sodium. That said, Bourgeois also noted, “I noticed the sodium content — 400 milligrams per serving — was not alarmingly high, still could be too much for some people.”

For taste, it uses three natural sweeteners: stevia, monk fruit, and erythritol. Our tester, a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, rated its taste a 4 out of 5, but noted that it might take some getting used to. They said, “I thought it tasted pretty sweet, but there was also a slightly bitter taste. Not terrible, just a little weird.”

Research suggests an effective daily dose of 4 to 6 grams of beta-alanine can delay muscle fatigue and help you pump out a few more reps. (7)(8) Although Pulse contains just under that range — 3.6 grams — Bourgeois noted that may help avoid the common skin-tingling sensation known as paresthesia. She said, “I was glad to see the 3.6 grams of beta-alanine. That amount has been proven to help increase exercise capacity without the itchy or tingling skin.

The formula also features 2.5 grams of betaine anhydrous, which, has been shown to increase power output and force production in as little as 14 days. (9) It also includes 300 milligrams of alpha-GPC, a derivative of choline that acts as a nootropic. Research has shown that some possible benefits of nootropics — also known as “smart drugs” — include improved learning and memory in humans, especially in stressful situations, like during an intense workout. (10)

Legion Athletics Pulse Pre-Workout only comes with 20 servings per container, and our tester rated it just a 2 out of 5 for price per serving. The average range is around $0.80 to $2.00 per serving, so while it’s not the most expensive pre-workout we have tested, it is on the pricier end.    However, it was still our pick for best overall natural pre-workout because we believe — even at $1.71 per serving — it gives you the best bang for your buck.

Read our full Legion Pulse Pre-Workout Review.

Best Natural Pre-Workout for Focus: Onnit Alpha Brain 

Onnit Alpha Brain Pre-Workout
Onnit Alpha Brain Pre-Workout
Onnit Alpha Brain Pre-Workout

Onnit's pre-workout supplement offers focus-boosting ingredients, while giving your body a boost before you hit a tough training session. You can get this product in two unique flavors.


  • Price Per Serving: $3.00
  • Servings Per Container: 20
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 200mg
  • Key Ingredients: Caffeine, L-citrulline, beta-alanine, ashwagandha extract, African palm oil
  • Flavors: Tiger’s Blood, Yuzu Peach


  • It contains 225 milligrams of ashwagandha extract to promote mental clarity and focus.
  • The 1:1 ratio of 2.4 grams of L-citrulline and 2.4 grams beta-alanine can give you a good pump. 
  • Its formula is completely sugar-free.


  • Each serving costs $3.00 — most pre-workouts range between $0.80 to $2.00 per serving.
  • It contains three proprietary blends, so we don’t know the exact amount of each ingredient in the blends.
  • It’s only available in two flavors: Tiger’s Blood and Yuzu Peach.

The Onnit Alpha Brain formula may look somewhat familiar because it includes common well-researched ingredients like L-citrulline, beta-alanine, and caffeine. However, what makes it our pick for the best natural pre-workout for focus is the 225 milligrams of ashwagandha extract. Here, it comes in a trademarked form called Noogandha that, according to Onnit, “supports mental agility, concentration, and mental processing speed.”

While research on ashwagandha is still relatively new, at least one study found it can improve physical performance. It can promote the mental clarity needed to power through tough workouts, and also act as an anti-stress agent. (11) This aligns with the experience our testers reported. One of those testers — a USA Weightlifting L-2 coach — said, “I thought that Alpha Brain brought great focus and clarity to my workout. Several people on my weightlifting team tried it with me and we were all in the zone.”

Our tester scooping a serving of Onnit Alpha Brain pre-workout.

Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN, also made note of the ashwagandha while reviewing it for BarBend. “Ashwagandha can help promote mental agility during stressful workouts, so I really like that this formula included it,” she said. While the 2.4 grams of L-citrulline is lower than the optimal research-backed level, Bourgeois pointed out, “If I was gearing up for an intense workout, the L-citrulline and beta-alanine combo would provide a great pump. Although, a lot of research indicates that you will see the most benefits from L-citrulline in doses of at least 3 grams.”

Our testers noted the mental clarity along with that pump she described. “I didn’t feel overly-stimulated — just a feeling of being present and ready to get to work,” one tester reported. “I didn’t feel any tingling with Onnit Alpha Brain, but another tester and I both got a great pump.” 

This combination of muscle endurance and mental dexterity benefits may explain the high price point, which starts at $3 per serving. This is the most expensive pre-workout we tested, and while it only comes in containers of 20 servings, you can save 15% if you subscribe. It was unsurprising that our tester rated the price a 1 out of 5, but the fact that its overall score was still 4 out 5 speaks to the high marks in the other categories. 

For taste — 4 out of 5 — our tester preferred the Tiger’s Blood flavor to Yuzu Peach, saying, “I thought the Tiger’s Blood flavor tasted like a coconut, watermelon, and strawberry mix. It was tropical.” We wish it came in more than two flavors, but for being a completely sugar-free pre-workout, we were pleasantly surprised by how much we liked the taste.

The formula earned a 3.25 out of 5 rating and the proprietary blends concerned Bourgeois. “I’m usually wary of supplements with proprietary blends, and Onnit Alpha Brain has three of them,” she explained. “Dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so it gives me pause because, while we can see the ingredients in each blend, we don’t know the amount of each one.”

Alpha Brain’s inclusion of their trademarked form of ashwagandha extract — Noogandha — sets this natural pre-workout apart because of the mental boost our testers experienced. It’s our top pick for focus because it also includes ingredients that promote blood flow and muscle endurance, like L-citrulline and beta-alanine. 

Our testers agreed with Bourgeois when she summed it up, saying, “I think the combination of the mental benefits of ashwagandha with these well-known ingredients bodes well for rocking some tough workouts.”

Best Natural Pre-Workout for Muscle Gain: Transparent Labs BULK 

Transparent Labs BULK
Transparent Labs BULK
Transparent Labs BULK

Transparent Labs BULK contains all-natural ingredients and big doses of L-citrulline malate and beta-alanine to promote muscle gain for your next workout.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.67
  • Servings Per Container: 30
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 200mg
  • Key Ingredients: Citrulline malate, beta-alanine, taurine, L-tyrosine, caffeine, alpha-GPC, betaine anhydrous, Bioperine 
  • Available Flavors: Cherry Kiwi, Blue Raspberry, Peach Mango, Sour Grape, Black Cherry, Strawberry Lemonade, Pina Colada. Strawberry Kiwi, Watermelon, Watermelon Peach, Cherry Splash, Orange, Blueberry Pomegranate, Tropical Punch


  • The 2:1 ratio of 8 grams of L-citrulline malate and 4 grams of beta-alanine is a robust combo known to help promote muscle gain. (3)(5)
  • It contains powerful ingredients that promote focus — L-theanine and L-tyrosine — and immune function — vitamins B6 and B12. (12)(13)
  • All the ingredients in the formula are vegan-friendly. 


  • There are proprietary blends in the formula, so we can’t be sure how much of each ingredient it contains.
  • If you’re on a low-sodium diet, the 180 milligrams in this formulation might be a lot. (14)

Transparent Labs BULK is a no-brainer pick for the best natural pre-workout for muscle gain because it can help you do just that — bulk up. Its formula is turbocharged with high doses of ingredients known to promote muscle gain. With 8 grams of L-citrulline malate per serving, it’s at the upper end of the clinically-backed range of 6 to 8 grams for improved exercise performance, strength and muscle recovery. (5)(3) Combine that with 4 grams of beta-alanine and you can expect a nice pump and prolonged endurance to support muscle gain.

BarBend tester, Nick English, noted the doses of key ingredients when he tried it out. “I’ve tried a ton of pre-workouts and BULK has extra strong doses of some of the best-researched ingredients available,” he said.

In addition to the L-citrulline malate and beta-alanine, Transparent Labs BULK offers an impressive lineup of nutrients. It has zinc, L-tyrosine, and vitamins B6 and B12, as well as 360 milligrams of L-theanine and 180 milligrams of caffeine — a 2 to 1 ratio that has been shown to promote increased energy and reaction time. (15) “Transparent Labs BULK contains a list of rockstar ingredients,” Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN, pointed out when testing this product for BarBend

After using it for three workouts, our tester rated Transparent Labs BULK a 4 out of 5 overall, saying simply, “The pump was pumping.” The 4 grams of beta-alanine may cause a common pre-workout side effect: a skin-tingling sensation known as paresthesia. Still, while each serving provides 4 grams of beta-alanine, it’s at the low-end of the research-backed daily range of 4 to 6 grams. (16) You may feel some tingling like our tester did. They said, “With other pre-workouts I’ve used, the tingles felt like I was burning on the inside, but not with BULK.”

Our tester dumping a scoop of Transparent Labs BULK in her shaker bottle.

There was some disagreement among our testers about the flavors and they rated the two they tried a 3.5 out of 5. One said, “There is a tame sweetness to the flavor, but I don’t really think it tastes like Strawberry Lemonade.” The other tried Blue Raspberry, saying, “I tried the Blue Raspberry it was spot on — delicious.”

Transparent Labs BULK is slightly high in sodium — 180 milligrams per scoop — compared to the daily recommended amount, but Bourgeois explained, “That much sodium isn’t a ton, but for anyone on a low-sodium diet, I think it’s something to be aware of.” For reference, 180 milligrams of sodium is about 8% of your recommended daily total.

It’s common for pre-workouts to use proprietary blends of ingredients, but, as Bourgeois said, “Proprietary blends always give me a little pause because you don’t know exactly how much of each ingredient is in there.” One of those blends contains caffeine and L-theanine — a combination shown to promote an increase in energy and reaction time. (15

That blend also includes tyrosine and alpha-GPC to help promote mental focus. (12)(17) While more research is needed on tyrosine, it has been suggested that it may slow the depletion of adrenaline and dopamine during physical stress — like intense exercise. (13) Alpha-GPC has been shown to have cognitive benefits for exercise. One study suggests that in addition to increasing alertness, it may have a positive effect on motivation in humans. (18)

The $1.67 price per serving is slightly above the average range of $0.80 to $2.00, but we think it’s a great value. “Of all the pre-workouts I’ve used, this is my favorite so far,” our tester raved. “The focus was extreme, the tingles were minimal, and the flavor was good, too. I’ll definitely continue using it to push my workouts to the next level.”

Read our full Transparent Labs BULK Review.

Best Natural Pre-Workout for a Pump: Naked Nutrition Pre-Workout 

Naked Nutrition Naked Energy
Naked Nutrition Naked Energy
Naked Nutrition Naked Energy

Naked Nutrition Naked Energy is a simple, powerful formula that is vegan-friendly. It comes in several flavors as well as options for a non-stimulant version. 


  • Price Per Serving: $0.90
  • Servings Per Container: 50
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 200 mg
  • Key Ingredients: Creatine monohydrate, beta-alanine, L-arginine, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, calcium
  • Available Flavors: Plain, Fruit Punch, Citrus


  • Naked only contains ten total ingredients — all GMO-free, and vegan-friendly.
  • Despite its simple formula, it still contains creatine, beta-alanine, and L-arginine for muscle pumps.
  • At $0.90 per serving, it’s on the lower end of the average range of $0.80 to $2 price of most pre-workouts.


  • The formula is independently third-party tested, but only for heavy metals.
  • It’s only available in three flavors.

Even among natural pre-workouts, Naked Nutrition is renowned for its trim list of all-natural ingredients. Despite containing just ten ingredients, the trifecta of beta-alanine (2 grams), L-arginine (1 gram), and creatine (1 gram) combine to make this pre-workout our pick for the best natural pre-workout for a pump. 

The 1 gram dose of L-arginine in the formula can be a boost to what your body gets naturally from protein-rich foods — like meat, dairy, or nuts. The average daily intake from food is around 4 to 6 grams. (19) While creatine can be most effective when taken consistently over time, beta-alanine and arginine are well-known pre-workout ingredients for a pump because they promote increased blood flow. (20)

What is a pump? Well, in response to your muscles contracting, your heart begins to pump more blood to them to provide more oxygen and nutrients. Lactic acid also starts to build up in those working muscles, drawing water into them. The rush of fluids causes your muscles to look and feel “full,” but the reason these ingredients are important is that they promote blood flow, which can lead to increased muscular endurance.

Our tester with a scoop of Naked Energy Pre-Workout in the BarBend gym.

It packs a decent energy boost with 200 milligrams of natural caffeine anhydrous. Our tester — a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach — said, “I got a nice pick me up! It felt like drinking a large cup of coffee.” Outside of the caffeine, its bounty of vitamins can help ward off the crash when the effects of the caffeine start to wear off. 

B vitamins have also been shown to play an important role in optimal physiological and neurological function, and this formula includes vitamins B3, B6, B12. (13) When reviewing the product for BarBend, Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN, highlighted the overall formula, saying, “All ten ingredients — with no sugar or carbs — are vegan-friendly and gluten-, GMO-, dairy-, and soy-free. I also loved the hefty dose of vitamin C and the 200 milligrams of caffeine.”

Even though it contains all-natural ingredients and was third-party tested for heavy metals, Bourgeois said, “In order to verify potency and ensure safety, I would love to see some more extensive testing.”

Of all 66 pre-workouts our team has personally tested, this is one of the most affordable. In fact, our tester rated it a perfect 5 out of 5 for that reason. You can expect to pay anywhere from $0.80 to $3 per serving for a pre-workout, so $0.90 per serving is very reasonable considering the pump you can get. One container also includes a whopping 50 servings — 20 more than what you’ll find in many pre-workouts.

Another area our testers rated Naked Energy Pre-Workout a 5 out of 5 was taste. One tester tried the Citrus flavor and noted, “I did enjoy the flavor. It wasn’t too sweet, either.” Another tester mixed the Plain flavor with water and reported, “I think it would taste a little better mixed with a sports drink or something. With just water, I thought it tasted slightly bitter, but it was still good.” Unfortunately, though, it’s only available in three flavors: Fruit Punch, Citrus, and Plain. 

Overall, Bourgeois rated the formula a 3.75 out of 5, saying, “I wasn’t too impressed with the low dose of L-arginine.” The three major ingredients for a pump — L-arginine, beta-alanine, and creatine — are lower than other pre-workouts we have tested. “I saw that they included a small dose of creatine, which was good. That will boost exercise performance even more,” she added. Considering how clean the formula is, we picked Naked Energy Pre-Workout as the best natural pre-workout for a pump.

Best Non-Stim Natural Pre-Workout: Genius Pre 

Genius Pre Workout
Genius Pre Workout
Genius Pre Workout

Genius Pre Workout uses all-natural ingredients to deliver a boost of mental and physical energy, pump, and endurance.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.89 for a one-time purchase; $1.52 with subscribe-and-save
  • Servings Per Container: 20
  • Caffeine Per Serving: None
  • Key Ingredients: L-citrulline malate, betaine anhydrous, CarnoSyn beta-alanine, AstraGin, ElevATP, L-tyrosine, L-arginine, taurine, AlphaSize, Rhodiola rosea, theobromine, HICA, Huperzine A
  • Available Flavors: Grape Limeade, Sour Apple, Blue Raspberry, Sour Cherry


  • For those sensitive to stimulants like caffeine, it is completely stim-free.
  • It contains strong doses of ingredients — Huperzia serrata and Rhodiola rosea — that may improve focus and cognition.
  • There is a big dose of L-citrulline malate to promote increased blood flow during your workout, which can produce a good muscle pump.


  • Some users may experience some skin tingling.
  • While it uses common proprietary blends, we can’t be completely sure how much of each ingredient is in those blends.

Stimulants like caffeine can help promote mental clarity, but they may also result in anxiety or jitters. Genius PRE’s formula eschews stimulants entirely, relying instead on nootropic ingredients — huperzine A and Rhodiola rosea — that research has suggested may help to improve focus and mental agility. (20)(21) Muscle endurance, meanwhile, comes via solid doses of other important ingredients, including L-citrulline malate and betaine anhydrous. 

In fact, our tester rated the overall formula a 4 out of 5 and raved about how they felt during their workouts. “I would honestly describe the effects as euphoric, like I took a mood stabilizer,” they said. “Since there’s no caffeine, I felt relaxed instead of stimulated.” Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN, also praised Genius PRE’s formulation when reviewing it for BarBend. “I think it’s a great stimulant-free option. For those sensitive to caffeine, you can avoid the jitters during your workout and recovery.”

Man holding container of Genius Pre.
BarBend tester Nick English trying out Genius Pre.

The lineup of ingredients in its formula makes it one of the best non-stim pre-workouts we’ve tested. In addition to the ingredients that promote focus and mental clarity, its 6 grams of L-citrulline malate is in line with the optimum research-backed amounts. The 2 grams of beta-alanine is at the lower end of the recommended 2 to 5 gram range, but, as our tester noted, “I liked that it was a small dose because the tingling was minimal.” (8)

This lower dose of beta-alanine also plays a role in the pump you can get from Genius PRE. “My shoulders were pumped from it and I did a lot of upper back work. The pump didn’t last very long, but it was really good,” our tester noted. “The pump was fading right as I was finishing up lifting.” 

Bourgeois attributed this to one specific ingredient. “I like that Genius prioritizes L-citrulline malate in this pre-workout. The 6 grams in each serving is at the upper end of what research has found to be beneficial.”

When it comes to taste, there are four flavor options — Grape Limeade, Sour Apple, Blue Raspberry, and Sour Cherry — and our tester scored it a perfect 5 out of 5. “I tried that Blue Raspberry and it was like a blue Icee. I absolutely loved it,”  he said. “I’ve tried at least 50 different pre-workouts and this is one of the best in terms of taste.” Another tester pointed out, “I think it’s not bitter or anything because it’s naturally-sweetened. It just has a nice, mild flavor.”

Our tester rated Genius PRE just 2 out of 5 for price and servings per container. A typical pre-workout will include around 30 servings — about a month’s supply — so with just 20 servings, you’ll be reupping more often. At $1.89 per serving, it’s also on the higher end of the average range for a pre-workout, which is around $0.80 to $2.00. There is, however, a subscribe-and-save option that lowers the per serving cost to $1.52.

We did see some proprietary blends in the ingredients and Bourgeois called those out. “I know that a bunch of the proprietary blends in Genius PRE are common in pre-workouts,” she explained, “but I still prefer to know exactly what’s in any supplement I’m taking.” 

She rated the overall formulation 4 out of 5, singling out the L-citrulline malate. “Genius PRE is marketed as a super-charged natural pre-workout and, with a whopping 6 grams of L-citrulline malate per serving, I’d definitely agree.”

Read our full Genius Pre Review.

Best Budget Natural Pre-Workout: Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Energy + Focus 

Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Energy + Focus
Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Energy + Focus
Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Energy + Focus

Garden of Life Sport Organic Plant-Based Energy + Focus is an all-natural pre-workout supplement to help sharpen your mental focus ahead of a workout. The caffeine and unique nitric oxide blend consisting of organic ingredients can provide the quick energy boost you need.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.14
  • Servings Per Container: 30
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 85mg
  • Key Ingredients: Plant-based antioxidant blend and nitrate blend
  • Flavors: Blackberry, Blackberry-Cherry


  • At $1.14 per serving, it’s on the lower end of the average $0.80 to $2.00 pre-workout cost. 
  • This plant-based option is loaded with powerful nutrients, like vitamins C and B12.
  • The caffeine comes from natural sources and is about the same amount as a cup of coffee.


  • It lacks typical pre-workout ingredients intended to promote muscular endurance, like L-citrulline malate, creatine, or beta-alanine.
  • It can provide an energy boost, but it’s not intended for intense workouts.
  • The amount of its organic blend of nitric oxide boosters is pretty small — just 1 gram.

If you’re looking to save a few bucks with your workout boost, Garden of Life Sport Organic Energy + Focus may be a good option. It’s our choice for the best budget natural pre-workout because its $1.14 per serving cost is between $0.50 and $1.75 cheaper than pre-workouts from brands like Onnit, Genius, or Transparent Labs. 

We also like its formulation, which consists of plant-based ingredients, hefty doses of vitamins C and B12, and about the same caffeine content as a cup of coffee — around 85 milligrams. Mix up a serving before a workout and you can expect a quick burst of energy and improved focus.

While it doesn’t include common nitric oxide boosters like L-citrulline or L-arginine, it does include an organic nitric oxide blend of beetroot, spinach, and kale. You won’t feel a big pump, but if affordable and plant-based are your main criteria, look no further. Our tester commented, “I don’t think this is really a gymgoers’ pre-workout. If you need to shake out the cobwebs or have a cardio session on tap, it’s fine. It won’t push you to a PR or anything, though.”

When reviewing the product for BarBend, Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN said, “I loved the lineup of vitamins and nutrients, which will support the energy and focus needed to rock a great workout. It’s also vegan-friendly and Informed Choice Certified.” 

The organic antioxidant energy blend contains cane sugar, baobab fruit, coffeeberry, whole coffee fruit extract, and emblic fruit extract. Bourgeois also said, “The ingredients in the blends are impressive, but I just don’t like that the amounts are not disclosed.”

She also mentioned that, while it’s good for avoiding the jitters and a crash, it may feel similar to drinking a cup of coffee before a workout“I’m not sure that 85 milligrams of caffeine would be enough for most people taking a pre-workout.” Compared to the average caffeine content in pre-workouts — around 250 milligrams — this is low, but that may be preferable for those with caffeine sensitivities. (1)

While our tester rated the taste a 4 out of 5, they thought the Blackberry flavor was a little too close to candy. They said, “I thought it tasted a little like candy. I didn’t hate that, but it was definitely my first thought.” It did mix very well — 5 out of 5 for solubility — but Bourgeois also remarked, “I wish there were more than just two flavors.”

Bourgeois rated the formulation a 3.5 out of 5, saying, “I don’t see anything alarming to call out in this pre-workout.” The lineup of vitamins, natural caffeine, and plant-based ingredients are just enough for a good focus and energy boost. Garden of Life Sport Organic Energy + Focus may not be ideal for competitive weightlifters, but at a very affordable $1.14 per serving, we think it’s the best budget natural pre-workout. 

Best Organic Natural Pre-Workout: Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder

Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder
Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder
Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder

Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder provides an energy boost using organic and whole-food ingredients. You'll find no artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.84
  • Servings Per Container: 20
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 90mg
  • Key Ingredients: Ashwagandha, rhodiola root, maca, pomegranate juice powder, beetroot powder, calcium, sodium, potassium, yerba mate, matcha
  • Available Flavors: Raspberry Lemonade, Beet Pomegranate, Ceremonial Matcha


  • The formula eschews artificial junk for organic and whole-food ingredients.
  • It contains 9 grams of carbohydrates and no added sugar.
  • It’s vegan and non-GMO, as well as dairy-, gluten-, and soy-free.
  • It has been third-party tested for purity and safety.


  • Despite its organic nitric oxide blend, it doesn’t provide much of a pump.
  • Ora lists the ingredients in each of its blends, but we can’t be sure how much of each ingredient is present.

For people who need a boost, but only want organic ingredients with no added sugars, we picked Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder. It’s the best organic natural pre-workout because all of the ingredients used are USDA certified organic, which means its formula is made of whole foods and zero artificial ingredients. While it doesn’t contain some classic pre-workout ingredients — L-citrulline, beta-alanine, or L-arginine — its organic nitric oxide blend can help promote blood flow and muscle endurance.

Our tester, who is certified as both a nutrition coach and personal trainer, appreciated the whole food ingredients. However, the total amount of the organic nitric oxide blend wasn’t quite enough for a sizable boost for an intense workout. They said, “I don’t see any typical pre-workout ingredients except caffeine. In the nitric oxide blend, it has beetroot powder extract, but I didn’t really feel a muscle pump since there was so little of it.” 

Another of its blends — Organic Focus and Endurance Adaptogens — is a cocktail of completely organic ingredients intended to keep you focused during your workout. In this blend you’ll find well-researched ingredients that support cognition — ashwagandha, rhodiola root, ginseng, maca root, cordyceps mushroom, and eleuthero root. These natural ingredients promote mental clarity, memory, and have shown neuroprotective properties. Some studies have even shown these ingredients to ease pain and muscle damage after exercise. (11)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)

Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder is going to be for those who want to increase their focus and get a quick energy boost from the 90 milligrams of caffeine. As Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN, summed it up for BarBend, “I think with the power of these whole-food ingredients, this formula should provide a moderate energy boost. The amount of caffeine is about as much as a cup of coffee, so that can help improve athletic performance without the jitters.”

Since all its ingredients are certified organic, it’s perfect for athletes who need vegan and non-GMO products. It’s also dairy-, gluten-, and soy-free for anyone with those sensitivities. The 9 grams of carbohydrates are enough to provide your muscles with some energy. 

Bourgeois pointed that out, specifically, saying, “I love that the Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder formula has a small amount of carbohydrates without any added sugar. The fact that it’s third-party tested for purity and safety is also a huge plus.”

Our tester only rated the taste a 2 out of 5, saying, “I tried the Raspberry Lemonade and it certainly tasted ‘natural’ and very earthy. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but the aftertaste was not good at all.” It comes in three flavors — Raspberry Lemonade, Beet Pomegranate, and Ceremonial Matcha. She also rated the solubility a 3 out of 5, and said, “I thought it mixed up just OK — not super grainy, but not super smooth.”

Bourgeois’s final word on Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder was that, while she was happy to see its organic blends contain all-natural ingredients, the fact that they are proprietary blends means we don’t know exactly how much of each is in it. “While Ora Organic is transparent about the ingredients in each blend, since it’s a proprietary blend, I still can’t be 100% sure about the amounts,” she said.

Ora Organic Pre-Workout Powder is our top pick for best organic pre-workout because its target demographic will find a natural boost for moderate-to-low-intensity workouts. It is a great option for anyone with dietary restrictions like gluten or soy, or anyone committed to eating whole food ingredients. While we don’t think you’ll see it floating around powerlifting gyms, Bourgeois rated its formula 3.75 out of 5 because, as she said, “I’m fully confident that the whole foods and natural ingredients can help improve your performance.”

Best Natural Pre-Workout With BCAAs: Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout 

Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout
Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout
Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout

Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout contains all-natural ingredients, including a BCAA combination of L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine, which can promote muscle growth and prevent muscle fatigue.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.52
  • Servings Per Container: 25
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 150mg
  • Key Ingredients: BioPerine, elevATP, quercetin, NeuroFactor, L-tyrosine, coconut water powder, whole tart cherry
  • Available Flavors: Lemonade, Orange Tangerine, Fruit Punch


  • It includes a 1-gram BCAA combination of L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine in a 2:1:1 ratio, which can promote muscle growth and prevent muscle fatigue.
  • It contains no synthetic flavors, dyes, or sweeteners.
  • There are several ingredients, such as coconut water powder and Himalayan salt, that support hydration.


  • You won’t find any ingredients that promote muscle endurance, like L-citrulline or beta-alanine.
  • Reviews are mixed regarding the taste. 

The best BCAA supplements contain L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine, three amino acids that are essential for those looking to build muscle. Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout is our pick for best natural pre-workout with BCAAs because its formula includes those three essential amino acids in the optimal clinically-indicated 2:1:1 ratio. Despite the need for more research in this area, one meta-analysis BCAA supplementation can reduce exercise induced muscle damage and improve recovery time after exercise. (28)

“Overall, BCAAs reduced the level of muscle damage biomarkers and muscle soreness following muscle-damaging exercises,” per one meta-analysis. (29) As far as recovery goes, BCAAs are indicated to lessen the muscle damage symptoms that slow recovery. Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN singled out the BCAAs in her BarBend assessment, saying, “I’d give Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout high marks for including BCAAs in its formulation.”

While you won’t find L-citrulline, beta-alanine, or other ingredients that promote muscle endurance, our tester, a competitive weightlifter, rated its formula a 4 out 5. “Since there is no beta-alanine, I didn’t have any tingles like I might feel with other pre-workouts,” they said. “I definitely felt a good energy boost, though.” The 150 milligrams of caffeine is at the low end of the average 250 milligrams — but may be plenty to feel the same boost our tester did.

Its plant-based ingredients are all vegan-friendly and non-GMO, and there are no synthetic flavors, colors, or sweeteners. Bourgeois also highlighted the ingredients that support hydration. “I was glad they included components like coconut water powder, Himalayan salt, and potassium because these will all support hydration,” she noted. “I was honestly impressed to see BioPerine. It helps your body absorb nutrients better.”

It comes in three flavors — Lemonade, Orange Tangerine, and Fruit Punch — and our tester rated the taste 4 out 5. She tried the Lemonade flavor and pointed out, “For me, it was a little sour, but it tasted just like lemonade.” She also rated the solubility a 5 out of 5 and mentioned, “I was able to get it to completely dissolve in 16 oz. of water.” The taste seemed to be an issue in the customer reviews, but Truth offers a 30-day money back or exchange guarantee, so you could swap it out after you try it.

The price tag of $1.52 per serving is around the average for a pre-workout, so if you like the ingredients and need a plant-based boost with BCAAs, we think Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout is the best natural pre-workout with BCAAs. You can also subscribe for recurring orders and get a 15% discount on your first order, then 20% off any subsequent orders.

Bourgeois was impressed with the overall formula, rating it 4 out of 5. “Many of the factors that I know make a good pre-workout are addressed in the formula by the plant-based ingredients,” she said. Like many natural pre-workouts that use plant-based or organic ingredients, it will be difficult to get a muscle pump for an intense workout. 

However, Bourgeois pointed out other benefits of its formula, saying, “In my opinion, with this dose of caffeine, mix of electrolytes and its nutrient-dense ingredients, you can get a good boost with Truth Nutrition Pre-Workout.”

Best Vegan Natural Pre-Workout: Vega Sport Energizer

Vega Sport Pre-Workout
Vega Sport Pre-Workout
Vega Sport Pre-Workout

Vega Sport Pre-Workout's all-natural ingredients and sugar-free formula can provide the boost you need for your workout with no artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.21
  • Servings Per Container: 35
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 100mg
  • Key Ingredients: Coffee berry, grean tea, Rhodiola rosea extract, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride
  • Available Flavors: Berry, Strawberry Lemonade


  • The formula contains a plant-based energy and focus blend, featuring green tea extract, rhodiola, and coffee berry.
  • It offers a moderate dose of caffeine to get you energized for your workout.
  • It provides 50% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin B12, which is key to red blood cell formation.


  • We think it’s better suited for a run, as opposed to an intense workout.
  • It contains 15 grams of added sugar, which is high, even though it’s from a natural source.
  • There are no components like L-citrulline or beta-alanine to promote muscle endurance.

With its plant-based and certified vegan formulation, Vega Sport Energizer was an easy choice for best vegan natural pre-workout. Assessing the product for BarBend, Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN pointed out, “While it’s not a typical pre-workout formula, I see lots of ingredients that support mental focus and hydration.” The 100 milligrams of caffeine from natural sources like coffee fruit and green tea will give you an energy boost for your workout. Considering the average cup of coffee contains around 95 milligrams of caffeine, this amount is unlikely to produce many jitters.

Another element of the formulation Bourgeois liked was the amount of vitamin B12. “You’ll get around 50% of your B12 daily recommended value in every serving, and I’ve always thought B12 was underrated in supplements like these,” she highlighted. “The role B12 plays in red blood cell formation is just one of its essential roles.” 

The formula also includes 69% of your daily value for vitamin C — 62 milligrams — which is sourced from an ingredient we loved seeing: acerola cherry extract. This powerful antioxidant has been shown to reduce muscle damage, oxidative stress/inflammation, and muscle soreness in athletes. (30)

Even though our tester — a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach — decided they wouldn’t use it for an intense workout in the gym, they said, “I would take this if I had a run or even for yoga. But for weights? Probably not.” Since it is lacking some of the widely-used components for muscle endurance or a pump — L-citrulline, beta-alanine, or L-arginine — we would recommend it for light day in the weight room or cardio workouts at home

The 15 grams of added sugar may be a bit much. Bourgeois commented, “I’m not totally anti-sugar, but before a workout, I would probably just grab a banana for a more cost-effective way to get some carbs in.” 

The added sugar was part of the reason our tester said the flavor had a unique profile. “I had the Berry flavor and it reminded me of cotton candy. It was as if someone mixed cotton candy powder with water,” he described. “That was not a bad thing, but it’s just a flavor I’ve never come across in a pre-workout.” The taste and solubility both earned a 4 out 5 rating, although we didn’t get a chance to try the Strawberry Lemonade flavor.

For all its premium ingredients, Vega Sport Energizer costs just $1.21 per serving, which is on the lower end of the $0.80 to $2 average for pre-workouts. If you’re in the market for a vegan-friendly boost for a run or elliptical session, this pre-workout may hit the spot. Those looking to pump iron, however, will want a pre-workout with ingredients like citrulline and beta-alanine.

Our tester and Bourgeois both rated the overall formulation a 4 out 5 because, for the athlete looking for all-natural, plant-based ingredients, this pre-workout gets the job done. “With its moderate dose of caffeine and lineup of vitamins, I’d give Vega Sport Energizer’s formulation a 4 out of 5,” she said.

Best Tasting Natural Pre-Workout: Transparent Labs BULK BLACK

Transparent Labs BULK Black
Transparent Labs BULK Black
Transparent Labs BULK Black

Transparent Labs BULK Black is one of the strongest pre-workout supplements on the market. This product comes in five delicious flavors and has high levels of must-have pre-workout ingredients, like caffeine, citrulline, and beta-alanine.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.83
  • Servings Per Container: 30
  • Caffeine Per Serving: 275mg
  • Key Ingredients: Citrulline malate, beta-alanine, betaine anhudrois, taurine, L-tyrosine, alpha-GPC, natural caffeine, L-theanine, theobromine
  • Available Flavors: Cherry Kiwi, Blue Raspberry, Peach Mango, Sour Gummy, Black Cherry, Watermelon Peach


  • BULK BLACK comes in six flavors and Peach Mango earned a 5 out of 5 from our tester.
  • It contains 8 grams of L-citrulline malate and 4 grams of beta-alanine for a serious pump and prolonged endurance.
  • It’s geared toward strength athletes looking for a high stimulant dose — 275 milligrams of caffeine.


  • The high amount of beta-alanine may cause some tingling.
  • It’s not intended for casual lifters.

Transparent Labs BULK BLACK is one of our highest-rated pre-workouts. One reason our testing team loves it? The taste. The 5 out of 5 flavor rating and five delicious options made it a no-brainer for our best-tasting natural pre-workout. “The Peach Mango made me feel like I was sipping a tropical drink on the beach — just from my shaker bottle,” our tester raved, “It was totally unlike other pre-workouts I’ve had to just gulp down.”

They’ve tested 18 pre-workouts for us and this is their highest-rated for taste. Between Cherry Kiwi, Blue Raspberry, Peach Mango, Sour Gummy, and Black Cherry, we felt most people can find a flavor they love, too. It also earned a 5 out of 5 for solubility and had our tester saying, “I got it blended right up — easy like Sunday morning.” 

The good times won’t stop after your first sip, either. Its formula is loaded with research-backed effective doses for important ingredients that promote muscle endurance and performance: 8 grams of citrulline malate, 4 grams of beta-alanine, 2.5 grams of betaine anhydrous, and 1.3 grams of taurine. (5)(8)(31

Our BarBend tester mixing up Transparent Labs BULK BLACK.

Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN called out two features of the formula when reviewing the product for BarBend“Since BULK BLACK is a fairly high stimulant pre-workout formula, I love that it is third-party tested,” she explained. An average cup of coffee contains around 95 milligrams of caffeine, so the 275-milligram dose of caffeine in Transparent Labs BULK BLACK certainly qualifies as high-stim. “I’d also give a gold star for that whopping dose of 8 grams of L-citrulline malate,” she raved. “That’s at the high end of the range proven to promote improved strength, muscle endurance, and aerobic performance.”

Another thoughtful inclusion she noted was the taurine to offset the big dose of beta-alanine. “When I saw the 4 grams of beta-alanine, I immediately looked for the taurine content,” she said. “I was glad to see that Transparent Labs included 1.3 grams of taurine per serving to help stave off taurine deficiency from the high dose of beta-alanine.” Doses of beta-alanine this high can result in some skin tingling, but our tester noted, “For me, the face tingles were very minimal. What was noticeable were the strength gains.”

With the combination of citrulline malate, beta-alanine, and betaine anhydrous, you may have some big pumps coming your way. That was the case for our tester. “On my first day using Transparent Labs BULK BLACK, I hit personal records on two lifts. I felt so ‘locked-in,’” he said.

At $1.83 per serving, Transparent Labs BULK BLACK is on the higher end of the average for pre-workouts — around $0.80 to $2.00 — but our tester was adamant that it is worth it. “I know the elephant in the room is the price, but this is 100% worth it,” he said. “I honestly felt so focused. All I could think about was crushing my next set.”

Bourgeois emphasized that this pre-workout is not for those just starting a beginner workout plan“I think this would be geared towards avid lifters and athletes who are used to the effects of these ingredients,” she said. She was encouraged by the fact that Transparent Labs is exactly that — transparent — about its ingredients, as well as being third-party tested. 

However, she did bring her overall rating — 4.25 out of 5 — down because we don’t know for sure how much of each ingredient is in its proprietary blends. “At least for me, I like to know exactly what I’m putting in my body.”

Read our full Transparent Labs BULK Black Review

How We Chose the Best Natural Pre-Workouts

Whether you are powerlifting, going for a run, or rolling out your yoga mat, there’s plenty to consider when choosing a pre-workout. We rated each of them on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) and calculated an overall score. As we tested over 65 pre-workouts, we considered the ingredients, value, dose, and taste when putting together our picks for the best natural options.


What makes any pre-workout effective is the ingredients. There are well-researched, go-to ingredients that many pre-workouts contain, so knowing what to expect from each one is vital to making the right choice for you. Our testers evaluated each natural pre-workout looking for five key ingredients: caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, citrulline, citrulline malate. 

Our tester scooping a serving of Legion Athletics Pulse into her shaker bottle.

Another important component is the inclusion of electrolytes — like calcium, sodium, and potassium — that support hydration to keep your muscles contracting. We also sought to include natural pre-workouts with unique ingredients like nootropics and BCAAs. There is a wide variety of products on the market, and we aimed to provide you with a diverse range of options.


When you’re deciding whether a natural pre-workout is worth your hard-earned cash, pay attention to the price per serving, not just the price of a tub. The servings per container can vary and can be confusing when comparing options. The value of your pre-workout depends on your goals, but in terms of price, products that use all-natural ingredients or whole foods tend to be more expensive. 

The impact on your workout is another element of the value. The price per serving is not indicative of the quality of the product. It was important to us to include a wide range of price options to accommodate different types of consumers. We intentionally provided budget options that still checked a lot of boxes, as well as pricier options. Each pick was rated on the same criteria using the same methodology, so no matter the price, each natural pre-workout earned its place on our list.


Since you will be using your natural pre-workout often, it’s important that you actually enjoy — or can at least tolerate — the taste. All of our picks were personally tested, and while personal tastes can vary, our testers rated the flavor of each one. Since these all use natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit extract, it’s also important to consider how those differ from artificial sweeteners you may be used to in other foods and drinks you consume.


The stimulant used in all of these picks — except for the non-stim option — is caffeine. If you have been living on Earth for a while, chances are you have consumed some caffeine. It’s the most accessible stimulant on the planet, but some athletes can tolerate more than others. To feel the same energy and awareness boost, some people may need wildly different doses. 

For comparison, consider how a typical cup of coffee or energy drink makes you feel and check the amount of caffeine on the label. Heavy doses of caffeine can give some people jitters or increase post-training anxiety. We made sure to include options that contain the highest recommended amount — or even beyond it — as well as a completely stimulant-free option for those who avoid caffeine altogether.

Key Ingredients in the Best Natural Pre-Workouts

What makes any pre-workout effective is the ingredients. There are well-researched, go-to ingredients that many pre-workouts contain, like caffeine, citrulline, beta-alanine, and betaine anhydrous. Also, in a natural pre-workout, you should not see artificial sweeteners, flavors, or dyes. Knowing what to expect from each ingredient is vital to making the right choice for you.


One of the most common stimulants in pre-workouts — and on Earth, actually — is caffeine. A typical cup of coffee has about 95 milligrams of caffeine. The average range for caffeine content in available pre-workouts is around 250 milligrams. Caffeine is very much a drug, so it’s important to know how your body reacts to it and your tolerance for it.


Citrulline and citrulline malate — citrulline combined with malic acid — are amino acids that are nitric oxide precursors. Nitric oxide promotes the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, which leads to increased blood flow during workouts. (4What does that mean? Increased blood flow can increase muscular endurance to help you get those last few reps in or hit one more set. 

BarBend tester Nick dumping a scoop of Transparent Labs BULK in his shaker bottle.

While assessing pre-workouts for BarBend, Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN pointed out, “Most of the research I’ve seen points to training benefits in doses of at least 3 grams.” Depending on your needs, look for amounts around the average of 4 to 6 grams per serving for citrulline and 6 to 8 grams for citrulline malate. (3)


Another common ingredient you’ll see in pre-workout supplements is beta-alanine, which is also linked to improved muscular endurance. (8) Because of that, using it in a pre-workout helps promote hypertrophy. This amino acid can also cause a common tingling sensation known as paresthesia. You’ll see doses in our picks up to 4 grams per serving, as well as some with no beta-alanine at all. 

Betaine Anhydrous

With its link to improved power output, blood flow and muscular endurance, betaine anhydrous — containing no water — is common on our list of the best natural pre-workouts because it is found in beets and leafy greens. (9) It has also been linked to a possible decrease in post-exercise cortisol, the body’s main stress hormone. An effective dose is around 2.5 grams per day. (9)

Natural Sweeteners

With so many artificial sweeteners in common foods and beverages, it’s important to know how to spot them on a label. When searching for a natural pre-workout supplement, look for natural sweeteners like stevia, erythritol, organic cane sugar, monk fruit, and other fruit-derived sweeteners.

Benefits of Natural Pre-Workouts

Pre-workouts can give you a boost for grueling powerlifting sets, or simply increase your focus for a long run. Whatever the reason you are considering a pre-workout, it’s important to know as much as possible about the ingredients. The best natural pre-workouts will avoid using artificial sweeteners, flavors, or dyes, while still helping you hit your goals for individual workouts. 

Increased Muscle Endurance and Focus

Depending on the formula, natural pre-workouts can provide the same benefits as other pre-workouts — increased endurance, focus, performance, and energy levels. The best natural pre-workouts often contain the same crucial ingredients for muscle endurance — citrulline, beta-alanine, arginine, or creatine. Beta-alanine may also help reduce lactate concentrations, which may also improve performance. (32)

No Artificial Sweeteners

Like many accessible foods and beverages, pre-workouts can contain added sugars and artificial sweeteners. When you see some of these common sweeteners — like sucralose, aspartame, or acesulfame-K — you know that sweet taste was cooked up in a lab somewhere. Natural sweeteners — monk fruit, stevia, or erythritol — are derived from natural sources like stevia or fruit. 

Our tester getting a scoop of Naked Nutrition pre-workout.

The lack of artificial sweeteners caters to consumers who try to embrace clean diets, as well as avoid empty or unnecessary calories. Also, natural pre-workouts generally do not contain the gums or thickening agents typically used to improve the texture or solubility of the powder. 

Increased Energy

Caffeine has been linked to increased power, perceived exertion, and endurance for athletes.(33) The amount of caffeine in natural pre-workouts can vary wildly. An average cup of coffee will contain around 95 milligrams, but a serving of a highly caffeinated pre-workout can contain up to 350 milligrams.

What To Consider Before Buying a Natural Pre-Workout 

With so many ingredients and doses, trying to make the connection between pre-workout and intended effect can be confusing. That’s where we come in. Here are some considerations for choosing which natural pre-workout can help you reach your goals.

Dietary Needs

Natural pre-workouts are free from artificial ingredients, so they can be ideal for those who adopt plant-based or vegan diets. However, some of these ingredients can have acute effects that you need to consider. For instance, If you have tried a pre-workout with beta-alanine and you didn’t like the tingling sensation it caused, look for a formula with a lower dose or that excludes it completely.

One of the benefits of natural pre-workouts is that they’re more likely to be free of common allergens, but those with soy, gluten, or lactose sensitivities will still want to scan the label before purchasing. The same goes for those with caffeine sensitivities. Even natural options tend to contain around 150 milligrams to 300 milligrams of caffeine, so those prone to jitters may want to seek out non-stim or low-dose options. 

Fitness Goals

Keep in mind that the natural pre-workout you choose should have one purpose: supporting your personal fitness goals. Depending on what your goals are, you may need a pre-workout with specific ingredients to get you there. 

BarBend tester Nick trying out Genius Pre.

For example, if your primary concern is how to build muscle, it might be best to search for ingredients like citrulline that promote muscle endurance to allow you to get in a few more reps. If you are just looking for a quick energy boost for your daily run, focus on the caffeine content.


When you’re considering which natural pre-workout to invest your money in, it’s important to first establish your own budget. Many products on the market are similar, so remember to compare the price per serving to the amount of servings in each container. One serving is typically the amount you’ll use for one workout, so if you are completing four workouts per week, calculate how much four servings would cost to start to plan which pre-workout is best suited to your budget. 

Final Word

If you are looking for a good muscle pump, increased focus, or a jolt of energy for that early morning or post-work training session, natural pre-workouts can check all of those boxes without artificial ingredients. For increased blood flow that promotes muscle endurance, look for citrulline, citrulline malate, beta-alanine, or arginine. For an energy boost and mental clarity, check for the amount of caffeine or the inclusion of nootropics like ashwagandha and rhodiola rosea.

After testing over 65 pre-workouts and studying the formulas of each one, we have compiled our top picks for any athlete needing a pre-workout boost. In addition to the ingredients, we evaluated the cost, taste, side effects, and more so you can make an informed decision. Whether you are trying to PR, are sensitive to stimulants like caffeine, or only want Cherry Kiwi flavors in your life, our team of fitness experts singled out the best natural pre-workouts to help you meet your fitness goals.


What is the best natural pre-workout?

Our pick for the best overall natural pre-workout is Legion Athletics Pulse because it remains all natural while providing the perfect doses of everything you’d want in a well-rounded natural pre-workout: citrulline, beta-alanine, betaine anhydrous for a pump; sodium, potassium, calcium to support hydration; and 350 milligrams of caffeine to help get you in the zone. Our registered dietician and testers agreed that it was the most balanced formula of the natural pre-workouts we tested.

What makes a pre-workout “natural”?

A natural pre-workout will include a lot of the same ingredients that regular pre-workouts do. You’ll see caffeine, citrulline, beta-alanine, and maybe even creatine or arginine. The difference is the extra stuff. In a natural pre-workout, you won’t see any dyes, artificial flavors, or artificial sweeteners — like sucralose or aspartame — on the label.

Which pre-workout has the most natural ingredients?

The most natural ingredient formula in our list belongs to Ora Organic. It uses only whole foods, contains USDA certified organic ingredients, and nothing artificial. The downside is that it doesn’t contain typical pre-workout ingredients you might see for muscle endurance, but its nitric oxide blend can still promote the blood flow necessary to pound out an extra rep or two. Add in the 95 milligrams of caffeine and this all-natural pre-workout can still provide the boost you need.


  1. Jagim AR, Harty PS, Camic CL. Common Ingredient Profiles of Multi-Ingredient Pre-Workout Supplements. Nutrients. 2019;11(2):254. Published 2019 Jan 24. doi:10.3390/nu11020254
  2. Dassanayake, T. L., Kahathuduwa, C. N., & Weerasinghe, V. S. (2022). L-theanine improves neurophysiological measures of attention in a dose-dependent manner: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Nutritional neuroscience25(4), 698–708.
  3. Gonzalez AM, Trexler ET. Effects of Citrulline Supplementation on Exercise Performance in Humans: A Review of the Current Literature. J Strength Cond Res. 2020;34(5):1480-1495. doi:10.1519/JSC.0000000000003426
  4. Gonzalez, A. M., Townsend, J. R., Pinzone, A. G., & Hoffman, J. R. (2023). Supplementation with nitric oxide precursors for Strength Performance: A Review of the current literature. Nutrients15(3), 660.
  5. Gough LA, Sparks SA, McNaughton LR, et al. A critical review of citrulline malate supplementation and exercise performance. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2021;121(12):3283-3295. doi:10.1007/s00421-021-04774-6
  6. Lever, M., & Slow, S. (2010). The clinical significance of betaine, an osmolyte with a key role in methyl group metabolism. Clinical Biochemistry43(9), 732–744. 
  7. Maté-Muñoz, J. L., Lougedo, J. H., Garnacho-Castaño, M. V., Veiga-Herreros, P., Lozano-Estevan, M. del, García-Fernández, P., de Jesús, F., Guodemar-Pérez, J., San Juan, A. F., & Domínguez, R. (2018). Effects of β-alanine supplementation during a 5-week strength training program: A randomized, controlled study. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition15(1).
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The 9 Best Clean Protein Powders, RD-Approved and Expert-Tested Fri, 17 Nov 2023 20:37:00 +0000 The best protein powders can be great for boosting lean muscle mass, maximizing hypertrophy in training, and assisting in fat burn. (1) Sadly, though, the supplement industry can be full of snake oil, meaning your protein shake could be riddled with unwanted ingredients and synthetic additives if you’re not carefully reading through ingredients. The best clean protein powders...

The post The 9 Best Clean Protein Powders, RD-Approved and Expert-Tested appeared first on BarBend.

The best protein powders can be great for boosting lean muscle mass, maximizing hypertrophy in training, and assisting in fat burn. (1) Sadly, though, the supplement industry can be full of snake oil, meaning your protein shake could be riddled with unwanted ingredients and synthetic additives if you’re not carefully reading through ingredients. The best clean protein powders can help alleviate those headaches for athletes with simple, yet effective makeups designed to keep your training running optimally without any smoke and mirrors.

Now, “clean,” may mean one thing to you, but we define a clean protein powder as one with a simple ingredients list that contains little to no artificial additives. Additionally, you want a protein powder that still contains a well-rounded amino acid profile, a key influence on how well your body synthesizes protein. (2) To help you stock up on worthwhile tubs and powders, we got hands-on with dozens of cleanly-designed options from top brands and consulted with our in-house experts to land on our favorite clean protein powders on the market today.

The 9 Best Clean Protein Powders of 2024

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. Individual needs for vitamins and minerals will vary.

About Our Expert

This article has been reviewed by Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., a registered dietitian with 10 years of experience in the clinical setting. She looked into the research we cite and the efficacy/quality of the clean protein powders we list to help ensure we’re providing advice that’s safe. However, everyone’s body is different, so before you try any new products, it’s best to consult your doctor.

How We Tested and Chose the Best Clean Protein Powders

The BarBend team is made up of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, and lifelong fitness enthusiasts. To determine the best clean protein powders available today, we’ve tested nearly 100 different profiles from the industry’s best brands, using a multi-point methodology to rate each profile on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Below are some of the categories and components that played into our rankings.


A high-quality clean protein should not have a laundry list of ingredients plastered across its packaging. After all, you’re looking for a protein powder to supplement your daily protein intake, not a brain-scrambling list of hard-to-pronounce additives that may or may not be helpful for your overall fitness goals. We’ve kept this list to clean protein powders that featured rather short ingredients lists of roughly three to seven components.

[Related: How Much Protein Do You Actually Need Per Day?]

Speaking of the actual ingredients, we looked for proteins that relied more on natural components rather than artificial additives. Naturally, some protein powders do contain artificial sweeteners, but we felt they stood out in other categories and still opted to include them in this round-up. Regardless, if a shake has artificial components, we made sure to include such information below.

Protein Source

When looking for clean, complete protein powders, you (understandably) want to look at the protein source. Dairy-based proteins like whey and casein are popular options for athletes wanting a high protein yield with a richer amino acid profile. However, you want to pay attention (if possible) to how the dairy source was cultivated — to be specific, how the cows used in production were treated and what they were consuming to generate the vital protein source.

We favored dairy-based protein powder derived from grass-fed cows, as studies indicate grass-fed dairy can be higher in antioxidants and healthy fats. (3)(4) Certified grass-fed cows are also free of added hormones and antibiotics, and graze in pesticide-free fields, so there’s less of an influence on the end product.

BarBend tester reading Ka'Chava ingredient label.
BarBend tester reading Ka’Chava ingredient label.

Of course, we understand that not every athlete favors dairy-based protein. When looking for clean plant-based and vegan-friendly powders, we chose formulations composed of multiple high-protein plant sources, including peas, quinoa, and others. This multifaceted protein source can also help these profiles build a more complete amino acid profile, rather than relying on a singular plant-based material for all your nutritional needs.

[Related: The Best Vegan Protein Powders]

Protein Per Serving

The amount of protein you get in each serving is just as important as where the protein comes from. Your recommended daily protein intake is 0.36 grams per pound. (5) While most of this macronutrient should be coming from whole foods, having some worthwhile protein content in your shakes can help make that number far more achievable (and tasty).

We looked for clean proteins capable of delivering at least 20 grams of protein per serving. Additionally, your protein content can differ depending on your chosen flavor. For example, peanut butter-flavored proteins can tend to have a higher protein per serving than others. So, we always recommend giving the ingredients list a final once-over before adding your flavor of choice to your online cart.

Calories Per Serving

Thanks to a lower number of ingredients (and unwanted fillers), clean protein powders have a tendency to be lower in calories than other options on the market. This can be great for, say, athletes looking to maintain a calorie deficit as part of their weight loss journey, but may be detrimental for those wanting to bulk up and actually put on mass and muscle.

In our trials, we looked for clean proteins that offered a mix of calorie counts to better appeal to a slew of dietary needs. We’ve included proteins as low as 85 calories per serving and as high as 240. On average, though, most of our included picks featured calorie counts between 110 and 150 — a nice middle ground that can help you stay fueled without completely throwing off your daily counts.

Third-Party Testing 

While you may think that “clean” protein powders are free of all banned substances, that isn’t always the case, sadly. This can be especially detrimental to competitive athletes that need to abide by strict governing agencies in terms of what they can and can’t consume. This is why we prioritized proteins that have been third-party tested to guarantee the label is accurate.

BarBend also worked with a third-party accredited lab to test our favorite protein powders for heavy metals and other impurities. As you read through each review, you can take a look at our lab results to gauge the purest protein powders.


Some of the best-tasting protein powders rely on artificial ingredients so that they can replicate the flavors we crave. Unfortunately, this means that some powders lacking a synthetic cocktail for taste can taste bland.

We examined clean protein powders getting their mouth appeal from natural flavor and sweetener sources like stevia and monk fruit extract, noting which profiles produced positive, enjoyable sips during trials. We also made sure to include which flavors were our favorite — taste is subjective, but it helps to know when a particular offering is liked by others.

Our tester drinking a shake of Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate
Our tester drinking a shake of Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate

In addition to flavor alone, we also noted how well these clean protein powders mixed. If a powder blended smoothly in a shaker bottle full of water, we made note of it in our findings. If heavier artillery (say, a countertop blender) was necessary for a worthwhile beverage, we included that recommendation, too.

Best Clean Protein Powder Overall: Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate 

Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate
Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate
Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate

With 8 different flavors and 28 grams of whey protein from hormone-free, grass-fed cows, Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate is an excellent way to hit your protein macros.


  • Price Per Serving: $2
  • Protein Source: 100% grass-fed whey protein isolate
  • Protein Per Serving: 28g
  • Calories Per Serving: 120-150
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes (Informed Choice, Informed Protein)
  • Available Flavors: Milk Chocolate, Vanilla Oatmeal Cookie, French Vanilla, Peanut Butter, Dark Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Unflavored, Strawberry Milkshake, Vanilla Peanut Butter, Mocha, Cinnamon French Toast, Blueberry Pancakes, Sugar Cookie  


  • This Whey Protein Isolate is free of any artificial sweeteners or colorings and is certified by both Informed Sport and Informed Protein.
  • Each serving has a hearty 28 grams of protein per dose — a higher count than the average 20 to 25 grams we’ve seen in other protein powders.
  • According to our tester, the flavors are easily consumed with no bad aftertastes, and the powder mixes easily in a shaker bottle.


  • This protein powder uses stevia as its main sweetening agent, which can lead to some GI distress.
  • Transparent Labs only offers Whey Protein Isolate in one size, limiting your ability to buy in bulk.
  • Athletes looking for a calorie-rich formulation may want to seek out a protein powder with more than 150 calories per serving.

If you’re looking for a top-tier clean protein that’s transparent in its makeup and testing, it’s tough (unironically) to beat Whey Protein Isolate from Transparent Labs. According to BarBend expert reviewer Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., “I love that Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate is free from artificial sweeteners, food dyes, and preservatives. You get 28 grams of high-quality protein without any unnecessary fluff. Plus, it’s tested by a third-party lab, and the certificates of analysis are available right on the website.”

Our tester, a certified personal trainer, rated the formulation a 5 out of 5 due to the protein-heavy composition in each serving. Regardless of flavor choice, you can expect 28 grams of whey protein isolate in each dose, along with 0 to 2 grams of fat, 0 to 3 grams of carbohydrates, and, in total, between 120 and 150 calories.

Transparent Labs Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate
Transparent Labs Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate

The calorie count, in our experience, can be enough to keep you satiated in-between meals yet won’t replace a full sit-down plate full of whole foods. This may be a detriment to those looking to bulk up in size. For these needs, a mass gainer protein may be a better solution.

[Related: The 10 Best Mass Gainers, Tested by Experts and RD Approved]

Whey Protein Isolate has a clean makeup free of any artificial sweeteners and colorings, as well as a non-GMO and gluten-free formulation, but it’s also plenty tasty. While our tester was lucky enough to trial Peppermint Hot Chocolate — a limited holiday release — we’ve also enjoyed offerings across the wide flavor range, including Milk Chocolate, Oatmeal Cookie, Vanilla Peanut Butter, and many others. For these reasons, we scored the taste at 5 out of 5.

Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate Protein Scorecard
BarBend worked with an accredited lab to gather testing data on heavy metal content in Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate.

Finally, while the price per serving is on par with other clean protein powders at $2, we did have to rank this Whey Protein Isolate at 3.5 out of 5 for the purchase options category. You can only pick up this Transparent Labs offering in 30-serving tubs, whereas other brands typically offer varying container sizes to potentially help you dwindle down that per serving cost. 

The brand does offer a subscription service, though, that can save you $6 and also includes free shipping, so it’s not like savings are completely out of the picture. 

Read our full Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate Review.

Best-Tasting Clean Protein Powder: XWERKS Grow

Xwerks Grow Protein Powder
Xwerks Grow Protein Powder
Xwerks Grow Protein Powder

This formula is 100 percent New Zealand Grass-Fed Whey Protein Isolate with 25 grams of protein per serving. It includes no hormones, antibiotics or pesticides and comes in four delicious flavors --- Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Peanut Butter. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.97
  • Protein Source: 100% grass-fed whey protein isolate
  • Protein Per Serving: 25.8-27.8g
  • Calories Per Serving: 110
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Peanut Butter, Strawberry


  • XWERKS Grow tastes great and mixes well with no clumps or “floaties,” according to our tester.
  • The brand sources its protein from New Zealand grass-fed cows, meaning the animals are regulated to be free of hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics. (6)
  • Our tester also appreciated the inclusion of 6 grams of BCAAs, which have been shown to help with post-workout recovery and lean muscle mass. (7)(8)


  • As appealing as the flavors are, athletes looking for a more robust taste roster may want more than four options. 
  • While XWERKS does include BCAAs in this formulation, the amino acid profile is not listed on the packaging itself.
  • Those looking for a meal replacement option may find the 110 calories per serving underwhelming.

Taking down a clean protein powder doesn’t need to be a battle in itself. There are plenty of good-tasting shakes on the market, but for our money, XWERKS Grow reigns supreme. “The Chocolate profile is very reminiscent of Yoo-Hoo. It’s a great balance of sweet and richness,” said our tester, a certified personal trainer, while rating its taste a 5 out of 5 taste. Additionally, this clean protein powder mixes easily in any liquid of choice, although we recommend adding the powder to milk if you really want that creamy, appealing mouthfeel.

In terms of formulation, we rated Grow at 5 out of 5. Each serving delivers 110 calories and between 25.8 and 27.8 grams of protein, depending on the flavor. Additionally, XWERKS includes 6 grams of BCAAs, which can be beneficial for athletes looking to boost their muscle mass and improve post-workout recovery. (7)(8

XWERKS Grow protein powder
XWERKS Grow protein powder

However, we do wish XWERKS would include the breakdown of each amino acid on its packaging — that information is only available online.

[Related: The 11 Best Protein Powders for Men, Tested and Reviewed]

The protein content is also appealing for those wanting a great-tasting clean protein powder thanks to its source material — New Zealand-raised cows. These bovines are farmed under strict regulations, meaning they’re raised without any exposure to hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics. (6

It should be noted, though, that while XWERKS Grow is our favorite for best taste, you’re locked into only a few varieties. The four offered flavors — Chocolate, Vanilla, Peanut Butter, Strawberry — pale in comparison to some of the other flavor rosters we’ve experienced in testing, which can sometimes even reach into the teens.

Finally, we scored XWERKS Grow at 2.5 out of 5 for third-party testing. While the brand does indicate that the formulation is monitored and tested by an independent source for its potency and formulation, there are no marks across the packaging confirming those results. 

This means that athletes specifically looking for clean proteins that are free of banned substances and heavy metals may be in for a longer homework assignment.

Read our full XWERKS Grow Review

Best Clean Vegan Protein Powder: KOS Organic Plant Protein

KOS Organic Plant Protein
KOS Organic Plant Protein
KOS Organic Plant Protein

This protein powder packs 20 grams of plant-based protein plus various superfoods, vitamins, and minerals. It also contains enzymes to aid digestion and promote gut health.


  • Price Per Serving: Starting at $1.72
  • Protein Source: Plant protein blend derived from pea, flax seed, quinoa, pumpkin seed, and chia seed
  • Protein Per Serving: 20g
  • Calories Per Serving: 140-165
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Unflavored, Vanilla, Blueberry Muffin, Salted Caramel


  • This clean protein powder uses a plant-based protein blend for its 20-gram dosage while also helping create a full profile of essential amino acids.
  • KOS Organic Plant Protein is dairy-free, sugar-free, alcohol-free, and soy-free — a major plus for athletes that regularly experience GI distress with protein powders.
  • The included digestive enzyme blend can help you absorb more nutrients. 


  • Our tester did note that this protein has a slightly chalky aftertaste.
  • Athletes with tree nut allergies should avoid this vegan protein option.
  • Each serving requires two scoops of protein, which can lead to a rather thick end product that may be difficult to mix without a blender.

Vegan athletes can have it tough when searching for a high-quality clean protein powder. While there are a number of plant-based options on the market, they often need additives to create a worthwhile profile filled with proper amino acids. KOS Organic Plant Protein, however, can be a great option thanks to a 5-part protein blend that uses peas, flax seed, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds to deliver an impressive 20 grams of protein and a full roster of essential amino acids.

In addition to this complete formulation — which we rated at 4 out of 5 — we also like how KOS keeps digestion and nutrient absorption in mind with an included digestive enzyme. 

However, Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., our expert reviewer, does wish there was a little more transparency with the component as a whole. “I just wish the digestive enzyme blend wasn’t proprietary. I prefer to know exactly what and how much of it that I’m consuming.”

[Related: Vegan Diet for Athletes: Can You Build Muscle with Plant-Based Nutrition?]

As far as taste, our tester, a certified personal trainer, enjoyed the options and felt that KOS Organic Plant Protein would be the one vegan option she’d return to if necessary. The sweetness and richness is there, but they did note a slight chalky aftertaste, which isn’t uncommon with plant-based proteins. For these reasons, we rated the taste at 3 out of 5.

Tester scooping KOS Vegan Protein Powder into a glass of water
Tester scooping KOS Vegan Protein Powder

You also get a thicker drink with this clean vegan protein option given that each serving calls for two scoops of powder. While some may appreciate this milkshake-like mouthfeel, it does mean that vigorous mixing is required. We rated the solubility at 3 out of 5, and highly recommend utilizing a countertop blender in order to make your daily shakes.

Finally, this KOS offering is available in 15-, 20-, and 28-serving containers, which can be ideal for those looking to buy in bulk. Additionally, the Amazon availability also lends itself to fast, free shipping, provided you have a Prime account. In total, KOS Organic Plant Protein isn’t just a solid vegan option — it’s an excellent powder for anyone in search of a clean shake.

Read our full KOS Organic Plant Protein Review.

Best Clean Plant-Based Protein Powder: Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake

Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake 18+
Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake 18+
Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake 18+

This clean, transparent protein powder relies on organic, non-GMO yellow peas for its 20-gram protein dosage. Additionally, the subscription-based model helps ensure you’re always stocked up to help you meet your nutritional goals day in and day out.


  • Price Per Serving: $2.13
  • Protein Source: Organic pea protein
  • Protein Per Serving: 20g
  • Calories Per Serving: 115
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes (Informed Sport)
  • Available Flavors: Vanilla


  • This plant-based protein powder utilizes pea protein isolate as its main ingredient, forgoing any animal-based components.
  • This powder mixes easily in a shaker bottle with no clumping or gritty texture, according to our tester.
  • Ritual Essential protein is third-party tested by Informed Sport.


  • This formula doesn’t have quite as much total protein as other options on this list.
  • Ritual Essential protein isn’t the most budget-friendly pick.
  • It only comes in one flavor option.

For those following a vegan or vegetarian diet (or just looking for more plant-based supplements), Ritual Essential Daily Shake is a suitable choice. This product is made of pea protein with absolutely zero animal-based ingredients.

“Ritual Essential Protein scores a 4.5 out of 5 for its formulation with deductions for the sodium content,” according to Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, RDN. We love the clean ingredients in this formula but do want to point out that one serving contains 13 percent of your daily sodium value. 

Our testers did like the flavor, too. “When I mixed this alone with water, it still had a good taste and wasn’t too chalky, though you do get a little aftertaste,” our tester said, giving the taste a 4 out of 5. “When mixed in a smoothie, it’s noticeable but not overpowering.” We do wish there were more flavor options, though, as this one only comes in Vanilla, which may not be best for all athletes. 

BarBend tester using Ritual Essential protein powder.

After mixing this powder with water, we had to give the consistency a 5 out of 5. It wasn’t watery, like you might see with some protein powders. In fact, our team loved the consistency, as it had a smooth, non-grainy texture.

Ritual Essential’s protein is third-party tested, which is a big plus. However, we did have to give this product a 1 out of 5 for value. One 15-serving bag costs $32, which is about $2.13. This is more expensive than most other proteins on this list, so if you’re shopping on a budget, this may not be the best pick.

[Related: The 8 Best Organic Protein Powders]

Best Clean Whey Protein Powder: Legion Whey+

Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder
Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder
Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder

An all natural, non-GMO, fat-free whey that's cheaper than many competitors, Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder is made from 100 percent grass-fed whey protein isolate from sustainable dairy farms in Ireland. It's also higher in calcium compared to other powders on the market.


  • Price Per Serving: Starting at $1.46
  • Protein Source: 100% grass-fed whey protein isolate
  • Protein Grams Per Serving: 21-23g
  • Calories Per Serving: 100-130
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes (NSF-Certified)
  • Available Flavors: Chocolate, Apple Pie, Banana Bread, Birthday Cake, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cinnamon Cereal, Cocoa Cereal, Cookies and Cream, Fruity Cereal, Honey Cereal, Mocha Cappuccino, Pumpkin Pie, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Banana, Unflavored, Vanilla


  • Legion Whey+ is sourced from Truly Grass Fed-certified cows, meaning the animals are raised with no artificial hormones and primarily graze outdoors in pesticide-free pastures.
  • The 16 available flavors can help you keep supplementation fresh and enjoyable without the chance of flavor fatigue.
  • The brand offers Whey+ in 30-, 78-, and 82-serving containers, which can be great for athletes looking to buy in bulk.


  • Our tester notes that vigorous blending is a must in order to eliminate clumps.
  • The amount of protein per serving can vary depending on your flavor of choice.
  • The formulation does not include added digestive enzymes to help with digestion.

When looking for protein powder, one of the most common varieties will be whey protein. When looking for a clean option within this subcategory, however, your options can begin to dwindle. Whey+ from Legion stands apart from the rest thanks to its source material — protein farmed from ethically-raised Irish grass-fed cattle. These bovines are raised with no hormones, and graze predominantly outdoors in pesticide-free pastures, meaning there’s less of a chance for unnatural intruders to make their way to your post-workout snack.

Additionally, we rated the formulation at 4.75 out of 5, per Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., our expert reviewer. “It’s not the most protein-dense protein powder, but its macro ratios and ingredient sources are impressive,” she adds. 

We did have to drop the scoring slightly, though, given the fact that Whey+ does not include any added digestive enzymes, which can lead to potential GI distress in some athletes.

[Related: Is Grass-Fed Whey Protein Right for You? Here’s How To Know]

In terms of flavor and taste, there are few powders as robust as Whey+. With 16 flavors to choose from, you’d be hard pressed to not find an offering that suits your taste buds. Our tester, a certified personal trainer, compared the Chocolate variety to a classic glass of Ovaltine. As such, they rated Whey+ at 4.5 out of 5 for taste.

A person holds a scoop of Legion Whey+ protein powder
A scoop of Legion Whey+ protein powder.

Be mindful, though, that you will need to give your ingredients list a final read-through after choosing your flavor. We’ve noticed that protein counts can vary across the board between 21 and 23 grams per serving. Additionally, the calories can range from 100 to 130 per dose — not a major swing between tastes, but enough to call out in this guide.

We also recommend this clean whey protein powder due to its container size options. Legion Whey+ is available in 30-, 78-, and 82-serving containers, which can give you some room to purchase your supplements in bulk and subsequently cut down the already approachable $1.46 price per serving.

Legion Whey+ Protein Scorecard
BarBend worked with an accredited lab to gather testing data on the overall purity of Legion Whey+ protein powder.

Lastly, while we understand that you may be anxious to get a taste of this flavor-rich protein powder, we recommend giving the shake a few extra shakes before consumption. Our tester stated that clumps and residue can begin to appear without some vigorous shaking, so be sure your powder is fully immersed before diving into this clean whey protein.

Read our full Legion Whey+ Protein Review.

Best Clean Grass-Fed Protein Powder: Momentous Grass-Fed Whey Protein

Momentous Grass-Fed Whey
Momentous Grass-Fed Whey
Momentous Grass-Fed Whey

One serving of this supplement packs 20 grams of grass-fed protein with few added ingredients. You can buy a bag for $64.95, which is about $2.70 per serving.


  • Price Per Serving: $2.70
  • Protein Source: Grass-fed whey protein isolate
  • Protein Per Serving: 22.27-23.4g
  • Calories Per Serving: 90-100
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes (NSF-Certified, Informed Sport)
  • Available Flavors: Unflavored, Vanilla, Chocolate


  • Momentous sources grass-fed whey protein from hormone- and steroid-free cows.
  • The 100 calories per serving can be ideal for athletes looking to bolster their weight loss journey.
  • It includes ProHydrolase, a digestive enzyme that can help speed up nutrient absorption.


  • The $2.70 per serving is higher than the average price of other clean protein powders, which typically cost closer to $2 per dose.
  • It only offers three flavors: Unflavored, Chocolate, and Vanilla.
  • While ProHydrolase can be effective for nutrient absorption, it is still a proprietary blend, which could be a turnoff for athletes wanting complete transparency.

Momentous sources its whey from dairy farmers in the European Union who utilize grass-fed cows untouched by hormones, steroids, and rBST. That commitment to quality has been recognized with certifications from Informed Sport and the National Sanitation Foundation, two of the leading sources in validating a supplement’s safety and efficacy. 

In layman’s terms, this means that you can rest easy after your daily protein shake knowing the cows were given as much care as you’re giving to your overall health and wellness with this whey protein isolate powder.

Momentous Whey Isolate Protein Scorecard
BarBend worked with an independent accredited lab to examine the purity and label accuracy of Momentous Whey Isolate protein.

Additionally, we rated the formulation at 5 out of 5 thanks to its protein-heavy makeup and lean calorie count. Each dose of Grass-Fed Whey Protein delivers between 22.27 and 23.4 grams of protein, along with 90 to 100 calories, depending on your flavor of choice. This can be especially beneficial for athletes on a weight loss journey, as the max of 110 calories can be easily planned around their whole-food meals throughout the day.

[Related: The 10 Best Protein Powders for Weight Loss]

This Momentous offering is available in three flavors — Unflavored, Chocolate, and Vanilla. While we would like to see this roster increased, we do think that Momentous does them well enough for a 4 out of 5 rating. “The Chocolate option is very rich and mimics what you’d expect from a wintertime cup of hot cocoa,” says Kate Meier, BarBend editorial member and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer.

Another standout feature of this Momentous protein powder is the inclusion of ProHydrolase — a digestive enzyme designed to help with potential GI issues while also speeding up nutrient absorption. (10

However, Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., our expert reviewer, states that ProHydrolase is still a proprietary blend, meaning the included components of its specific formulation don’t need to be listed on the ingredients list. While a minor callout for us, it could be a deciding factor for athletes wanting the utmost transparency with their protein.

Lastly, Momentous Grass-Fed Whey Protein is on the more expensive side of clean protein powders, coming in at $2.70 per serving. This is a little higher than the $2 average we’ve found with other brands, so we do recommend expecting a heavier hit to your wallet.

[Related: Grass-Fed Beef Vs. Grain-Fed Beef: Is One Healthier?]

Best Clean Casein Protein Powder: Naked Micellar Casein

Naked Micellar Casein
Naked Micellar Casein
Naked Micellar Casein

This slow-digesting protein powder contains, at max, three ingredients, making it one of the cleanest shakes you can add to your regimen. Naked Micellar Casein provides between 26 and 27 grams of protein per serving, allowing your muscles to fuel up, grow, and recover properly throughout the day.


  • Price Per Serving: Starting at $1.32
  • Protein Source: 100% pure slow-digesting micellar casein
  • Protein Per Serving: 26-27g
  • Calories Per Serving: 110-150
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Unflavored, Vanilla, Chocolate


  • This clean protein utilizes micellar casein to give you a slow-digesting protein source that’s great for keeping your muscles fueled for long durations.
  • There are a max of three ingredients in this powder, making the formulation simple, transparent, and free of any contaminants.
  • This Naked option is lower than the roughly $2 average of other powders.


  • Casein is naturally higher in lactose, meaning athletes with sensitive stomachs may experience some GI distress.
  • The three available flavors may be underwhelming for those looking for a more robust taste experience.
  • Each serving is two scoops, so a countertop blender is practically required in order to blend this protein shake properly.

Casein protein can be an excellent option for post-workout recovery, as the slower-digesting protein provides a steady stream of amino acids to your muscles through the night, which can help prevent muscle soreness and catabolism. (11) In terms of “clean” casein protein, Naked’s Micellar Casein is the top pick simply because there are less than four ingredients in a given formulation (and just one if you opt for the unflavored version).

I’ve previously used this casein protein and appreciate how simple it is when it comes to ingredients. For the Vanilla and Chocolate varieties, you do get some organic coconut sugar and either natural vanilla flavor or organic cacao powder … and that’s it! Plus, each flavor option is low in fat (up to 2 grams) and carbohydrates (up to 6 grams) while keeping protein levels high (up to 27 grams). I rated the formulation at a perfect 5 out of 5.

Our tester reading the Naked Micellar Casein ingredients list
Our tester reading the Naked Micellar Casein ingredients list

As far as the solubility is concerned, I will admit that this is not a powder fit for your trusty shaker bottle. For one, a serving calls for two scoops, and getting all of that powder immersed in your liquid of choice can be quite the arm workout — a task less desirable when trying to cap off the night. I scored the solubility at 3.5 out of 5, and highly recommend breaking out the countertop blender to create your nighttime shake.

[Related: The Best Casein Protein For Taste, Digestion, Baking, and More]

In terms of the purchasing options, Naked Micellar Casein is only available in 5-pound tubs. While this is good for keeping you well-stocked, it does mean that, despite a low cost of $1.32 per serving for the Unflavored option, the total price can be higher. Still, this is a cheaper cost per serving than other clean protein powders, which oftentimes cost around $2 per dose. I rated the cost at 4 out of 5.

Lastly, while I do recommend athletes take advantage of casein during post-workout recovery and nighttime endeavors, I do recognize that it may not sit well with some stomachs. Casein is naturally higher in lactose given its manufacturing method, so those with sensitive stomachs may experience some rumblings and aches as their body adapts to the new food source.

[Related: Whey Protein vs. Casein Protein — What’s the Difference and Which is Better for Muscle and Strength?]

Best Clean Budget Protein Powder: NOW Sports Nutrition Whey Protein Isolate

NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate
NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate
NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate

NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate is among the most budget-friendly on the market for under a dollar per serving. This supplement is also third-party tested and comes in bulk buy options bat a discounted price.


  • Price Per Serving: Starting at $0.77
  • Protein Source: Whey protein isolate
  • Protein Per Serving: 25g
  • Calories Per Serving: 110-120
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes (Informed Sport)
  • Available Flavors: Creamy Chocolate, Vanilla, Unflavored


  • This clean protein features a $0.77 price per serving, well under half the roughly $2 cost of other clean proteins we’ve tested.
  • NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate is Informed Sport certified, making it a great option for athletes needing a safe, approved option that’s within regulations.
  • Our tester states that this powder blends easily with no clumps or residue.


  • The max 120 calories per serving may not be enough for those looking to gain weight through their training and supplementation.
  • Admittedly, our tester noted that the Unflavored variety is bland on its own.
  • Only three flavor options are available. 

If you’re willing to seek out a clean protein powder, odds are that you’re okay with a slight price hike compared to other formulations. However, there are some budget-friendly options on the market that keep ingredient totals and costs low while still delivering worthwhile makeups and tastes. NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate is our wallet-conscious clean protein powder of choice thanks to its ultra-low price per serving, which begins at less than $0.80. For reference, other clean protein powders often cost roughly $2 per dose.

Additionally, Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., our expert reviewer, states, “I really like that you’re paying for whey protein, and that’s exactly what you’re getting with NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate. It’s low in carbs and fat, so it won’t skew your macro count when you’re just trying to increase your protein intake.” We rated this high-value protein powder at 5 out of 5 for the formulation.

[Related: 18 Ways to Eat More Protein to Pack on Muscle Mass]

However, we do want to point out that the flavored Chocolate and Vanilla offerings do contain xylitol. This sugar alcohol has been known to cause some GI distress in some athletes, so it may be best for athletes with sensitive stomachs to forgo this option.

NOW Sports Whey Protein Isolate is also a good pick for competitive athletes thanks to its Informed Sport certification. This third party checks and assures that supplements meeting their criteria are free of any banned substances or heavy metals. If you need to abide by strict governing agencies, this stamp of approval can be a definite must.

Our tester, a certified personal trainer, also appreciated how well this clean protein blended in their liquid of choice. That said, they did recommend adding the Unflavored variety to something other than water. “On its own, you get a strong ‘whey’ taste that’s not that great,” they added in reference to their 4 out of 5 taste rating. “It’s not gag-worthy, but I’d suggest adding the Unflavored powder to a smoothie or a liquid with an already present taste.”

While the calorie counts may leave bulking athletes wanting more, we still feel this can be a great introductory clean protein powder, especially when the cost of entry is so low.

[Related: Bulking on a Budget? Try These Foods and Tips]

Best Clean Protein Powder for Athletes: Klean Athlete Klean Isolate

Klean Athlete Klean Isolate
Klean Athlete Klean Isolate
Klean Athlete Klean Isolate

For athletes that need a clean option to supplement their competitive training regimens, this simplified protein powder can be just the ticket. The Unflavored nature of this Klean Athlete powder makes it easy to add to your beverage of choice, and the NSF-Certified stamp helps assure you that the formulation is free of any banned substances, unwanted contaminants, and heavy metals.


  • Price Per Serving: $2.68
  • Protein Source: High-quality whey protein isolate
  • Protein Per Serving: 20g
  • Calories Per Serving: 85
  • Third-Party Testing: Yes (NSF-Certified)
  • Available Flavors: Unflavored


  • This protein powder is NSF-Certified for Sport and trusted by more than 350 professional and collegiate sports teams as their protein of choice.
  • Our tester states that this protein mixes easily in water and gives virtually no flavor notes, meaning it can be added to beverages without influence.
  • The low calorie count can be easily added into a regimen, especially those trying to maintain a calorie deficit throughout the day.


  • Athletes wanting a flavored protein option will not find it here.
  • The 85 calories per serving are snack numbers, which may be less beneficial for those looking to gain weight.
  • At $2.68 per serving, this is one of the more expensive clean protein options — other top performers typically cost around $2 per dose.

Strength athletes, and athletes in general, need to abide by strict governing agencies, meaning their options for supplements may be more limited than the average gymgoer. Clean protein powders, especially those featuring a third-party testing certification, can be a great option, but for our money, Klean Athlete’s Klean Isolate is our sport-ready recommendation. Each dose features 85 calories, and the powder is NSF-Certified for Sport, i.e., tested for any banned substances or unwanted contaminants.

We scored the overall formulation at 4 out of 5 thanks to its protein-dense makeup. Each dose can deliver 20 grams of protein, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 0 grams of fat. These small, rounded measurables can make it easy to add this protein shake to your daily intake without much math or worry.

Additionally, our tester, a former Olympian, described the taste as quick and painless. “I liked how the Unflavored taste could be easily added to other drinks for a quick hit of protein,” they said in reference to their 4 out of 5 taste rating. “It doesn’t overpower whatever liquid you add it to, so I’d be fine adding this to a smoothie or other concoction throughout the day.”

[Related: 6 Benefits of Whey Protein for Strength Athletes Who Want to Build Muscle]

Our tester also scored the solubility at 5 out of 5 thanks to this Klean Athlete powder’s ability to easily dissolve after a few shakes. This can be especially beneficial for athletes looking to quickly get some protein into their system after a hard practice or workout — no need to break out the blender to make a decent shake.

Now, we wish that Klean Athlete offered a flavored option to appease those with a sweet tooth, but we are happy with how this powder blends (and doesn’t overpower) whatever you add it to. You’ll just need to get a little creative when it comes to creating tasteful beverages with loads of flavor.

Lastly, this Klean Athlete clean protein powder is more expensive than the average $2 per serving, so expect to pay a little more in order to stay within your governed restrictions. For its versatility and easy-to-consume makeup, though, we’re willing to bet that most would be okay with paying the premium.

[Related: The 11 Best Protein Powders for Muscle Gain]

What is a “Clean” Protein Powder?

Let’s get this out of the way — “clean” protein powders aren’t inherently better than other shakes on the market. There are plenty of benefits that can come from powders containing artificial additives. However, we look at “clean” protein powders as supplements that keep things simplified with natural ingredients and little to no influence from synthetics.

When looking for a clean protein powder, the biggest telltale sign is in the ingredients list. If you can count how many components there are in your powder of choice on, at most, two hands, it likely meets the criteria. Plus, if an ingredient seems like a foreign word to you, odds are that it’s a synthetic or artificial additive designed to help the protein taste sweet, preserve better, or digest easier.

A person holding an open container of Transparent Labs Whey Isolate Powder so the inside is visible
Nick testing Transparent Labs Whey Isolate Powder

While we won’t go too far into the weeds in identifying all artificial additives used by supplement brands, we will leave you with this small tip — if you can’t come to a conclusion on an ingredient’s roots by name alone, it may very well be artificial.

What To Consider Before Buying Clean Protein Powders

You and your protein powder are going to become well-acquainted. Like any relationship, it doesn’t help anyone to rush into it. Before picking up a tub of clean protein powder, you’ll want to ask yourself what powders dovetail with your diet, fitness routine, and budget. 

Your Dietary Needs

Some athletes look into clean protein sources because they’re sensitive about what they consume, while others are driven by necessity. If you’re vegan or allergic to soy, gluten, or lactose, that will factor into the kind of protein powder you’ll choose. 

If you’d rather not drink dairy that’s been touched by hormones or antibiotics, you’ll want to check out some of the grass-fed whey or casein options. Has your stomach reacted poorly to protein powders in the past? You might want to consider an option that’s rounded out by a digestive enzyme blend. 

Your Fitness Goals

Your fitness goals will help you determine the macro split you’re looking for in a clean protein powder. Clean powders usually deliver between 20 and 30 grams of protein per serving, but the amount of carbs and fats will differ, as will the calories. 

legion whey+ protein powder
Mixing up Legion Whey+ protein powder.

If you’re hoping to stay lean but pack on muscle, you’ll likely benefit from a whey isolate or casein powder that’s high in protein and low in carbs and fats. Those in hypertrophy training, on the other hand, will want a higher-calorie powder or meal replacement shake with more balanced macros. Powders can also be manipulated or stacked with additional foods and supplements to help you achieve your desired results.

[Related: So, Is Flexible Dieting Legit? Here’s What the Science Says]


Since you’ll be buying it by the tub (and fairly frequently), it’s good to know early on how much you’re willing to spend on a protein supplement. Clean protein powders generally run around $2 per serving, while ones with artificial ingredients and murky sourcing tend to go for less than $1 per serving. 

Price is going to depend on several factors, including the type of protein, the macro split, the taste, and the quality of ingredients. If you’re on a budget, you’ll want to consider the areas where you can compromise and still achieve your goals. 

Calories Per Serving

On average, most clean protein powders can deliver around 100 to 150 calories per serving, which can be great for keeping you fueled in-between whole-food meals. However, you’ll need to take stock in your fitness goals before signing up for a protein with less or more calories per shake.

For example, if you’re determined to lose weight, it may be best to find a clean protein powder that fits into your weight loss journey — potentially under 120 calories or less. For athletes wanting to put on some size, you may be able to get away with denser formulations, or even a meal replacement or mass gainer protein. In the end, be sure to think through your daily caloric intake, and pick the clean protein supplement that fits neatly into your regimen.

[Related: The 10 Best Protein Powders for Weight Loss]

Third-Party Testing

While not a definite deal-breaker, having a clean protein powder that is third-party tested can go a long way in ensuring your shakes are free of any harmful contaminants or banned substances. This can be especially helpful for athletes that need to abide by certain governing agencies.

Our tester getting a scoop of Naked Micellar Casein
Our tester getting a scoop of Naked Micellar Casein

Typically, you can find out whether a protein is third-party tested by looking at the packaging or reading the product information online. Common certifications such as Informed Sport, NSF-Certified for Sport, and Informed Protein will place a stamp of approval across the front of a protein, giving you little room for questioning whether a product is approved or not. 

Benefits of Clean Protein Powders

Protein is a key macronutrient for anyone hoping to build lean muscle and burn fat, and it can also assist with muscle recovery after workouts. (1) Clean proteins can provide even more benefits, especially for those hoping to lose weight or struggling with allergy or digestive issues. 

Can Help With Weight Loss

Protein is proven to help you feel fuller for longer than other macros, which is why it’s been scientifically linked to weight loss and weight maintenance. (12)(13) And since clean protein powders tend to be light on ingredients and devoid of artificial sweeteners and fillers, they’re often low in calories, carbs, and fats. Integrating them into a diet along with regular exercise can be a great way to stave off cravings without the extra calories.

Our tester mixing XWERKS Grow
Our tester mixing XWERKS Grow

Casein can be especially helpful in this regard. It’s lower in lactose and digests more slowly than whey, meaning it can quell your appetite for longer periods. (11) The molecular structure of casein also lends itself to puddings, spreads, and ice creams better than whey, making for healthy and filling alternatives to traditionally indulgent snacks.

[Related: Calories In, Calories Out; Myth or Truth for Weight Loss?] 

Cater to Allergies and Food Sensitivities

This is where the transparency you can expect from clean protein powders comes in handy. Clean protein powders tend to pride themselves on the ingredients they don’t have as much as the ones they do, and the majority of clean powders will proudly declare their lack of many common allergens, such as soy, nuts, lactose, and gluten. And if they do contain one, you can usually count on the label to make that abundantly clear. 

Easier to Digest

Since they’re often devoid of lactose, gluten, and artificial ingredients, clean protein powders tend to be easier on the stomach than traditional powders. Many clean protein products even include probiotic blends or digestive enzymes that can help your body break the protein down into smaller particles to aid with absorption. 

[Related: 5 Great Bulking Foods for Digestion, Intra-Workout, and More]

Final Word

Protein is essential if your goal is muscle growth and overall wellness, but high-protein diets can be tough to sustain in the long run. Protein powders can help by packing 20 or more grams of pure protein into a single serving, but many supplements on the market are loaded with additives and allergens that can negatively impact your training. Thankfully, there is no shortage of clean protein powders that provide natural alternatives to artificial ingredients. 

Our list of the best clean protein powders encompasses several different types of protein, from whey isolate and casein, to plant-based options and more. Our picks also cater to different fitness goals with macro splits suited for cutting or bulking. Most importantly, they’re built around a small handful of natural ingredients that are good for muscles, easy on the gut, and shockingly tasty. 


What is clean protein powder?

Broadly speaking, clean protein powder has a trim list of natural ingredients that’s devoid of artificial sweeteners, preservatives, food dyes, and added sugars. Whey- and casein-based clean protein powders also tend to source their dairy from grass-fed, free-range cows. They also can remove common allergens like soy, gluten, and lactose.

How much do clean protein powders cost?

Given the more natural ingredients and stricter construction associated with clean protein powders, you can expect to pay a little more for these well-curated powders. On average, though, clean protein powders cost roughly $2 per serving. Naturally, though, this price can vary depending on your order quantity as well as the brand.

What’s the best clean protein powder?

After factoring in quality, price, macros, and flavor variety, we chose Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate. This clean protein powder is ideal for those looking to cultivate lean muscle, as it balances 28 grams of protein with only 120 calories and a near-total lack of fats and carbs. Its whey isolate is sourced from grass-fed cows on American farms untouched by hormones and antibiotics, and its list of ingredients contains no gluten, added sugars, or artificial flavors. Perhaps most impressive? You can choose from 13 flavors.


  1. Antonio, J., Candow, D. G, Forbes, S. C,, Ormsbee, M. J., Saracino, P. G., Roberts, J. (2020). Effects of Dietary Protein on Body Composition in Exercising Individuals. Nutrients. 12(6), 1890. 
  2. Dioguardi, F. S. (2011). Clinical use of amino acids as dietary supplement: Pros and cons. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 2(2), 75–80.
  3. Terra, S. L., Marino, V. M., Manenti, M., Licitra, G., & Carpino, S. (2010, September). Increasing pasture intakes enhances polyunsaturated fatty acids and lipophilic antioxidants in plasma and milk of dairy cows fed total mix ration – dairy science & technology. SpringerLink.
  4. Staszak, E., & Mikołajczak, J. (2005). Conjugated linoleic acid content of milk from cows fed different diets. Silage Production and Utilisation, 145–145.
  5. LeWine, H. E. (Ed.). (2023, June 22). How much protein do you need every day?. Harvard Health.
  6. Industries, M. for P. (n.d.). NZ Government. Ministry for Primary Industries.
  7. ARROYO-CEREZO, A., CERRILLO, I., ORTEGA, Á., & FERNÁNDEZ-PACHÓN, M.-S. (2021). Intake of branched chain amino acids favors post-exercise muscle recovery and may improve muscle function: Optimal dosage regimens and consumption conditions. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 61(11).
  8. Fouré, A., & Bendahan, D. (2017). Is branched-chain amino acids supplementation an efficient nutritional strategy to alleviate skeletal muscle damage? A systematic review. Nutrients, 9(10), 1047.
  9. Marilisaraccoglobal. (2017, July 29). This is what your breakfast, lunch and dinner calories actually look like – national. Global News.
  10. Townsend, J. R., Morimune, J. E., Jones, M. D., Beuning, C. N., Haase, A. A., Boot, C. M., Heffington, S. H., Littlefield, L. A., Henry, R. N., Marshall, A. C., VanDusseldorp, T. A., Feito, Y., & Mangine, G. T. (2020). The effect of ProHydrolase® on the amino acid and intramuscular anabolic signaling response to resistance exercise in trained males. Sports, 8(2), 13.
  11. Antonio, J., Ellerbroek, A., Peacock, C., & Silver, T. (2017, May 1). Casein Protein Supplementation in Trained Men and Women: Morning versus Evening. National Library of Medicine.
  12. Halton, T. L., & Hu, F. B. (2004). The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and Weight Loss: A critical review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 23(5), 373–385.
  13. Veldhorst, M., Smeets, A., Soenen, S., Hochstenbach-Waelen, A., Hursel, R., Diepvens, K., Lejeune, M., Luscombe-Marsh, N., & Westerterp-Plantenga, M. (2008). Protein-induced satiety: Effects and mechanisms of different proteins. Physiology & Behavior, 94(2), 300–307. 

The post The 9 Best Clean Protein Powders, RD-Approved and Expert-Tested appeared first on BarBend.

The 12 Best Meal Delivery Services of 2024, According to a Dietician Fri, 17 Nov 2023 20:16:32 +0000 Having your nutrition dialed in is a must for your fitness and wellness goals. The best protein powders and multivitamins can be great for rounding out your macros and micros, but nothing delivers the nutrients, satiety, and comfort quite like a meal of whole foods. With everyone’s busy schedules, though, who can consistently find time to get to...

The post The 12 Best Meal Delivery Services of 2024, According to a Dietician appeared first on BarBend.

Having your nutrition dialed in is a must for your fitness and wellness goals. The best protein powders and multivitamins can be great for rounding out your macros and micros, but nothing delivers the nutrients, satiety, and comfort quite like a meal of whole foods. With everyone’s busy schedules, though, who can consistently find time to get to the store, come home, and prepare a dish that’s suitable for you and your family? The best meal delivery services can take this strain off your plate (pun intended) by bringing nutritious dishes directly to your doorstep.

There’s no shortage of meal subscription services nowadays, with plenty of options available for larger families, single athletes, cooking novices, and more. Plus, these kits can be helpful when trying to abide by specific dietary needs, like veganism, keto, paleo, or others. To help ensure your taste for meal delivery services isn’t spoiled prematurely, we got our hands on over 40 flavorful kits, conducted plenty of research, and consulted with our team of in-house experts to come up with our favorite meal subscriptions on the market today.

The 12 Best Meal Delivery Services of 2024

  • Best Meal Delivery Service Overall: Home Chef
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Families: Hello Fresh
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Singles: EveryPlate
  • Best Budget Meal Delivery Service: Dinnerly
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Dietary Restrictions: Sunbasket
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Weight Loss: Eat Clean
  • Best Organic Meal Delivery Service: Green Chef
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Prepared Meals: Factor 75
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Frozen Meals: 518 Kitchen
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Produce: Misfits Market
  • Best Meal Delivery Service for Meat: ButcherBox
  • Best Vegan Meal Delivery Service: Purple Carrot 

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. 

About Our Expert

This article has been reviewed by Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., a registered dietitian. She looked into the research we reference on these meal delivery services and the efficacy/quality of the products we list to help ensure we’re providing advice that’s safe. However, everyone’s body is different, so before you try any new products, it’s best to consult with your personal physician.

How We Tested and Chose the Best Meal Delivery Services

The BarBend team is made up of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, and lifelong fitness enthusiasts. To determine the best meal delivery services available today, we’ve tested 42 different packages, using a multi-point methodology to rate each profile on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Below are some of the categories and components that played into our rankings.

Price Per Meal

Meal delivery services are intended to be a convenient alternative to regular trips to the grocery store or dining out. These kits and prepared dishes can be great for saving time, but if the actual costs of the meals themselves are too inflated, that positivity begins to fade. 

[Related: The 8 Best Fitness Apps]

We looked for services at a number of price ranges to give you options that could cater to budgets big and small. We listed the starting prices for each meal below, with services ranging from $4.99 to $12.99 per serving. We also found that while many of our chosen meal delivery services offered meals catering to different dietary restrictions, platforms with added specialties such as all-organic ingredients or plant-based options tended to be on the higher end of costs.

Dietary Restrictions

If you’re signing up for a meal delivery service, it helps to know that your platform can support your nutritional needs, right? In our trials and research, we looked for meal delivery services offering a wide range of meals and ingredients that could accommodate dietary restrictions. Beyond common needs — such as plant-based, keto-friendly, and gluten-free — we also sought out platforms offering filters for nut allergens, soy allergens, dairy sensitivities, and more.

Meal Variety

Having a well-rounded menu of available options can help you stay diligent with your nutrition, so we tried to find meal delivery services with a good range of dishes, soups, side offerings, and more. We also made note of when platforms rotated their menus for added variety, providing you with unique opportunities to test certain dishes on a weekly basis.

Factor Meal Pricing
A stack of prepared meals from Factor

When looking at prepared and oven-ready meal options, we zeroed in on meal delivery services that also delivered variety in the meal makeup. While entrees of a protein and two sides proved to be a common layout for most packaged dishes, we gave extra kudos to brands offering their own twist on these premade meals, from sandwiches and pasta to curries and beyond.

Delivery Range

It’s one thing for a meal delivery service to reach your nutritional goals, but another for it to actually reach your doorstep. We looked for meal delivery services that offered a wide delivery range that could cater to most athletes. In our trials, we found that most platforms were able to support the contiguous United States. Any altered maps, such as excluded states or regions, were noted in our reviews above.

[Related: Dana Linn Bailey’s 4 Meal Prep Tips for Beginners]

In addition to the delivery range, we also considered the actual shipping costs of each service. While many meal delivery services feature discounted costs for new members, we looked to determine how much of a surcharge it would be to continue with the service over time. 

Additionally, we found that many platforms varied their shipping by the number of meals delivered per order, so we did our best to determine the lowest cost available and how many meals you’d need to purchase, accordingly.

Meals Per Week

When looking at your meal delivery service order, your “meals” are defined as the dish itself, whereas your “serving” is how much of that meal you’d like to receive. In short, your meals per week reflect how much variety you have, while your servings per week dictate your actual quantity of food.

HelloFresh Meal Cooked
A prepared meal kit from Hello Fresh

We looked for meal delivery services offering a good range of options, with most ranging from four to eight in a given week. This can help keep your personal menu well-stocked with a variety of meals for flavorful consumption day in and day out, while still allowing you to take advantage of the service’s weekly menu.

Best Meal Delivery Service Overall: Home Chef 

Home Chef
Home Chef
Home Chef

A nationwide meal kit service with bold flavors, a diverse menu, and easy-to-follow recipes. Meals are also sortable by dietary restrictions and preferences.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $9.99
  • Shipping Costs: Starting at $10.99
  • Type: Meal kit or prepared
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 6
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Vegetarian, Calorie-Conscious, Carb-Conscious, Keto-Friendly, Gluten-Smart


  • Home Chef boasts multiple meal styles from full prep kits to microwave-ready dishes.
  • The menu updates weekly with new meal options to prevent flavor fatigue.
  • Orders can accommodate up to six people, which can be great for families.


  • Meal options may be too limited for athletes with strict dietary needs.
  • Our tester noted occasional issues with produce freshness.

Thanks to a robust weekly menu that rotates for new tastes, as well as the option to choose between prepared or meal kit services, we found Home Chef to be the top choice for making our meal prep endeavors more enjoyable and convenient. Meals start at roughly $10 per serving and vary in price depending on the week’s availability and the size of your order. In addition, shipping fees start at $10.99, but first-time users do have the luxury of free delivery on their first box.

While our tester noted that Home Chef isn’t set up for a wide range of dietary restrictions, the platform can cater to a few. Their ordering process, which they rated at 5 out of 5, had them select between preferences such as Vegetarian meals, Calorie-Conscious meals, Carb-Conscious meals, Keto-Friendly meals, and Gluten-Smart meals.

“I also found that you can make some customizations before finalizing your order,” they added. “For example, your proteins are often customizable, allowing you to opt for a different meat source, and Impossible meat is occasionally available, too, depending on your meal choice.”

[Related: Vegan Diet for Athletes: Can You Build Muscle with Plant-Based Nutrition?]

From a prep standpoint, we appreciated the simplicity of Home Chef, as there’s an option for virtually any schedule. Our tester noted that the standard meal kits can take between 25 and 30 minutes, while “Oven Fresh” and “Fast and Fresh” meals can take just a few minutes to assemble before being heated up in the oven or microwave.

The box for Home Chef meals
Home Chef Delivery Box

Plus, the portion sizes are large enough to keep you well satiated. Our tester scored the portions at 5 out of 5, stating, “I was always left full after eating one of my kits. I also appreciate that serving sizes can be toggled for each meal up to eight servings, and ‘Family’ plans can offer portions up to 16 servings for larger groups.”

Lastly, we’ve had few issues when it comes to ingredient quality thanks to the great packaging practices employed by the brand. Cold and wet ingredients are separated from dry goods, and there is an included ice pack to help maintain freshness. However, we rated the ingredients quality at 4 out of 5, as our tester did experience some tarnished produce here and there. Thankfully, Home Chef’s customer service is quick to remedy any flaws as a result of shipping.

Read our full Home Chef Review.

Best Meal Delivery Service for Families: Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh
Hello Fresh
Hello Fresh

This meal delivery service can be great for families thanks to over 100 rotating meal and market offerings as well as the ability to receive up to eight meals per week. Recipes are simple to follow, and cleanup is typically kept to just a handful of kitchenware.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $7.49
  • Shipping Costs: $10
  • Type: Meal kit
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 6
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Vegetarian, Fit and Wholesome, Pescatarian


  • You can purchase up to 24 servings weekly, which equates to enough food for 4 people.
  • The recipe cards are easy to follow and can make for a great family activity.
  • There are over 100 meal and market options weekly for a nice variety of healthy meals.


  • There aren’t a ton of meal options catering to specific dietary needs such as gluten-free.
  • Our tester noted that produce freshness was inconsistent from order to order.

If you’re looking for a meal delivery service that caters to your entire family, we recommend Hello Fresh. The weekly offerings total over 100 meal and market items, which is great for pleasing every palate in your house. Plus, you can build out your weekly meal kit delivery service to include up to 24 servings, which can be a suitable number for a family of four.

Our tester also appreciated how simple the recipe cards were to follow, as well as the limited amount of kitchenware needed to turn a kit from ingredients to full-fledged delicious meals. “Prep time typically clocked in between 5 and 10 minutes, while actual cooking ranged between 20 and 45 minutes, depending on meal complexity,” they stated in reference to their 4 out of 5 prep rating. “However, I really enjoyed clean-up with Hello Fresh. Most meals only required dirtying one or two dishes — a real treat when trying to clean up while also tending to the family.”

HelloFresh Rice
Our tester’s prepared Hello Fresh meal of chicken, rice, and beans

“While calorie counts can be high in some dishes, I found my meals from Hello Fresh to be extremely easy to cook thanks to the detailed instructions, making it a great choice for beginners,” adds BarBend tester and certified nutrition coach Jake Herod.

Hello Fresh also left us pretty satisfied in terms of taste, enough for a 4 out of 5 rating. The meal variety is decent across the different categories, though we found options catering to gluten and soy allergies to be in short supply. 

[Related: The 8 Best Weight Loss Programs]

While we appreciate the range of dishes, which can also be great for pleasing picky eaters in the family, we do wish that Hello Fresh lived up to its name when it came to ingredient quality. Our tester scored the subscription service at 3.5 out of 5 for ingredients, as they experienced multiple orders featuring spoiled goods. 

“While my success rate with dairy and meats is solid, I’ve had multiple issues with veggies, namely peppers and scallions,” they noted. “I could attribute this, though, to the delivery service in my area. I’ve used Hello Fresh in multiple states, so handling can vary depending on your parcel carrier.”

Despite this dilemma, we still think this service can be an excellent solution for families. If anything, the recipe cards are simple enough to read, meaning you can get the entire family involved in the cooking process (even the children) as they learn to enjoy the benefits of a home-cooked meal. (1)

Read our full Hello Fresh Review.

Best Meal Delivery Service for Singles: EveryPlate


EveryPlate offers meals starting at $4.99, making it a great solution for budget-minded athletes and families looking for a convenient approach to meal prep each week. While the time spent in the kitchen can exceed an hour between prep and cooking, this meal kit service still provides a good bit of variety with additional a la carte options for extra proteins, sides, and sauces.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $4.99
  • Shipping Costs: $9.99
  • Type: Meal kit
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 5
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Vegetarian, High-Protein, Pescatarian


  • EveryPlate offers up to 30 different meal options per week, with prices starting at just $4.99 per meal.
  • According to our tester, shipping times were timely and consistent, with customer service even offering free meals or discounts in response to issues.
  • There are a la carte options available, in case you want to add an extra side, sauce, or additional protein source to your weekly meal plans.


  • According to our tester, the prep time estimates on the recipe cards are inaccurate, meaning you should plan for more time in the kitchen.
  • Produce ingredients aren’t portioned, so you could be left with unwanted excess.

There’s no sense in signing up for mounds of servings each week if you’re the lone mouth to feed right? That said, we believe that most athletes turning to meal delivery services for their nutrition would like at least some variety between dishes. With a rotating weekly roster of tasty meals, and orders capped at five meals per week, we think EveryPlate can be a perfect solution for singles looking to add some convenience to their meal prep schedule.

We like how the platform keeps prices per meal low, with dishes starting at just $4.99 per dish. Naturally, the fewer servings you order, the more you can expect to pay, but this can be a great starting point, nonetheless. 

Additionally, our tester pointed out that there are also a la carte items available for extra protein sources, side sauces, crispy carbs, and other add-on goodies that can be great for rounding out your portions to your personal preferences. We scored the available variety at 4 out of 5, respectively.

[Related: How to Use Portion Control to Stay on Top of Your Nutrition Goals]

As far as shipping, we rated EveryPlate at 5 out of 5. Packages come with a good portion of gel ice packs to keep ingredients fresh, and we like that each order includes a physical recipe card. “Plus, I enjoyed how timely each weekly shipment was,” added our tester. “When an issue did arise, EveryPlate was quick with a resolution, usually in the form of a coupon or free meals for my next order.”

Additionally, we think this meal delivery service is best for singles because of the amount of prep work needed for each dish. According to our tester, the time needed to make each meal may be too much for those looking to feed an entire household.

“There were plenty of instances where I’d spend over an hour in the kitchen between prep and actual cooking,” says our tester, who rated the preparation at 2 out of 5. “You also may need to have multiple portions of your meal cooking at once, so be prepared to extend your cooking skills with this service.”

Best Budget Meal Delivery Service: Dinnerly


With meals starting at just $4.99 per serving, Dinnerly can be a great meal delivery service for athletes on a budget. Preparation is kept simple with five-step recipes, and there are even ready-made options for those particularly time-crunched evenings.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $4.99
  • Shipping Costs: $11.99
  • Type: Meal kit or prepared
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 6
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Vegetarian, Vegan, Low-Carb


  • Meals start at just $4.99 per dish — just $0.76 more than the average price of a home-cooked meal. (4)
  • Preparation can take five steps or less for added efficiency and convenience.
  • Dinnerly can cater to multiple dietary needs, including gluten-free and dairy-free.


  • According to our tester, recipes are only available through the online web page or the platform’s companion app.
  • Ingredients aren’t separated by meal in the packaging, requiring a bit more organization after unboxing than other meal delivery services.

According to studies, the average home-cooked meal comes out to $4.23. (4) So, a meal delivery service that can come close to this metric can be a great solution for budget-minded athletes that want the added convenience of less trips to the grocery store. With meals starting at just $4.99, Dinnerly is the closest high-quality platform we’ve found to the average price of a scratch-made dish. Plus, shipping costs are always at $11.99, meaning there’s no variation depending on your order size.

In addition to the cost, we also appreciate the fact that Dinnerly offers both meal kits and prepared meals that just need a quick reheat before consumption. For meal kits, you can expect to spend about 10 minutes in prep with minimal cleanup, too. Our tester, a certified personal trainer, scored the prep work at 3 out of 5, though, given the fact that recipe cards are only available digitally.

[Related: The Definitive Guide to Bodybuilding Meal Prep]

One of the first things I noticed is that there are no recipe cards in the box, meaning you’ll either need to have your laptop nearby or have the Dinnerly app up on your phone to work through the instructions,” they stated. “While the app does have a ‘Start Cooking’ mode that keeps your phone illuminated for easier reading, it would be nice to have a physical card in case I decide to make a recipe again outside of the delivery service.”

Another item of note about the Dinnerly box is that it doesn’t separate ingredients based on your weekly meals, but rather includes all of the necessary goods in one box. This isn’t a huge detriment to the quality of the service — we rated the packaging at 4 out of 5 — but it does require a little more attention when it comes to organizing your groceries once you’ve received your package.

As far as taste, though, we scored Dinnerly at 4 out of 5. Yes, the meal kits were plenty flavorful, but the prepared dishes, according to our tester, were closer to a frozen TV dinner more often than not. As such, we recommend focusing on the meal kits over the prepared meals, saving those for weeks when you know food prep just isn’t in the cards.

[Related: Your Ultimate Guide to Meal Prepping on the Move]

Best Meal Delivery Service for Dietary Restrictions: Sunbasket


Sunbasket’s meal delivery service can be excellent for a wide range of dietary needs, including Paleo, vegetarian, Mediterranean, diabetes-friendly, and more. Meal kits and prepared dishes are available with the platform, allowing you to cater your prep time to your schedule with ease.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $9.99
  • Shipping Costs: $9.99
  • Type: Meal Kit or prepared
  • Meals Per Week: 4
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States excluding Montana, North Dakota, and parts of New Mexico
  • Good For: Paleo, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Carb-Conscious, Keto-Friendly, Mediterranean, Diabetes-Friendly, Pescatarian


  • Each weekly menu has over two dozen options catering to a variety of dietary needs.
  • Sunbasket offers both meal kits and prepared dishes for added convenience.
  • You can round out your nutrition plan with a la carte options for breakfast, snacks, grab-and-go lunches, and specialty meats.


  • We found that portion sizes are smaller than other meal delivery services.
  • Your orders are capped at four meals per week.

Needing a meal delivery service to match your dietary preferences? Each week, Sunbasket offers 24 different dishes catering to restrictions due to diabetes, vegetarian diets, and gluten allergies, among others. As such, we think Sunbasket could be a solid way for you to upgrade your daily nutrition without the stress of finding suitable ingredients in the store.

We enjoyed the ordering process across this platform, scoring it at 5 out of 5. You can pick your diet restrictions, servings per week, and delivery frequency rather easily, and there are also a la carte items available that can serve as a tasty snack or add-on.

Our tester, a certified nutrition coach, also liked how vast the options were across different restrictions and dietary needs. “You could easily use Sunbasket for months while never eating the same thing twice,” they added in reference to their 5 out of 5 rating for the available meal plans.

Sunbasket Appearance
Sunbasket Appearance

Unfortunately, though, the aforementioned meal plans are capped at four per week, meaning you’ll need to parcel out listed dishes over multiple servings in order to complete a week’s worth of eating. Don’t fret, though, because each week comes with a revitalized roster of offerings, so while you may be stuck with a singular dish for multiple days one week, there are more than enough options to keep your palate pleased in a given month.

[Related: How Many Calories Should I Eat Per Day? A Guide for All Your Fitness Goals]

Sunbasket offers both meal kits and prepared dishes, so you get to choose how much time you spend preparing dinner. We like the convenience of the ready-made meals, but the kits are easy enough to cook, too, according to our tester. Depending on your meal choice, you can expect to spend between five and 30 minutes in prep.

Lastly, our tester did note that the portions may leave some athletes underwhelmed in terms of size. They rated Sunbasket at 3 out of 5 for the delivered portions, stating, “I tend to eat larger portions given my macro goals and daily activity levels. When ordering for two people, I’d say that the given high-quality ingredients can feasibly feed 1.5 athletes. It could just be my diet preferences, but it is worth noting.”

Read our full Sunbasket Review.

Best Meal Delivery Service for Weight Loss: Eat Clean

Shop Eat Clean
Eat Clean
Eat Clean
Eat Clean

Eat Clean focuses on all-natural ingredients across its weekly rotation of roughly 50 meals. Additionally, this prepared meal kit service can provide optimal convenience for those that don’t have time to prepare actual meals — simply vent the top film, microwave, and enjoy.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $9.60
  • Shipping Costs: $15.99
  • Type: Prepared
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 12 
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Plant-based, Paleo, Keto


  • Each meal from Eat Clean is composed of natural ingredients featuring respectable macro counts, allowing for simplified meal planning.
  • The prepared meal kit service means there is zero prepwork outside of tossing a dish in the microwave for reheating.
  • Eat Clean offers options for plant-based diets, along with those following Paleo or keto.


  • According to our tester, the container can begin to warp during reheating.
  • Those with less-common dietary restrictions may want to opt for a different meal delivery service.

If weight loss is your preferred fitness goal, it can help to find a meal delivery service with well-labeled packaging for macros, as well as a kit that’s composed of healthier, all-natural ingredients. Based on these metrics, Eat Clean can be an excellent option for those on a weight loss regimen. 

While the natural ingredients were enough to garner our attention, we also like how Eat Clean lists all the nutritional information for each meal — of which there are roughly 50 offered each week — online for easier logging. We rated this platform at 5 out of 5 for the category, given the fact that clearly labeling and nutritional info can go a long way in ensuring that your weight loss journey is dialed in.

[Related: The 6 Best Weight Loss Programs for Women]

According to our tester, the meals available through Every Plate are well-portioned. “Provided I actually ate the entire meal, I was left fully satiated,” they said. As such, we scored Every Plate at 5 out of 5 for the portion sizing.

While the portions can be excellent for satiety and fullness, we rated the overall taste at 3.5 out of 5. There were some occasions where we encountered bland veggies or weirdly-textured carbs. However, we can’t truly expect much from a prepared meal delivery service — you’re only cooking the available dishes in the microwave, after all.

Speaking of the microwavable makeup of each meal, we do appreciate the convenience but wish Eat Clean invested more in the actual containers for the dishes. According to our tester, the plates can begin to warp in the microwave when heated up. “It could mean absolutely nothing, but to me, it screams plastic contamination. I am, admittedly, a little paranoid about the subject when it comes to my food, though,” they noted.

[Related: The 8 Best Supplements for Weight Loss]

Best Organic Meal Delivery Service: Green Chef

Green Chef
Green Chef
Green Chef

Green Chef’s weekly array of over 80 meal and market options are all composed of organic ingredients. Additionally, this meal delivery service can be a clean, enjoyable platform for athletes following Mediterranean, plant-based, keto, or gluten-free diets.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $11.99
  • Shipping Costs: $10.99
  • Type: Meal kit
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 4
  • Delivery Range: Most of the Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Mediterranean, Plant-Based, Protein-Packed, Keto, Gluten-Free


  • This meal service includes all organic ingredients and prioritizes locally-sourced goods.
  • There are over 80 meal and market options that rotate weekly.
  • The meal kits include physical recipe cards that can be great for making future dishes.


  • You need to pay for your subscription before choosing your meals for the week.
  • Orders are limited to four meals per week, which may not be ideal for larger families.

For athletes wanting to fuel their performance with all-organic ingredients and meals, Green Chef is right up your alley. Prices start at $11.99 per meal, which is a good price given the organic quality of ingredients on display with each offering. “Honestly, it’s a no-brainer for athletes looking to prioritize organic nutrition,” said our tester, a certified personal trainer who rated the ingredients at 4.5 out of 5.

Green Chef also features physical recipe cards with each order, which can be great for future meals if you want a certain dish that’s no longer in the rotation. Plus, all of the nutritional information is available on the cards, so there are no questions when it comes to how your specific meal will influence your daily macro counts. As such, we rated the nutritional info at 5 out of 5.

[Related: Learn to Eyeball 600 Calories of Different Foods With Chris Heria]

Our tester also enjoyed the variety of Green Chef meals, and there are dishes that cater to

plant-based, keto, gluten-free, and other dietary restrictions. However, you’re only able to order four meals weekly, so be prepared to repeat some dishes if you’re looking to schedule out

a week’s worth of meal prep. Also, this four-meal limit may be less enticing for families — multiple mouths to feed inherently brings multiple palates.

Prep work with Green Chef can resemble what you’d experience with your typical grocery list. Expect to use your standard pots, pans, and kitchenware to create your ordered dishes. We rated the prep work at 3 out of 5 because of this, as other meal delivery services we tried required less equipment for the sake of one meal. Thankfully, all of the required kitchen utensils are listed on the recipe card along with the instructions and nutritional information.

Lastly, Green Chef requires you to pay upfront for your subscription service, which we found somewhat odd before selecting any meals. It wasn’t a true detriment to our experience, but we do mention it to ensure you have your card ready as you go to sign up for the service.

[Related: The 8 Best Organic Protein Powders]

Best Meal Delivery Service for Prepared Meals: Factor 75

Factor 75
Factor 75
Factor 75

With convenient microwavable packaging, Factor 75 can be excellent for time-crunched athletes that want to fuel up with worthwhile meals. The nutritional information is clearly printed across each dish, too, which can be great for counting calories and macronutrients.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $12.99
  • Shipping Costs: $9.99
  • Type: Prepared
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 18
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Keto, Flexitarian, Protein-Plus, Vegan and Vegetarian


  • Factor meals are plenty convenient — just vent the top film and microwave for the prescribed time allotment.
  • Each meal’s packaging sleeve lists all the nutritional information, making it easy to count calories and macronutrients.
  • You can order up to 18 meals per week for a full slate of lunches and dinners.


  • Since each meal is prepared for you, there’s little room for customization.
  • The meal format can get repetitive with a protein and side of vegetables and/or grains.

Meal delivery services can be a convenient treat for athletes with busy schedules, but in the end, you still need to actually dedicate upwards of one hour to prepare and cook the dishes at home. For those trying to bolster their nutrition under the strictest of time crunches, prepared meal delivery services can be just the ticket, with Factor remaining one of our favorites of the bunch.

Every Factor meal is packaged in a microwavable container, so all that’s separating you from chowing down on a nutritious lunch or dinner is a thin plastic film and a few minutes in the microwave. Additionally, we appreciate how Factor clearly lists the nutritional value of every dish on its packaging, which can be great for tallying up your macros for each meal.

Factor Meal Service Nutrition
Factor Meal Service Nutrition Facts

Our tester, a certified personal trainer, rated the ordering process with this meal delivery service at a 5 out of 5. “After signing up for the service, I was prompted to choose my preferred meal type — I went with a high-protein menu — and from there, you’re thrown into meal selection. It was a painless procedure,” they stated.

[Related: How to Achieve a Calorie Deficit for Weight Loss, Safely]

In terms of macro counts, the protein, carb, and fat content can vary by dish. However, we also think Factor could be a worthwhile option for weight loss athletes thanks to a plethora of low-calorie options across the menu. 

Naturally, your weight loss journey should involve a calorie deficit, or, ingesting less calories than you burn off in training. (2) As such, choosing meals featuring low calorie counts can be great for keeping you satiated while still within your daily limits.

Regardless of your fitness goals, we still found the provided Factor meals to contain tastes that go beyond what you’d expect from a reheated meal prep container. For example, our tester, when trialing a steak-based dish, was pleased to note that the steak portions were actually cooked to a medium rare level, even showcasing a pink middle.

Factor meals do often feature a meat and side format, so the “variety” at play can be somewhat subjective. However, if you’re looking for a convenient way to prep for a week’s worth of eating, Factor should definitely be top of mind.

Read our full Factor 75 Review.

Best Meal Delivery Service for Frozen Meals: 518 Kitchen

518 Kitchen
518 Kitchen
518 Kitchen

This meal delivery service offers flash-frozen dishes that can be stored easily for future consumption. Additionally, 518 Kitchen features no meal plans or packages, but rather an a la carte menu, meaning you can order as many or as few meals as you’d like each week.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $10
  • Shipping Costs: Calculated based on zip code
  • Type: Prepared
  • Meals Per Week: N/A 
  • Delivery Range: All 50 states
  • Good For: Keto, Keto-Friendly Low-Carb 


  • All meals ship frozen, allowing you to stock up on multiple weeks of nutrition without fear of ingredients going sour.
  • You can order as many meals as you like, allowing you to prep for multiple months in a single order.
  • According to our tester, the taste of these single-serving meals is top notch, especially if you’re following a low-carb diet.


  • 518 Kitchen requires a minimum order total of $75, which may be too much for some budgets.
  • There is no companion app for easier ordering and tracking — all transactions are processed online.

For those that want to stockpile their nutrition in the freezer, 518 Kitchen can be a perfect solution for more convenient meal prep. Each single-serving dish is flash-frozen to help preserve the freshness of the ingredients, and are stored frozen until it comes time to dig in. Perhaps the biggest perk of this prepared meal delivery service, though, is the fact that there are no meal plans — you can order as little or as much as you prefer (provided the order total surpasses $75).

We really like this a la carte style of commerce, as it allowed us to really fine tune our dining experience in relation to our appetite. Kate Meier, BarBend editorial member and NASM-Certified Personal Trainer, rated the ordering process at 5 out of 5. “The entire process was so simple,” she said. “I really liked how you could filter meals by their type, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner, as well as by lifestyle, with categories including keto or low-carb.”

[Related: The Nutritional Differences Between Fresh and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables]

We did notice, though, that all of the information regarding meals is kept online, meaning there is no companion app like other meal kits we’ve tried. It can be convenient to track your weekly boxes on your phone to ensure you’re receiving your order in a timely, efficient manner, so we missed having that option. 

The fact that these 58 Kitchen meals are frozen also lends itself to convenient prep. All you need to do is pierce the film, place the BPA-free plastic container in the microwave, and let the dish spin for its allotted time. We also found that these meals could be heated up in the oven, but you’ll need to remove the film entirely before opting for this reheat route. As such, we scored 518 Kitchen at 5 out of 5 for prep.

Taste-wise, 518 Kitchen fared well, offering worthwhile proteins and sides that kept us satiated and pleased with each dish. Given the frozen makeup, you shouldn’t expect many carbs like flatbreads, rice, or pasta, making this an excellent option for keto athletes, too. “Veggies can be (naturally) soggy after a microwave reheat,” added Meier, who scored the platform at 4 out of 5 for taste, “But in general, I’d be fine with eating these meals day in and day out.

[Related: What Is the Keto Diet and Should You Try It?]

Best Meal Delivery Service for Produce: Misfits Market

Misfits Market
Misfits Market
Misfits Market

Misfits Market takes produce and other goods that would otherwise be rejected by retail grocers and keeps them in the system, granting you access to healthy fruits and vegetables while also limiting food waste. The service can be excellent for athletes more versed in cooking and meal prep since there are no recipe cards or pre-portioned kits — think of it as a middle child of convenience, where you still need to shop for ingredients but don’t need to worry about getting to the store.


  • Price Per Meal: Order minimum varies by delivery area
  • Shipping Costs: Starting at $5.99
  • Type: Groceries
  • Meals Per Week: N/A
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Plant-based, Vegan, Keto, Low-Carb 


  • The platform allows you to order fresh, high-quality produce that would otherwise be rejected by grocers due to slight cosmetic issues.
  • Misfits Market also offers meats, pantry items, and more, allowing you to take care of all your grocery shopping under one convenient platform. 
  • Skipping deliveries is easy through the companion app — you can even schedule to skip a parcel weeks in advance.


  • Athletes wanting prepared meals or pre-portioned meal kits should opt for a different meal delivery service.
  • Grocery options can vary from week to week — your go-to items may not be available at all times.

Perhaps you’re more savvy in the kitchen and prefer to get your groceries handled by a delivery service rather than order pre-packaged dishes or pre-portioned kits. For produce needs, we like to rely on Misfits Market. Not only does this platform offer high-quality, primarily organic produce across its roughly 500 available weekly items, but the service also helps eliminate food waste by “rescuing” produce goods that would otherwise be rejected by chain retailers.

Having used Misfits Market in the past, I appreciate how this platform keeps cosmetically-deficient fruits and vegetables in the system, which can help with the nation’s food waste issue. According to studies, up to 40 percent of America’s produce is wasted. (5) Misfits Market, however, is aiming to change the way we perceive visual defects in fruit and vegetables, showing that while an item may be misshapen or discolored, it’s still perfectly good to eat.

[Related: What Happens if You Don’t Eat Vegetables?]

I rated the variety offered through this grocery service at 4 out of 5. In addition to produce, you can routinely find other must-haves, including meat and pantry items. However, I do drop the rating slightly given the fact that the availability can be hit and miss at times. You can expect roughly 500 goods each time you schedule your delivery, but I have noticed a few occasions where the roster of items was more or less than this mean.

I also like how the Misfits Market app allows you to conveniently control your orders. You can cancel or skip deliveries well in advance, which can be a great benefit when you know you’ll be away from your home for extended periods — no one wants to return from vacation to a spoiled box of veggies on their doorstep. Overall, I scored the ordering and shipment at 4.5 out of 5.

Lastly, it should be noted that Misfits Market is more of a grocery delivery service rather than a meal delivery service. You’ll need to plan your own recipes and portions, so this may not be the best option for those looking for the highest convenience in terms of meal prep. For those comfortable in the kitchen, though, this can be an excellent platform for keeping your stock of fresh ingredients replenished week in and week out.

[Related: Study: Fruits and Vegetables May Help Switch Off Genes Responsible for Obesity]

Best Meal Delivery Service for Meat: ButcherBox


Need a trusted source for protein-rich meat but can’t make it to your local butcher on a regular basis? ButcherBox can keep you stocked up each month with high-quality cuts of chicken, beef, and pork with boxes starting at just $146.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $146
  • Shipping Costs: $0.00
  • Type: Groceries
  • Meals Per Week: N/A
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Keto, Paleo, High-Protein


  • Each delivery through ButcherBox allows you to stock up on high-quality protein sources for an entire month.
  • Meat sources like chicken, pork, and beef are humanely-raised and antibiotic-free.
  • ButcherBox has recipes available online, giving you added guidance on how to prepare your orders.


  • This is a meat-only grocery service, so don’t expect to find vegetarian options or other goods, like produce or pantry items.
  • You will need ample freezer space to efficiently store all of your goods.

A big proponent of any well-rounded meal is the protein source, but do you truly have the time to hit up your local butcher each week for servings of steak, chicken, and pork? ButcherBox can take the headache out of finding high-quality protein (with free shipping!) through the brand’s monthly deliveries, giving you a nice variety of protein-rich goods ready for the oven, skillet, or grill.

I’ve used ButcherBox and really appreciate the robustness of each box. I rated the ordering process at 5 out of 5 thanks to a simple process that has you choose your delivery cadence (between two and eight weeks) and protein sources (beef, pork, and/or chicken). 

[Related: What to Look for When Buying Meat]

Additionally, I like how the brand prides itself on providing high-quality meat cuts to every subscriber. Every cut is harvested from grass-fed and antibiotic-free animals, which can be great for those looking to focus on animal welfare as part of their nutrition. Plus, these practices lend themselves to better taste — I scored ButcherBox at 4.5 out of 5 for the category, as I’ve yet to find a cut that wasn’t to my liking.

Chicken thighs
Image: ButcherBox

One thing that I have had issues with, though, is storing all of the provided meat. While I can get by with refrigerating some goods that I plan to eat immediately, I’ve had multiple instances where a complete rearrangement of my freezer was in store after receiving my order. I’d recommend ButcherBox for athletes that have ample freezer space available — it wouldn’t be unwise to pair your subscription with a new chest freezer.

Naturally, with focus on beef, chicken, and pork, you won’t find any vegan or vegetarian options with this service. As such, I rated the variety at 3 out of 5. If you are looking to cater to a specific dietary restriction, we recommend a grocery or meal delivery service such as Purple Carrot or Home Chef. However, if you’re looking to keep your freezer stocked with nutritious animal-based protein, these boxes can definitely fit the bill.

[Related: How to Cook the Perfect Steak Every Time]

Best Vegan Meal Delivery Service: Purple Carrot

Purple Carrot
Purple Carrot
Purple Carrot

Purple Carrot’s menu of meal kits and prepared dishes is 100% plant-based, making it an excellent meal delivery service for vegan and vegetarian athletes. Additionally, the brand offers pantry items and frozen meals for added convenience.


  • Price Per Meal: Starting at $11
  • Shipping Costs: $10
  • Type: Meal kit
  • Meals Per Week: Up to 4
  • Delivery Range: Contiguous United States
  • Good For: Vegetarian, Vegan, Nut-Free, Soy-Free, High-Protein, Gluten-Free


  • The menu is entirely plant-based with added filters for gluten-free, soy-free, and other dietary restrictions.
  • Purple Carrot offers meal kits, prepared dishes, pantry items, and frozen meals.
  • Our tester said that portions were generous, leaving them full after every meal.


  • There are no options for added proteins, meaning flexitarians may be left wanting more.
  • Our tester noted that recipes sometimes omitted key instructions that could lead to better end results.

Catering your diet to a plant-based format can be tricky at times, especially when trying to find suitable protein alternatives to fuel your training progress. Purple Carrot takes the hassle out of eating clean thanks to an entirely-plant-based menu that offers tasty, filling options for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We were really pleased with the variety of over 20 meals offered across the board, which included a good mix of meal kits and prepared dishes. As such, we rated the variety at 4 out of 5.

We also liked how Purple Carrot offers pantry items as well as frozen meals, which can be great for maintaining your plant-based diet throughout the day. Additionally, you can place extra filters for gluten-free, nut-free, soy-free, and other dietary needs when choosing your meals. 

“You do have to account for the fact that all available meals are plant-based, but I did enjoy the options to filter the dishes by certain categories like ‘high protein,’ or ‘less prep,’” added our tester, a certified personal trainer.

[Related: The 13 Best Healthy Carbs to Add to Your Meal Prep Plans]

In testing, our tester also noted that the included ingredients arrived with plenty of freshness, and they liked how little plastic was used for shipping. When it came time to actually eat the ordered meals, our tester praised the flavors as well, and rated the portions at 4 out of 5. Despite what you’d think about a plant-based meal, they said every serving was generous and there was little to no hunger post-meal.

Purple Carrot also includes recipe cards with each meal kit, but we think the instructions may be too simplified when it comes to certain dishes. For example, our tester noted that a tofu-based recipe didn’t include a step to pat dry the tofu before cooking. While it’s not an egregious omittance, they rated the overall prep work at 3 out of 5.

If you’re cooking for a large family, you may be underwhelmed with Purple Carrot’s format. You’re only able to order up to four meals weekly, which may not be enough to fuel a growing household. For smaller parties or individuals, however, this can be a great service, especially if you’re looking to add some much-needed plants into your diet.

[Related: Add These High-Protein Vegetables to Your Diet for a Muscle-Building Boost]

Benefits of Meal Delivery Services

Meal delivery services are marketed heavily to athletes, and all those push ads and promo codes can leave some questioning the worthiness of these kits. Regardless of your opinion on their marketing tactics, there are some foundational perks that come with these nutrition-packed dinner boxes.


One of the main benefits of signing up for a meal delivery service is the convenience they bring to your schedule. Instead of finding time for a trip to your local grocery store each week, these kits come pre-portioned to get your meals off and running. Additionally, the meal kits come with simple instructions to turn your list of ingredients into a hearty dish in no time.

Food Waste

Ever purchased ingredients for a specific recipe only to be left with more materials than you actually need? These extra ingredients can oftentimes be left in your fridge until they spoil, potentially adding to your weekly food waste. Studies show that meal kits, with their pre-portioned ingredients and preset serving totals, can cut food waste and carbon emissions when compared to traditional grocery shopping. (3)

Time Management

While meal delivery services can be convenient for eliminating trips to the grocery store, they can also be beneficial when it comes to preparing the meals, too. Most kits come pre-portioned with simple cooking instructions, so there’s less time needed to get everything in order before dinner. Additionally, many meal delivery services list their suggested prep and cooking times with the recipes itself, and many keep processes to under 30 minutes.

[Related: These 2 Cooking Tips Will Perk Up Your Food Prep]

If you want to really make the most of your time, you can also opt for a meal delivery service offering prepared meals. These kits take efficiency to the next level as they only require a quick pop in the microwave or oven before consumption. Be mindful, though, that these kits are prepared before they get to your doorstep, meaning there’s little room for customization if, say, you want to swap a protein source or need to cater to specific dietary restrictions.

Diet-Specific Needs

Athletes following specific nutrition plans like keto, Paleo, or other restrictive diets can find it difficult at times to eat meals with the proper ingredients needed for worthwhile dining. After all, these unique meal plans aren’t as popular with the general population, so finding solutions in your local store can be a challenge in itself. 

Meal delivery services open up your possibilities greatly when trying to cater to these diets, giving you options that may not have been feasible through your local grocer.

A recipe for one of Home Chef's delivery meals
Home Chef Recipe Card

Meal delivery services can also be excellent options for athletes entertaining the notion of switching up their diet. You’re not at the mercy of your area’s inventory, and the commitment is for as long as you keep the service or menu option.

Are Meal Delivery Services the Cheapest Option?

One of the main concerns athletes may have when deciding whether to go with a meal delivery service is how much they actually cost. After all, grocery stores, takeout and restaurants still exist in tandem with these platforms, so at the end of the day, which is the best option when trying to build out your nutrition plan?

Meal Delivery Services Vs. Restaurants

Restaurants can be a nice treat every now and again, and definitely take the least amount of work when comparing the two meal options. You don’t have to worry about cleanup or food preparation, and there are typically multiple options to choose from in your area. That said, you do need to drive to your destination if dining in, wait for your table, tip your server, and pay your bill. 

Delivery options can be an alternative, but you’re at the mercy of the restaurant’s policies, and still need to tip your driver for dishes that aren’t as fresh after a car ride across town. With meal delivery services, there’s more control over your menus, the dishes are (literally) fresh from the kitchen, and you don’t have to worry about additional expenses like tips, parking, and other fees.

[Related: 6 Healthy Fast Food Options, According to a PhD]

Meal delivery services can also be more reasonable for your nutrition plan because of the clarity surrounding your food’s nutritional value. It can be difficult to determine just how many macronutrients you’re getting in a restaurant dish, whereas many meal kits provide all the information upfront.

Meal Delivery Services Vs. Grocery Stores

This timeless comparison can be tricky to decipher, depending on what you’re actually looking for when it comes to your nutrition. If you already have a good grasp on your meal prepping for the week and know what you need for worthwhile rations each day, you may be better off with the tried and true grocery shopping experience from a pricing perspective. That said, you will need to sacrifice some time within your schedule, and some ingredients may not always be in stock.

Meal delivery services may look like a more expensive option at face value, but you also need to factor in the time savings along with the lessened food waste overall. Your meals are pre-portioned for your chosen recipe, so the only leftovers to think of are your portions not finished at the dinner table. There’s little to no food waste, so the money you spent on meals actually ends up in your body as opposed to the trash can. Additionally, choosing a meal delivery service can open your palate to new ingredients that may not be available in your area.

How to Choose the Best Meal Delivery Service

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past few years, you’ve likely ascertained that there’s practically a meal delivery service for every day of the week. With so many options to choose from, it can be difficult to land on the perfect platform for your dietary needs. Below are some factors to consider when deciding on your ideal meal delivery service.

Match Your Dietary Restrictions

If you’re looking for a meal delivery service that caters to your specific diet, take some time before your first order to look through the platform’s menu. Many of the best meal kits have options featuring plant-based dishes, as well as those for gluten-free, dairy-free, keto-friendly, and other nutritional restrictions.

Factor Meal Appearance
Factor Meal Appearance

It can also be wise to look at how many diet-friendly options your meal delivery service offers. Having a wide array of available meals can help defend against flavor burnout over extended weeks, helping you stay diligent with your diet without sacrificing any enjoyment.

Search for Meal Variety

You likely don’t want to have the same meal day in and day out, so make sure your delivery service has enough variety from the start to suit your palate. Many meal delivery services also feature a rotating menu that changes on a given schedule, which can help keep every week of cooking interesting and fresh.

If you fancy a snack or other items along with your full meals, it can also be helpful to look for a meal delivery service offering a la carte items. These quick hits of nutrition can help keep you full throughout the day, albeit at an additional cost.

Plan Out Your Schedule

Your meal delivery service is intended to be a convenient alternative to grocery shopping and dining out, but that convenience can quickly fade away if your deliveries aren’t aligned with your schedule. Make sure that your order is delivered on a day that suits your needs best. 

[Related: How to Make Homemade Meal Replacement Shakes to Fuel Your Training Goals]

Set Your Budget

Most meal delivery services range in price from $5 to $14 and beyond. These prices can be influenced by how many meals you order per week, how many servings you order for each meal, and any add-ons you tack onto your order. Be sure to search around to find a proper package that fits your budget while also keeping the service convenient enough for repeat orders.

Many brands also offer trial periods or promo codes that can help you get a taste for the meals offered without a hefty blow to your wallet. We recommend taking advantage of these deals at the start, since this can be a great way to see if meal delivery services are truly worth your time and money.

Final Word

Meal delivery services can be a tasty way to expand your palate, keep your nutrition in check, and gain back some time in your schedule. These impressive kits offer a litany of meals both pre-portioned and oven-ready, with specific makeups that cater to a variety of dietary needs. Plus, they’re quite comparable to your typical grocery bill, especially when you factor in the time savings you gain from having your items shipped directly to your doorstep.

Finding the right meal delivery service for your personal nutrition depends on a few factors, none more important than your personal budget. When looking for your first kit, be sure to look at each meal’s value, and how that compares to your typical trip to the grocer. Once you’ve landed on a suitable deal, browse through the menu, choose your delivery schedule and rejoice. The dinner bell will be ringing in no time to the tune of more nutritious, flavorful dishes.


Are meal delivery services worth it?

If you’re struggling to find the time for grocery shopping, meal delivery services can be a worthwhile pursuit for some athletes. These kits can also be worthwhile options for those following specific diets like keto or Paleo. When weighing the pros and cons of meal delivery services versus traditional grocery shopping, be sure to consider your budget, how much involvement you’d like in the food preparation, and your dietary goals.

Is it cheaper to prep your meals on your own than opting for a meal delivery service?

When you break down meal delivery services on an individual basis, odds are that traditional grocery shopping and cooking will be the more budget-friendly pick. You can certainly compose a worthwhile meal plan in this model, but you will also need to factor in your driving time to the grocer, the time spent shopping and choosing ingredients, and how often you plan to eat the same meal in a given week. If you’d like these conveniences to be taken care of without much hassle, it may be wise to look into meal delivery services as an alternative.

What is the best meal delivery service?

The best meal delivery service is a subjective matter, as it depends on your dietary needs, budget, and other preferences. For our money, we believe Home Chef to provide the best service in the category, thanks to its affordable pricing beginning at $10 per meal, its wide assortment of diet-conscious offerings, and family-friendly serving quantities.

What is the cheapest meal delivery service?

You can do plenty of research to find the cheapest meal delivery service for your needs. In our opinion, though, Dinnerly provides the best mix of budget-minded meals with high-quality ingredients. Meals start at just $4.99, and there are plenty of filters that can allow you to order dishes catering to specific dietary needs, such as gluten-free, dairy-free, plant-based, and more.


  1. Mills, S., Brown, H., Wrieden, W., White, M., & Adams, J. (2017). Frequency of eating home cooked meals and potential benefits for diet and health: Cross-sectional analysis of a population-based cohort study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 14(1). 
  2. Kim, J. Y. (2021). Optimal Diet Strategies for weight loss and weight loss maintenance. Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome, 30(1), 20–31. 
  3. Heard, B. R., Bandekar, M., Vassar, B., & Miller, S. A. (2019). Comparison of life cycle environmental impacts from meal kits and grocery store meals. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 147, 189–200.
  4. Miranda, M. (2024, April 2). The cost of eating out vs eating in by State. Hire The Right Nutritionist For You. 
  5. Campbell, C. G., & Feldpausch, G. L. (2022). Invited review: The consumer and dairy food waste: An individual plus policy, systems, and environmental perspective. Journal of Dairy Science, 105(5), 3736–3745.

The post The 12 Best Meal Delivery Services of 2024, According to a Dietician appeared first on BarBend.

The 6 Best Probiotics for Men of 2024 Fri, 10 Nov 2023 18:13:00 +0000 Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of living (yes, living) bacteria called probiotics. These microorganisms are vital to your immune and digestive systems, and can even influence your mood and energy levels. (1) Now, eating a well-rounded diet containing probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kimchi is always a good way to keep your bacteria count in check, but probiotic...

The post The 6 Best Probiotics for Men of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of living (yes, living) bacteria called probiotics. These microorganisms are vital to your immune and digestive systems, and can even influence your mood and energy levels. (1) Now, eating a well-rounded diet containing probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kimchi is always a good way to keep your bacteria count in check, but probiotic supplements can also be a worthwhile method for giving your gut a daily boost. 

The best probiotics for men can be a simple addition to your supplement stack, but finding the formulation that’s ideal for you can be tough. After all, these supplements are more complex than your typical protein powder or multivitamin, and certain bacteria strains can lead to different sensations in your gut and body. So, to help you narrow down your search, we tested over 20 top-performing probiotic supplements, conducted hours of research, and reviewed hundreds of customer reviews to find the seven best probiotics for men available now.

The 6 Best Probiotics for Men of 2024

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. 

How We Tested

The BarBend team is made up of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, and lifelong fitness enthusiasts. We know that health and wellness is not just about how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside, as well. For this round-up, we tested 22 probiotic supplements, noting how their complex formulations influenced our daily wellness levels. We examined each tested product’s ingredients list, focusing on the number of colony-forming units in each serving, as well as the included strains per dose.

We also kept an eye out for other ingredients that could potentially bring added fiber, vitamins, or minerals to our supplement stack. Probiotics that featured some form of third-party testing were also noteworthy, giving an added sense of reassurance that the supplements were free of any banned substances.

Given the fact that probiotics are living microorganisms, we also took note of any special storage requirements that came with these supplements. Did they need to be refrigerated or kept in certain conditions, or could they share countertop space with some of our other daily supplements?

Lastly, probiotics can be some of the most expensive supplements in your regimen, with some complex formulations costing upwards of $3 per serving. We looked at a variety of price points in testing to create a well-rounded list catering to all budget types.

Best Probiotic for Men Overall: Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic
Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health probiotic contains 1,000mg of probiotics (100 billion CFU) — one of the highest doses on the market. This supplement is also vegan since the capsules are made from plant-based hypromellose. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.53
  • Form: Capsules
  • Included Strains: 10
  • Colony Forming Units: 100 billion per serving 
  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place


  • Men wanting a robust probiotic will appreciate the 100 billion CFUs per serving.
  • This probiotic comes in a capsule, making it easy and convenient to consume.
  • This probiotic is free of artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and colorings.


  • Not all athletes will need a probiotic with 10 varying strains.
  • The 100 billion CFUs per serving can potentially cause stomach discomfort for some. (6)
  • Athletes can find cheaper probiotics out there, albeit with lesser CFUs per dose.

Thanks to a hearty dose of colony-forming units, a convenient capsule makeup, and a simple storage method, we believe Gut Health Probiotic from Transparent Labs to be the best probiotic for men available today. In testing, it was clear that this particular probiotic was the most robust formulation we tried, packing in 10 individual strains of microorganisms for a total of 100 billion CFUs per serving. That’s well beyond the typical dosage, which commonly ranges between one and 10 billion CFUs per serving. (4)

We also appreciate how Transparent Labs utilizes lactobacillus acidophilus (LA-14) as its predominant probiotic in the formulation at a listed 25 billion CFU per dose. This is one of the most commonly used probiotics in formulations for its tendency to create unfriendly environments for “bad” bacteria in the intestines. (5) Common effects of supplementing with this “good” bacteria may include improvements to your immune and digestive systems, a better tolerance to lactose, and lessened symptoms associated with chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Additionally, we enjoyed how easy it was to add this Transparent Labs probiotic to our regimen. A serving consists of two capsules, so finding the time in the morning for proper consumption is a breeze. Also, we liked that this probiotic supplement doesn’t need to be refrigerated after opening, which allowed us to keep the bottle handily on our counters for quick, convenient servings each day. Other probiotics require a cold environment to retain their potency over time, which can add another (albeit small) step to the process. 

As impressive as this probiotic is, however, we recommend you ease into a regular supplement schedule with this pick. The 100 billion CFUs per dose can give you a major gut check at first, especially if you’ve never taken a probiotic supplement before. Symptoms can include stomach discomfort, bloating, gas, or diarrhea — not exactly the results you’re likely looking for from the start. (6

It may be best to cut your servings in half at first to get a feel for your body’s reaction to the extra microorganisms. If that still leaves you with uncomfortable sensations, you may need to opt for a probiotic with less CFUs.

[Related: Why Probiotics Are Extra Beneficial for Athletes]

Best Probiotic for Men’s Gut Health: Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics

Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics
Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics
Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics

Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics includes a digestive enzyme supplement, five strains of probiotics, two types of prebiotics, and a dose of betaine HCI. If you subscribe, you can save $10 per month on this supplement. 


  • Price Per Serving: $2.53
  • Form: Capsules
  • Included Strains: 5
  • Colony Forming Units: 10 billion per serving
  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place.


  • Each packet contains 900mg of Jerusalem artichoke and 600mg of organic dandelion root to fuel the probiotics for a more positive balance in gut flora overall.
  • The DigestTech enzyme blend can help you better digest key macronutrients, according to the brand.
  • The single-serving packaging can be great for keeping supplementation simple.


  • At nearly $75 for a month’s supply, this probiotic may not fit in every athlete’s budget.
  • Pill-averse athletes may prefer a probiotic with less than seven capsules per serving. 
  • The individual packets can create added waste and refuse.

If your main goal of adding a probiotic to your stack is to improve your gut health and digestion, we recommend Onnit’s Gut Health with Probiotics packets. You get seven capsules in a convenient single-serving packet, and while this may be too many pills at once for some, we think the performance supports the added capsules.

This makeup allows each component, like Onnit’s flagship full-spectrum DigestTech enzyme blend, to be properly dosed with key ingredients like Amylase, Protease, Lipase, Pectinase, Lactase, and others for the sake of improved digestion and gut health. There are also two capsules containing 900mg of Jerusalem artichoke and 600mg of organic dandelion root, which serve as prebiotics for the five included probiotic strains. Prebiotics, essentially, serve as food for other probiotics, allowing the microbiome to stay naturally balanced over time. (7)

There’s also something to be said about the single-serving packaging. We enjoyed how simple it was to have this gut booster on-hand, especially during travel days or stays away from our kitchen and supplement cabinet. Additionally, Gut Health with Probiotics doesn’t require additional storage precautions like refrigeration, meaning you can easily store your daily packet in a pocket or gym bag until it’s time for your daily dose.

At nearly $75 for a month’s worth of gut support, though, we understand that Onnit’s Gut Health with Probiotics may be too expensive for some budgets. You’re able to find other probiotic supplements that can deliver digestive support for much less, albeit in a less convenient packaging. Be sure to analyze your budget and personal needs before ordering a stack of your own.

Best Comprehensive Probiotic for Men: Ritual Synbiotic+

Ritual Synbiotic+
Ritual Synbiotic+
Ritual Synbiotic+

Ritual Synbiotic+ offers pre-, pro-, and postbiotics in a fiber capsule that keeps the probiotic tablet intact until it reaches the colon, where the probiotics can do the most good. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.80
  • Form: Capsules
  • Included Strains: 2
  • Colony Forming Units: 11 billion per serving
  • Storage Instructions: No refrigeration needed.


  • The formulation is robust with 15mg of prebiotics, 11 billion CFUs of probiotics, and 300mg of the postbiotic Tributyrin. 
  • This probiotic doesn’t need to be refrigerated to maintain its potency.
  • The delayed-release capsule can help the included probiotics reach the colon more easily.


  • Ritual automatically signs you up for repeat orders at the time of initial purchase.
  • Some of our testers noted uncomfortable sensations like gas and bloating with the first few doses.
  • Each capsule features a minty flavoring, which may be undesired by some.

For balancing your gut microbiome efficiently, it’s tough to beat Ritual’s Synbiotic+. Each daily serving is just one capsule, and that easy-to-swallow dose delivers a comprehensive three-in-one formulation containing prebiotics (bacteria food), probiotics (“good” bacteria), and postbiotics (even more bacteria food).

We appreciate this makeup, as it helps give the included probiotics the best chance possible to flourish. The 15mg of prebiotics serve as both a delayed-release capsule to have the probiotics delivered effectively to the colon, as well as food for the bacteria once they’ve reached their destination. The included 300mg of Tributyrin can also be beneficial for bloating and indigestion, according to studies. (8)

The main ingredients, naturally, are the two probiotic strains — lactobacillus rhamnosus and bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis. These two bacteria have been shown to effectively improve your gut barrier, allowing for the optimal growth of “good” bacteria within your microbiome. (9)(10) We also appreciate the dosage of this probiotic blend, as 11 billion CFUs is just slightly above the average probiotic serving yet still can be effective for a number of athletes. (4)

We do want to note, though, that while we witnessed the effectiveness of Synbiotic+ during testing, it wasn’t an immediate boost to our systems. Our tester noted that after taking Synbiotic+ for the first few days of trials, they experienced some uncomfortable gas and digestive rumblings — common symptoms associated with probiotic supplementation. (6) Thankfully, though, these side effects subsided after the initial flare-ups, and they noted no discomfort for the rest of their scheduled doses. 

Best Probiotic for Men’s Digestion: Athletic Greens AG1

Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens

This nutritious greens powder is NSF certified for sport and includes 75 absorbable ingredients and is free of gluten, sugar, dairy, eggs, and peanuts. It is compatible with vegan, keto, and paleo diets. 


  • Price Per Serving: $2.63
  • Form: Powder
  • Included Strains: 2
  • Colony Forming Units: 7.2 billion per serving
  • Storage Instructions: Refrigerate after opening.


  • The digestive enzyme complex is rich with stomach-boosting ingredients, including astragalus root extract, bromelain, and burdock root powder.
  • The layered formulation features 75 different components targeting multiple health categories, like digestion, focus, energy, and healthy aging.
  • Our tester enjoyed the vanilla and pineapple flavoring that cut through the “grassy” taste.


  • The powder can begin to settle if not consumed immediately after mixing.
  • Not all athletes will need as robust a formulation as this greens powder.
  • To maintain its potency and effectiveness, AG1 needs to be refrigerated.

Athletic Greens AG1 is more of an all-in-one super beverage than a standalone probiotic for men, but that doesn’t mean it can’t enhance your digestive system with worthwhile ingredients. Of the 75 (yes, 75) ingredients listed in a single serving, key standouts include the 154mg of Athletic Greens’ Digestive Enzyme and Super Mushroom Complex. This blend includes astragalus root extract, bromelain, and burdock root powder as well as reishi and shiitake mushroom powder to help you absorb vital nutrients and support your gut lining, according to the brand.

There’s also a hearty serving of probiotics in this concoction, too — 7.2 billion CFUs, to be exact. Combining lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum, this serving can be excellent for breaking down nutrients for absorption and fending off “bad” bacteria looking to infiltrate your microbiome. (5)(15)

Athletic Greens AG1 Supplement Facts
Athletic Greens AG1 Supplement Facts

In testing, we enjoyed this comprehensive greens powder, and felt it was a convenient way to up our intake of vital nutrients, vitamins, probiotics, and more in one fell swoop. Additionally, our tester said the vanilla and pineapple flavoring did wonders to eliminate that “grassy” taste often associated with greens powders. We do recommend wasting little time with this shake once it’s been made, though. We noticed that the powder can begin to separate if left alone for too long between sips.

Naturally, though, AG1 may not be the best probiotic for athletes just looking for an extra helping of bacteria each day. There are a litany of extra ingredients designed to promote overall health and wellness, and while these can be great additions to your nutrition plan, it may be overkill for some. If you’re looking for that convenient one-stop-shop to start your day, AG1 can deliver, but if you just want a simple way to target your microbiome, there are cheaper options on the market.

Read our full Athletic Greens AG1 Review.

Best Probiotic for Men’s Immunity: Swolverine Probiotix

Swolverine Probiotix
Swolverine Probiotix
Swolverine Probiotix

This probiotic from Swolverine offers 5.75 billion CFU of probiotics in seven different strains with no fillers, GMOs, pesticides, or gluten. Plus, it's one of the most affordable probiotic supplements on the market. 


  • Price Per Serving: $0.55
  • Form: Capsules
  • Included Strains: 7
  • Colony Forming Units: 5.75 billion per serving
  • Storage Instructions: Keep refrigerated to maximize shelf-life and potency.


  • The formulation includes bifidobacterium longum, which has shown to be a positive bacteria for supporting immune health. (12)
  • The 5.75 billion CFUs per serving can be more approachable for newcomers. (6)
  • At just 55 cents per dose, Probiotix is one of the most affordable supplements we tested.


  • Some athletes may prefer a more robust formulation with added prebiotics and postbiotics.
  • The CFUs of each included strain are unknown from the ingredients list alone.
  • Probiotix is manufactured in a facility that processes milk, soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish.

Men can boost their immune system by supplementing with probiotics. For this potential benefit, we recommend Swolverine’s Probiotix. According to our tester, the single serving capsules are roughly the size of your typical ibuprofen, meaning they’re very easy to down with a glass of water. Additionally, the 5.75 billion CFUs of probiotics can be a good starting point for less experienced athletes, as there’s less of a chance of digestive discomfort with the first initial doses. (6)

Those 5.75 billion CFUs are composed of seven different probiotic strains, including bifidobacterium longum. This “good” bacteria has indicated excellent potential to trigger immunomodulatory responses involved in the maintenance of our healthy physiological state, according to studies. (6) Other featured strains include lactobacillus casei for treating symptoms of arthritis and joint inflammation, bifidobacterium breve for reduced gas, bloating, and diarrhea, and lactobacillus acidophilus for improved digestion. (13)(14)(5)

We also appreciate the price of this worthwhile probiotic supplement. At just 55 cents per serving, it’s one of the most wallet-friendly picks we had the pleasure of testing. Plus, Swolverine offers a 15 percent discount when you subscribe for repeat deliveries, adding to the budget appeal of Probiotix.

As a final note, though, we do caution people sensitive to food-related allergens about this probiotic. Probiotix is manufactured in a facility that processes milk, soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. While we don’t believe cross contamination is prevalent, it is noteworthy for some. Having an upset stomach is one thing, but an allergic reaction is another side effect we’d like to avoid at all costs.

Best Vegan Probiotic for Men: Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic
Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic
Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health probiotic contains 1,000mg of probiotics (100 billion CFU) — one of the highest doses on the market. This supplement is also vegan since the capsules are made from plant-based hypromellose. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.53
  • Form: Capsules
  • Included Strains: 10
  • Colony Forming Units: 100 billion per serving 
  • Storage Instructions: Store in a cool, dry place


  • The capsules are composed of vegan hypromellose for an animal-product-free formula.
  • The probiotic supplement is free of any artificial sweeteners, colorings, and preservatives.
  • Gut Health Probiotic packs in 100 billion CFUs per serving — the highest total we found in testing.


  • It’s recommended you take this probiotic on an empty stomach.
  • The doses of multiple bacteria strains may leave some with stomach discomfort at first.
  • You can find cheaper probiotics on the market.

Probiotic supplements can be excellent additions to a plant-based diet, as food sources for these bacteria often contain dairy or animal products. (4) Studies have shown that athletes following a plant-based diet can benefit from probiotic supplementation, as this can help increase the richness of the bacterial population within the gut and trigger improved digestive enzyme activity. (16)

For athletes practicing a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, Gut Health Probiotic from Transparent Labs can be an excellent source for improved gut health. Not only are the capsules made from vegan hypromellose, but this probiotic supplement is also free of any artificial sweeteners, colorings, or preservatives. Plus, we appreciate the fact that this probiotic supplement is certified by Informed Choice, reassuring athletes that the formulation is free of any banned substances.

In testing, we enjoyed the convenience on display with the simple two-capsule serving size. There’s also no flavor present, which can be great for athletes wanting to get their dosage down without any lingering taste. Transparent Labs does recommend taking your daily serving on an empty stomach, however, so it may be best to consume these at the start of your day before you’ve had your breakfast.

Additionally, we recommend this probiotic supplement for vegan athletes because there’s a ton of potential for improved digestive and immune health through the formulation containing 10 individual strains of bacteria. Plus, the 100 billion CFUs per serving is the highest total we encountered in testing. This may be too powerful for some and can lead to initial stomach discomfort, but if you’re already deficient in bacteria given your other diet choices, this can be a quick way to bolster that microbiome complexity.

How We Choose the Best Probiotics for Men

Probiotics are some of the most popular supplements out there today, according to the American Pharmacists Association, and sifting through the available options can be a tricky endeavor. (17) Different strains and dosages can impact everyone at varying levels, so we looked at a number of factors, including colony forming units, storage requirements, featured probiotic strains, and price per serving when building out this well-rounded guide.

Colony Forming Units

Probiotics are measured in colony forming units (CFU), which indicate the number of viable cells in a given serving. (4) Dosages can range from brand to brand, with many falling somewhere between one and 10 billion CFUs per serving. Most individuals can be fine with these formulations, but others may require slight adjustments.

If you’re new to probiotics, you may want to ease into the supplement with a CFU count between one and five billion. This can help eliminate the potential for initial growing pains like an upset stomach, bloating, or increased gassiness. (6)

More experienced athletes can explore higher CFU totals, even up to 100 billion per serving. As such, we aimed to cover the gambit of CFU servings, with the included probiotic supplements ranging between 5.75 and 100 billion units per dose.

Storage Requirements

To maintain potency and effectiveness from the first serving to the last, some probiotics may require some extra attention when it comes to storing the supplement in-between doses. Typically, this means tossing the container into the fridge — a minor adjustment, indeed — but when you compare that to other supplements that can stay within view on a countertop day in and day out, it does add another step to the process.

Probiotic pill.
photo credit: Shutterstock

To suit all convenience preferences, we looked at a variety of supplements with different storage requirements. If you need to clear some space in your fridge for the sake of housing your gut-boosting capsules and powders, we made note of it above.

Available Strains

There are multitudes of bacteria that live in your gut, and many of the premium probiotics employ a myriad of strains to support your digestive and immune systems. We made note of common bacteria showcased in our top picks, explaining how they could potentially influence your microbiome and where you could see the potential benefits. If a certain bacteria was worthwhile at fending off “bad” bacteria, we also pointed that out in our research findings above.

We also looked for probiotic supplements offering a variety of strains in a given serving. These particular options were appealing to us, as they posed as a greater influence on our digestive health over the span of trials. When supplements didn’t house a multitude of strains in their formulations, we made note of that as well.

Price Per Serving

How costly your probiotic supplement of choice is depends on its makeup — the more robust a formulation is, the more expensive it’s likely to be when it comes time to check out.

In our research and trials, we found the most noteworthy probiotics to fall anywhere from 33 cents per serving and 2.63 per serving. We’ve also included a good mix of supplements that fall in the middle of this range in an effort to cater to more budgets, highlighting budget-friendly components and savings opportunities wherever possible.

The Benefits of Probiotics for Men

One of the main benefits associated with probiotic supplementation is improved digestion, but these living concoctions can provide much more to your physique from top to bottom (literally). Below are a few of the top benefits associated with probiotics, along with how you can expect these supplements to improve your day to day.

Improved Digestion

Probiotics can help restore balance to your natural microbiome, leading to reduced sensations like bloating, gas, and other digestive issues. (4) The featured bacteria in most probiotic supplements can also help fend off potential “bad” bacteria trying to infiltrate your flora, leading to better gut maintenance and sustained wellness in the long run. (18)

Immune Support

In addition to keeping your microbiome in order, probiotics can also prove effective across your immune system as well. Supplementing with probiotics can be a great method of keeping “good” bacteria in your system while also defending against “bad” bacteria known to cause disease and illness. Having a strong, balanced gut flora can also influence your immune system’s responses to illness, releasing helpful T cells during the threat of infection. (19)

Prostate Health

Men can also benefit from probiotics thanks to their influence on your prostate. Studies indicate that altering your gut microbiome with probiotics may help prevent or delay prostate cancer development. (27) Additionally, taking a daily serving of probiotics can potentially help increase your testosterone levels while balancing other sex hormones. (28)

Boosted Energy Levels

Your microbiome can also influence your energy levels throughout your daily activities, as studies suggest that creating a worthwhile environment for bacteria to flourish can lead to lessened fatigue. (20) Additionally, certain bacteria strains, like lactobacillus plantarum, have been linked to improved endurance during exercise, which can be great for keeping your energy consistent during hard-nosed training sessions. (11)

Mental Clarity

Dealing with an unhealthy gut can be a stressful challenge in its own right, but did you know that there’s an actual connection between the functionings of your brain and that of your microbiome? (21) Having a balanced gut flora can help lower stress levels and improve cognition, according to studies. (22)

Common Probiotic Strains for Boosted Health and Wellness

When looking into worthwhile probiotics for your supplement stack, it doesn’t take long to realize that there are a lot of bacteria strains out there with the potential to improve your microbiome. Below are just a handful of noteworthy bacteria strains to keep an eye out for when determining the best probiotic supplement for your needs.

Lactobacillus acidophilus

As one of the most common probiotics used in supplementation, this strain can be beneficial for athletes thanks to its influence on digestive and immune systems. Additionally, lactobacillus acidophilus can be a great defense against “bad” bacteria looking to infiltrate your microbiome, acting as a powerful barrier for sustained wellness throughout your regimen. (5)

Lactobacillus fermentum

Fermentum strains of bacteria have been linked to decreases in blood stream cholesterol, along with other benefits including defending against gastrointestinal and upper respiratory infections. (23) Because of these potential perks, this bacterial offering can be an excellent option for those putting a heightened emphasis on their immune health during probiotic supplementation.

Lactobacillus casei/paracasei

This bacteria strain can be especially influential on your immune system thanks to its potential for immune modulation, improved gut barrier development, and boosted defense against pathogen adhesion. (13)

Lactobacillus plantarum

According to studies, this training-focused strain can be a premium pick for active individuals thanks to its benefits pertaining to elevated aerobic endurance capacities. (11) Also, lactobacillus plantarum can be great for maintaining body composition, digestive health, and energy retention throughout your fitness regimen.

Lactobacillus reuteri

This is another strain commonly found in the human microbiome, but given the shift in lifestyle changes over the decades, has become decreasingly present in many over time. (24) Supplementing with strains of lactobacillus reuteri can help replenish CFUs for the sake of fighting inflammation and eliminating infections present within the gut.

Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus

Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus was one of the first probiotics ever studied, with notes and research dating back as far as 1882. In that time, studies have shown this strain’s heavy influence on digestion and the immune system, boasting such benefits as decreased inflammation, improved IBS symptoms, better digestion of dairy, and more. (25)

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

You can think of this strain as the helpful cockroach of the bunch, as lactobacillus rhamnosus is resistant to acid and bile, meaning it isn’t destroyed easily in your stomach. As such, this strain can be a great team player when promoting a healthy gut wall, regulating your immune response to infections, and fending against unwanted bacteria. (9)

Bifidobacterium longum ssp. Longum

Studies indicate that supplementing with this particular strain could lead to improved post-workout recovery, as seen in a tested sample of female swimmers over a six-week exercise training phase. (26)

Bifidobacterium bifidum

Serving as another common strain found in probiotic supplements, bifidobacterium bifidum can help manage your digestive system and boost your immune system. There’s also evidence showing its effectiveness against irritable bowel syndrome and other discomforting intestinal conditions. (15)

Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. Lactis 

This impressive bacteria strain is already found in the human gut, but supplementing with added CFUs can be an excellent way to maintain optimal counts for intestinal health. Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. Lactis has been shown to be effective in helping with constipation as well as irritation from such conditions as irritable bowel syndrome and general stomach discomfort.(10)

How to Find the Best Probiotics for Men

The right probiotic for your needs can depend on a number of factors, including your body’s tolerance to added bacteria from the start, your budget, and how convenient you’d like your supplement to be within your daily schedule. Below are a few factors to consider when choosing between the best probiotic supplements for men.

Find Your Ideal Colony Forming Units

Each probiotic supplement will showcase a unique number of CFUs per serving, which refers to how many viable cells of bacteria are present in the formulation. (4) This number can vary from brand to brand, with typical doses ranging between one and 10 billion CFUs per serving.

Credit: Deemwave / Shutterstock

How many CFUs you need can depend on your tolerance and digestive health, so it can be best to look for probiotics offering CFUs within this one to 10 billion range at the start. As you learn and grow accustomed to your body’s reaction to the supplement, you can explore higher doses — some can even reach as high as 100 billion CFUs per dose.

Consider Available Strains

There’s no shortage of bacteria strains out there, and many “good” bacteria can prove to be effective when trying to boost your microbiome’s wellness levels. Additionally, varying strains can lead to specific benefits, from improved digestion, to immune support, better aerobic endurance, and others. (4)

When deciding between probiotic supplements, take a look at the listed bacteria strains to see if the potential benefits align with your wants and needs. Additionally, many premium probiotics combine two or more strains in a single serving, adding to the potency and potential benefits you can see within a single dose.

Think About Storage Needs

To help retain their potency after their packaging has been opened some probiotics require extra care when it comes to storage. Oftentimes, this boils down to keeping your supplements in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator for optimal conditions. As such, it’s important to read the storage recommendations of your chosen supplement and accommodate those instructions accordingly. 

Choose Your Probiotic Form

Many of the best probiotics for men come in either a powder or capsule format. Whichever you choose, though, depends entirely on your convenience preferences. 

Unrecognizable bodybuilder man drinks vitamin capsules
Credit: Reshetnikov_art / Shutterstock

For those that don’t mind swallowing pills, or those that want a format more accommodating for travel, we recommend capsules. For those needing a little flavor in their supplementation, or who are pill-averse, powders can be a great option as well. There’s no real benefit to one or the other, so you can go with the format that suits your lifestyle best.

Look for Third-Party Testing

Like other supplements, probiotics are not regulated by the FDA. Therefore, finding a product carrying a third-party certification can be a quick way to assure that the formulation is accurate, trustworthy, and free of any banned substances.

We recommend opting for third-party-tested probiotics whenever possible, especially when it comes to athletes competing under specific governing agencies. Supplementing with probiotics carrying such certifications can make it easier to abide by your rules and regulations.

Set Your Budget

Naturally, your relationship with a supplement depends on how affordable it is within your personal budget. While probiotics aren’t the cheapest supplements on the market, there’s still a wide range of price points to choose from. Plus, we found plenty of worthwhile options that varied in costs from less than 35 cents per serving all the way up to over $2.50 per dose.

Be sure to look for a probiotic that fits conveniently into your budget day in and day out. You’ll be taking these supplements daily, after all, so if you can’t afford or justify spending the calculated price tag per serving, it may be best to go with one that’s easier on your wallet.

Final Word

Probiotics can be an excellent addition to any man’s supplement stack, offering benefits related to digestive health, immune support, energy levels, and mental clarity. While you’re capable of consuming enough gut-boosting microorganisms through your diet alone, these powders and capsules can be a convenient way to keep your gut flora in check on a daily basis.

When looking for the right probiotic supplement for your needs, be sure to take your present gut health and sensitivity into question before opting for a specific dose or bacteria strain. Every athlete has different tolerances, and going too heavy from the start can be counterproductive with side effects including gas, bloating, and stomach discomfort. (6) Be sure to do your research (i.e., follow our suggestions) as you venture into the world of “good” bacteria.


Should men take probiotics?

In short, yes. Probiotics can be primarily beneficial for your digestive and immune systems, so athletes of all identities can improve their microbiome through proper supplementation.

What’s the best probiotic for men?

Because of the wide range of CFUs and bacteria strains, as well as their interactions from one athlete to another, listing the best probiotic for men can be a subjective inquiry. For our money, we prefer Transparent Labs’ Gut Health Probiotic thanks to its hearty dose of 100 billion CFUs per serving, 10 included strains, and convenient capsule makeup.

Can men take probiotics daily?

Yes. In fact, many of the best probiotics for men recommend daily consumption, either in a single serving or scheduled out throughout the day. As with any supplement in your stack, it’s important to read through the brand’s recommended consumption instructions to ensure you’re taking in the recommended allotments at the proper times.


  1. Thursby, E., & Juge, N. (2017). Introduction to the human gut microbiota. Biochemical Journal474(11), 1823–1836.
  2. Ruiz-Ojeda, F. J., Plaza-Díaz, J., Sáez-Lara, M. J., & Gil, A. (2019). Effects of sweeteners on the gut microbiota: A Review of Experimental Studies and Clinical Trials. Advances in Nutrition10.
  3. Rinninella, E., Cintoni, M., Raoul, P., Gasbarrini, A., & Mele, M. C. (2020). Food additives, gut microbiota, and Irritable bowel syndrome: A hidden track. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(23), 8816.
  4. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Office of dietary supplements – probiotics. NIH Office of Dietary Supplements.
  5. Lactobacillus acidophilus. Mount Sinai Health System. (n.d.).
  6. Probiotics facts and fiction: Here’s what you should know. Red Bank Gastroenterology. (2022, December 6).
  7. Davani-Davari, D., Negahdaripour, M., Karimzadeh, I., Seifan, M., Mohkam, M., Masoumi, S., Berenjian, A., & Ghasemi, Y. (2019). Prebiotics: Definition, types, sources, mechanisms, and clinical applications. Foods8(3), 92.
  8. Yang, N., Lan, T., Han, Y., Zhao, H., Wang, C., Xu, Z., Chen, Z., Tao, M., Li, H., Song, Y., & Ma, X. (2023). Tributyrin alleviates gut microbiota dysbiosis to repair intestinal damage in antibiotic-treated mice. PLOS ONE18(7).
  9. WebMD. (n.d.-c). Lactobacillus rhamnosus: Benefits and side effects. WebMD.
  10. WebMD. (n.d.-a). Bifidobacterium animalis subsp.. lactis: Overview, uses, side effects, precautions, interactions, dosing and reviews. WebMD.
  11. Huang, W.-C., Lee, M.-C., Lee, C.-C., Ng, K.-S., Hsu, Y.-J., Tsai, T.-Y., Young, S.-L., Lin, J.-S., & Huang, C.-C. (2019). Effect of lactobacillus plantarum TWK10 on exercise physiological adaptation, performance, and body composition in healthy humans. Nutrients11(11), 2836.
  12. Ruiz, L., Delgado, S., Ruas-Madiedo, P., Sánchez, B., & Margolles, A. (2017). Bifidobacteria and their molecular communication with the immune system. Frontiers in Microbiology8.
  13. Lactiplantibacillus Plantarum: Probiotic professionals: US. Lactiplantibacillus plantarum | Probiotic Professionals | US. (n.d.).
  14. Bifidobacterium breve. Database. (n.d.).
  15. WebMD. (n.d.-b). Bifidobacterium bifidum: Overview, uses, side effects, precautions, interactions, dosing and reviews. WebMD.
  16. Jang, W. J., Lee, J. M., Hasan, M. T., Lee, B.-J., Lim, S. G., & Kong, I.-S. (2019). Effects of probiotic supplementation of a plant-based protein diet on intestinal microbial diversity, digestive enzyme activity, intestinal structure, and immunity in Olive Flounder (paralichthys olivaceus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology92, 719–727. 
  17. Howell, L. (n.d.). What are the top 10 supplements in the U.S.?. American Pharmacists Association. 
  18. Bodke, H., & Jogdand, S. (2022). The role of prebiotics and probiotics in human health. Journal of Probiotics & Health01(02). 
  19. Metab, A. N. (2019, January 23). Beneficial Effects of Probiotic Consumption on the Immune System. Karger Publishers. 
  20. Mach, N., & Fuster-Botella, D. (2017). Endurance exercise and gut microbiota: A Review. Journal of Sport and Health Science6(2), 179–197. 
  21. Mayer, E. A., Nance, K., & Chen, S. (2021). The gut-brain axis. The Gut–Brain Axis
  22. Messaoudi, M., Lalonde, R., Violle, N., Javelot, H., Desor, D., Nejdi, A., Bisson, J.-F., Rougeot, C., Pichelin, M., Cazaubiel, M., & Cazaubiel, J.-M. (2011). Assessment of psychotropic-like properties of a probiotic formulation (lactobacillus helveticusR0052 andbifidobacterium longumR0175) in rats and human subjects. British Journal of Nutrition105(5), 755–764. 
  23. Naghmouchi, K., Belguesmia, Y., Bendali, F., Spano, G., Seal, B. S., & Drider, D. (2020). lactobacillus fermentum: A bacterial species with potential for food preservation and biomedical applications. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition60(20), 3387–3399. 
  24. Mu, Q., Tavella, V. J., & Luo, X. M. (2018). Role of lactobacillus reuteri in human health and diseases. Frontiers in Microbiology9
  25. Lactobacillus bulgaricus probiotic information. L. bulgaricus Probiotic Benefits & Side Effects – (n.d.). 
  26. Carbuhn, A., Reynolds, S., Campbell, C., Bradford, L., Deckert, J., Kreutzer, A., & Fry, A. (2018). Effects of probiotic (Bifidobacterium Longum 35624) supplementation on exercise performance, Immune Modulation, and cognitive outlook in Division I Female Swimmers. Sports6(4), 116. 
  27. Fujita, K., Matsushita, M., De Velasco, M. A., Hatano, K., Minami, T., Nonomura, N., & Uemura, H. (2022). The gut-prostate axis: A new perspective of prostate cancer biology through the gut microbiome. Cancers15(5), 1375. 
  28. Tremellen, K., & Pearce, K. (2017, September 15). Probiotics to improve testicular function (andrology 5:439–444, 2017 … European Academy of Andrology.

The post The 6 Best Probiotics for Men of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

The 7 Best Electrolyte Drinks of 2024 (Tested and Reviewed) Fri, 03 Nov 2023 22:30:00 +0000 According to the American College of Sports Medicine, supplementing your workouts with electrolytes and carbohydrates can provide more benefits over water alone in certain circumstances. (1) These tasty beverages can help deliver a spark to help keep your blood circulating and muscles contracting properly, often in the form of a convenient single-serving packet. Electrolyte drinks can also be useful when...

The post The 7 Best Electrolyte Drinks of 2024 (Tested and Reviewed) appeared first on BarBend.

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, supplementing your workouts with electrolytes and carbohydrates can provide more benefits over water alone in certain circumstances. (1) These tasty beverages can help deliver a spark to help keep your blood circulating and muscles contracting properly, often in the form of a convenient single-serving packet. Electrolyte drinks can also be useful when dealing with dehydration related to illnesses or pesky hangovers — don’t worry, we’ve all been there.

With so many formulations and flavors out there, though, it can be tough to decide on the best electrolyte drinks for your specific needs. So, we filled our cart with over 20 of top-performing electrolyte supplements and tested their prowess in replenishing our hydration levels and mineral balances. Through varied intensities and plenty of sweat, we’ve narrowed down our rankings to these top electrolyte drinks.

Best Electrolyte Drinks of 2024

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. 

How We Tested

The team at BarBend is made up of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, dedicated fitness enthusiasts, and more. Working out is both work and play for us, so staying hydrated throughout our endeavors is always top priority.

In determining the best electrolyte drinks, we tested over 20 products firsthand and consulted other user reviews. We looked at each pick’s ingredients list for relevant doses of key minerals, along with other common factors like third-party approval, solubility, price per serving, and (of course) taste.

Additionally, we looked at how convenient these electrolyte powders were in terms of storage and portability. After all, it can be much easier to have a single-serving packet at the ready rather than a full tub of powder for the sake of rapid rehydration. Now, let’s get into our findings.

Best Electrolyte Drink Overall: BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die

BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die
BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die

These convenient single-serve packs of electrolytes are great for on the go and come in a research-backed ratio to help keep you hydrated. They have high-quality, all-natural ingredients and are certified by NSF.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.89
  • Electrolyte Blend: 670mg sodium, 1,030mg chloride, 248mg potassium, 50mg magnesium, 5mg calcium
  • Third-Party Tested: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Organic Coconut


  • The formulation includes 10 grams of carbohydrates, which can be great for athletes needing an energy boost during workouts.
  • The single-serving packaging is convenient for on-the-go hydration, and the powder mixes easily in a shaker cup.
  • BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die is 100 percent NSF for Sport Certified.


  • Our tester noted that the taste is very salty, which may deter some athletes.
  • Athletes not needing a ton of sodium replenishment may be better off with a lower dose.
  • Other electrolyte drinks offer a more robust flavor variety.

With single-serving packaging, naturally-sourced ingredients, and third-party certification, we’re big fans of this electrolyte drink from BUBS Naturals. Hydrate or Die packs a whopping 2,000mg of electrolytes into each dose, which can be great for replenishing vital minerals while working up a sweat. We also appreciate the added 10-gram serving of carbohydrates, which can be great for energy stores during longer training sessions.

BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die is available in three flavors — Orange, Lemon, and Organic Coconut. Our tester did note, though, that there’s a definite presence of salt. “You know when you lick the sweat off your lips? It’s like that. There is orange flavor, but it’s VERY salty,” they said of the tested Orange offering.

Additionally, we had no issues with Hydrate or Die’s solubility. After adding the serving to our shaker bottle, the powder dissolved completely after just a few jostles. We didn’t notice any grittiness or “floaties” during sips, which can be present sensations with less soluble options.

We really enjoyed BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die for supplementing our hydration in training, but feel it may be a bit too powerful for some. The 670mg of sodium can be great for replenishing levels during intense activity, but that’s a lot of salt to ingest if you’re just performing a light workout without a lot of sweating.

Sodium is the predominant electrolyte lost in perspiration, and it’s recommended that you supplement your training with 500mg to 700mg of the mineral for every hour of high-intensity exercise. (3) If you’re not really pushing yourself and rapidly losing fluids, you may be better off with a less potent formulation. 

Best Tasting Electrolyte Drink: Gainful Hydration

Gainful Hydration
Gainful Hydration
Gainful Hydration

Gainful hydration is available in three tasty flavors and multiple customer reviews back their popularity. You can also customize your formulation with added doses of caffeine for energy, or extra electrolytes for supporting your sweat-riddled workouts.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.43
  • Electrolyte Blend: 300mg sodium (400mg with Super Sweaty formulation), 150mg potassium, 150mg magnesium (200mg with Super Sweaty formulation), 50mg calcium
  • Third-Party Tested: No
  • Available Flavors: Tropical Mango, Strawberry Lemonade, Lemon Lime


  • Customers have stated that the available flavors are a nice blend of sweet and salty.
  • The formulation is made without GMOs, preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, and dyes.
  • Gainful Hydration can be customized to your sweat levels.


  • This electrolyte powder doesn’t dissolve fully at times, leaving some residue at the bottom of your bottle.
  • Athlete’s not wanting a subscription-based service should look elsewhere.
  • There is no present third-party testing.

Having an electrolyte drink that tastes good can make getting to your recommended levels all the more enjoyable. Thankfully, Gainful’s Hydration profile has tons of positive customer reviews stating how each flavor option is the perfect blend of sweet and salty. “The only hydration water I can actually finish. My favorite is strawberry lemonade,” notes one satisfied athlete.

Additionally, we appreciate how Gainful keeps this electrolyte drink clean with a makeup that’s free of GMOs, preservatives, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, and dyes. We did not see any presence of third-party testing in our research, though, so athletes that need to be extra cautious with their supplements may want to go with an option that carries that extra stamp of approval.

Gainful’s Hydration is also one of the more customizable electrolyte drinks we’ve gotten our hands on. Outside of choosing your desired flavor — either Tropical Mango, Strawberry Lemonade, or Lemon Lime — you can also opt for a caffeinated or non-caffeinated blend for an extra jolt of energy.

You can also customize your formulation based on your sweat levels. Gainful’s “Super Sweaty” makeup adds an additional 100mg of sodium and 50mg of magnesium to the build for totals of 400mg and 200mg respectively, which can be helpful if you often find yourself sweaty and parched post-workout.

Lastly, we do recommend paying attention to your mixing regimen with this electrolyte drink. In testing, we found that the powder doesn’t dissolve fully without ample shaking. This can leave you with residue at the bottom of your bottle that needs to be swished around with extra water for full consumption. It can be a minor inconvenience, especially when trying to quickly hydrate on the go.

Best All Natural Electrolyte Drink: Transparent Labs Hydrate

Transparent Labs Hydrate
Transparent Labs Hydrate
Transparent Labs Hydrate

This product contains 500 mg of a coconut water powder complex that can potentially help keep with satiation thanks to coconut water’s fiber content. Plus, it's combined with a dose of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and taurine for a complete electrolyte supplement. 


  • Price Per Serving: $0.75
  • Electrolyte Blend: 500mg sodium, 250mg potassium, 84mg calcium, 50mg magnesium
  • Third-Party Tested: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Peach Mango, Tropical Punch


  • Hydrate is Informed Choice-certified and free of any artificial sweeteners, colorings, or preservatives.
  • The 500mg of sodium per serving can be great for heavy sweaters. 
  • Athletes on a budget will appreciate the sub-$1 price per serving.


  • The tubbed form of this electrolyte drink can be less convenient than options that offer single-serving packaging.
  • Transparent Labs Hydrate is available in just two flavors.
  • This electrolyte drink contains tree nuts, which may be an allergen for some.

Athletes wanting an all-natural makeup for their electrolyte drink can be challenged to find a cleaner formulation than Transparent Labs’ Hydrate profile. Like the brand’s other impressive offerings for pre-workout and whey protein powder, this tasty supplement is certified by Informed Choice and contains no artificial sweeteners, colorings, or preservatives. Hydrate does contain tree nuts as a listed ingredient, though, which may be an allergen for some.

Our tester really enjoyed the effectiveness of this electrolyte drink, saying they felt a definite sense of hydration in both pre- and post-workout scenarios. “As a pre-workout it’s a great way to increase muscle endurance,” they added.

We also appreciate the more prominent 500mg serving of sodium in this electrolyte drink, which can be ideal for heavy sweaters. Sodium is the predominant electrolyte lost in sweat, so replenishing this mineral is key when it comes to defending against fluid loss.

Sadly, those looking for an ultra-convenient method of rehydration may want to look elsewhere. Unlike other electrolyte drinks in this round-up offering single-serving packaging, Transparent Labs Hydrate is only available in a tub. This is great for keeping costs per dose to just 75 cents, but it’s less beneficial when trying to keep a dose in your back pocket or gym bag for quick replenishment.

Best Sugar-Free Electrolyte Drink: Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Sugar-Free

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Sugar-Free
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Sugar-Free
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Sugar-Free

This impressive electrolyte drink relies on stevia leaf extract to create that sweet, enjoyable taste in each refreshing sip. Plus, the included doses of sodium and potassium can help with replenishing key minerals when suffering from dehydration.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.86
  • Electrolyte Blend: 510mg sodium (530mg with Lemon Lime flavor), 380mg potassium 
  • Third-Party Tested: Yes
  • Available Flavors: White Peach, Lemon Lime, Green Grape 


  • The powder is sweetened with stevia leaf extract, so there’s zero sugar and no artificial sweeteners.
  • Each serving contains over 500mg of sodium, which can be great for replenishment during hard training sessions.
  • Liquid I.V. offers a subscription service that can save you 23 percent while also keeping you well-stocked with single-serving packages.


  • Some customers have stated that the stevia leaf extract can leave an unpleasant aftertaste.
  • Those looking for a more robust electrolyte blend may find this formulation underwhelming.
  • There are less available flavors than other Liquid I.V. options.

If you’re looking for a sugar-free solution to keeping your body hydrated, consider this convenient profile from Liquid I.V.. The brand is one of the most trusted in the space, and this sugar-free option can provide similar hydrating qualities to its sugar-powered brethren (more on that electrolyte drink in a bit).

We like the makeup of this Sugar-Free Hydration Multiplier and found no issues in its effectiveness in testing. After long, sweaty workouts, we still felt energized and quenched, which can be attributed to the impressive 510mg dose of sodium.

Sugar-Free Hydration Multiplier also features eight vitamins and nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin C, and vitamin B12 that can be excellent for boosting your everyday wellness, too.

Additionally, you can subscribe for repeat orders of Liquid I.V., which can be convenient for keeping your supplement shelf well-stocked. Plus, Liquid I.V. offers a 23 percent discount when you subscribe, making it a great solution for athletes on a budget.

As far as taste, we had no negative comments other than that the offerings aren’t as robust as other Liquid I.V. products. Some customers have noted, though, that the included stevia leaf extract can leave an unpleasant aftertaste, so be mindful of this when deciding on which flavor to add to your cabinet.

Best Electrolyte Drink for Runners: Onnit HYDRATech Instant

Onnit HYDRATech Instant
Onnit HYDRATech Instant
Onnit HYDRATech Instant

Onnit contains a blend of sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are all hydrating electrolytes. In addition, this formula contains only 7g of sugar, which is much lower than many sports drinks on the market. 


  • Price Per Serving: $2.00
  • Electrolyte Blend: 260mg sodium, 260mg potassium, 130mg calcium, 25mg magnesium
  • Third-Party Tested: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Tangerine, Lime


  • HYDRATech Instant features eight grams of carbohydrates per serving, which can be great for supporting your energy levels throughout long runs.
  • The convenient single-serving packaging fits easily in a pocket or running belt for on-the-go rehydration.
  • Each serving contains just seven grams of sugar, which is significantly lower than other sports drinks that often contain up to 20 grams.


  • Onnit HYDRATech Instant is only available in two flavors.
  • This is the most expensive electrolyte drink in this round-up.
  • Some customers have stated that solubility leaves something to be desired on occasion.

Electrolyte drinks can be especially beneficial for runners thanks to their influence on blood circulation and defense against muscle cramps. (2) For these cardio-focused athletes, we recommend HYDRATech Instant from Onnit.

We like how well-rounded the electrolyte blend is with this supplement, providing suitable doses of many significant minerals such as 260mg of sodium, 260mg of potassium, 130mg of calcium, and 25mg of magnesium. Plus, the convenient single-serving packaging is easy enough to throw in a pocket or running belt when heading out for a few miles.

Additionally, we like the included eight grams of carbohydrates, which can give runners a nice boost of energy. When taking this supplement before jogging, we found we were able to maintain our intensity and felt no heightened sense of tiredness once we completed our routes.

Also, this Onnit profile contains just seven grams of sugar — it’s not a sugar-free solution by any means, but that serving is far less than most sports drinks that can carry up to 20 grams.

When preparing this electrolyte drink, we do recommend shaking your bottle thoroughly. Some customers have stated that this powder doesn’t dissolve as well as others they’ve tried, so give it a few extra jostles before taking that first sip. “Tastes good, just does not dissolve very well into the water,” notes one athlete.

Finally, while this can be an excellent pick for athletes on the run (pun intended), we do wish that Onnit offered this electrolyte drink in more flavors. Those that like to try new tastes every now and again can work through this roster rather quickly, so if you prefer a wider variety of flavors, it may be best to look elsewhere.

Best Electrolyte Drink for Hangovers: BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die

BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die
BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die
BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die

These convenient single-serve packs of electrolytes are great for on the go and come in a research-backed ratio to help keep you hydrated. They have high-quality, all-natural ingredients and are certified by NSF.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.89
  • Electrolyte Blend: 670mg sodium, 1,030mg chloride, 248mg potassium, 50mg magnesium, 5mg calcium
  • Third-Party Tested: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Lemon, Orange, Organic Coconut


  • The robust blend including doses of sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and calcium can help you quickly address electrolyte imbalances associated with a hangover. (10)
  • The convenient single-serving packaging is easy to keep in-tote.
  • The solubility is great with no issues of residue or clumps.


  • There aren’t as many available flavors than you’d find with other electrolyte drinks.
  • The taste is very salty, according to our tester, which may be unpleasant after a night of drinking.
  • Hungover athletes wanting a quick solution may prefer a pre-made beverage over this powdered makeup.

The after-effects of a night out drinking are not fun for anyone, but the headaches, tiredness, and sensitivity to light aren’t the only symptoms of a hard-hitting hangover. (10) Your electrolytes can be all out of balance after a night on the town, so to get your body back to healthy metrics, we recommend BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die.

In just one serving, you can address a number of significant electrolytes with quality doses like 670mg of sodium, 1,030mg chloride, and 248mg of potassium, and the hydrating effects can help put those less-than-stellar symptoms at ease — at least somewhat.

We also appreciate the convenient single-serving packaging showcased with this electrolyte drink, which can be easily put in your pocket or at your bedside for quick refreshment when you need it. Granted, shaking a bottle or mixing a glass might not be the most desirable activity when all you want to do is lie in bed, but it’s still more convenient than just trying to deal with your hangover without any sense of support.

Additionally, we enjoyed the available flavors of Lemon, Orange, and Organic Coconut, so those early-morning sips can be enjoyable. Our tester did state, though, that you need to be prepared for all of that included sodium. Yowsa, that’s salty,” they said.

If you’re an athlete that favors a wide array of flavors, BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die may be a little underwhelming. After all, there are other electrolyte drinks offering a slew of tastes and options well beyond the typical oranges and limes. If you’re dealing with a hangover, though, are you really going to forgo assistance just because the flavor isn’t your favorite? We think not.

Best Electrolyte Drink When Sick: Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier

This hydration supplement is packed with electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals to help you replenish what is lost while sweating.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.56
  • Electrolyte Blend: 500mg sodium (510mg with other flavors), 370mg potassium
  • Third-Party Tested: Yes
  • Available Flavors: Strawberry Lemonade, Seaberry, Tropical Punch, Piña Colada, Concord Grape, Golden Cherry, Acai Berry, Guava, Lemon Lime, Passion Fruit, Strawberry, Watermelon


  • The formulation includes vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12, and vitamin C, all of which can be helpful when dealing with an illness.
  • Hydration Multiplier uses Liquid I.V.’s Cellular Transport Technology, which can create an osmotic effect that causes the body to absorb water faster, according to the brand.
  • This is the largest flavor variety in this round-up.


  • Those looking to limit their sodium intake may want to avoid the 500mg per serving.
  • Our tester noted that mixing with less than the recommended 16 ounces of water can create too strong of a flavor profile.
  • Residue can form at the bottom of your cup if you don’t shake or mix this electrolyte drink thoroughly.

Like a hangover, dealing with an illness can also leave you dehydrated and with imbalances to your electrolytes, especially if your symptoms include diarrhea and vomiting. While it’s always best to consult your personal healthcare provider when dealing with a sickness, Liquid I.V.’s Hydration Multiplier can also be a worthwhile tool for getting over a bug.

This trusted electrolyte drink is widely available, so picking up a box of single-serving packages is easy enough when strolling through the drug store. Plus, there are 12 flavors to choose from, giving your otherwise depleted body a nice, enjoyable refreshment during supplementation.

Mixing the Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier is simple enough, although we have witnessed a few instances where the powder didn’t dissolve completely upon initial shakes. A quick swirl of water is usually enough to get the leftover residue off the bottom and into your mouth, though.

Additionally, our tester noted that you should definitely abide by the recommended 16 ounces of water. “If you try and short it, it turns out grainy and much too pungent … don’t ask me how I know that,” they said.

Outside of the included electrolyte blend, Hydration Multiplier also boasts five essential vitamins that can also play a part in getting your body back to a healthier state. Each serving includes vitamins B3, B5, B6, B12, and vitamin C, which can help with supporting your digestive, immune systems — a definite plus when trying to overcome a sick day.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Cellular Transport Technology
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Cellular Transport Technology

We also appreciate the included Cellular Transport Technology, which according to the brand. creates an osmotic effect that causes the body to absorb water faster. We’ve experienced this sensation firsthand, and enjoy how quickly the refreshment is when compared to plain old tap water or other beverages.

Finally, while Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier may seem like a must-have for your next battle with a cold, we do recommend reading the ingredients list before putting a serving down the hatch. For one, the included 500mg of sodium can be great for replenishing electrolytes during a workout, but it may be too potent of a dose for someone that hasn’t lost a lot of fluids.

Additionally, there are 11 grams of sugar, which may be a little much for some. Still, though, for days when your body is run down and you’re searching for solutions to help you feel better, this electrolyte drink can be a nice lifeline to have in the medicine cabinet.

Read our full Liquid I.V. Review.

How We Chose the Best Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolytes are essential for supporting normal body functions, including maintaining electrical neutrality in cells and conducting action potentials in the nerves and muscles. (2) With that level of influence on our working out and daily habits, we made sure to leave no stone unturned while looking at the best electrolyte drinks available today. Here are the main factors we considered when curating this round-up.

Electrolyte Blend

Significant electrolytes include sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium, calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonates. While having one or more of these minerals present in an electrolyte drink is favorable, we particularly focused on each pick’s sodium levels.

Sodium is predominantly lost in sweat, so replenishing this specific mineral should always be top of mind when supplementing with an electrolyte drink. Studies encourage consuming between 500 and 700 milligrams of sodium for exercise sessions lasting over one hour. (3

Other Ingredients

Electrolyte drinks can also feature additional ingredients intended for supporting your workouts. For example, carbohydrates like glucose and sugar can help bolster energy levels in the throes of training, making them beneficial companions to the hydrating electrolytes. (4) We made sure to indicate which picks housed these key additives as they related to their intended uses.

Additionally, we understand that not every athlete shares the same diet and nutritional preferences, so we looked at a handful of sugar-free and all-natural electrolyte drinks to help this round-up cater to a wider audience. As always, if you’re curious about the precise makeup of a given pick, be sure to read the full ingredients list before adding it to your cart.

Price Per Serving

Hydration is a daily responsibility, so being able to afford your electrolyte drinks day in and day out can make regular supplementation more approachable. In testing we found that most electrolyte drinks come in at under $2 per serving, each with a high sense of quality and performance. For reference, that’s slightly more than the average price of a 20-ounce bottle of water ($1.50), all with the added benefits of included key ingredients. (5)

A gymgoer drinking from a water bottle.
Credit: Kirill Gorshkov / Shutterstock

Now, we did notice that larger tubs of electrolytes proved to be more cost efficient, with some getting costs per serving down to under $1, but you do lose the convenience of single-serving packaging with these options. We recommend taking your wants and needs into consideration before opting for one form or the other.

Taste and Flavor Variety

There’s no sense in recommending an electrolyte drink if it doesn’t taste good, right? So, we looked at each pick’s flavor profile as much as possible, highlighting our favorites wherever relevant.

Naturally, we also understand that everyone has different preferences when it comes to flavors. So, we tried to search for electrolyte drinks with decent assortments of different available tastes. Not only does this give more athletes a chance to enjoy the product from the start, but we’ve also found that more variety can help defend against flavor fatigue in the long run.

If you become burned out of, say, a lemon-flavored electrolyte drink, it’s nice to still reap those nutritional benefits without having to change formulations entirely. As such, we’ve included the available flavors for each pick above for added convenience and clarity.


Electrolyte drinks are commonly available in a powdered form, meaning you need to mix the supplements with water before consumption. That seems easy enough, but it can be disheartening if you’re left with clumps of powder or “floaties” once you go to take your first sip.

Because this statistic is less upfront across the product pages, we got hands-on with the above electrolyte drinks to get a feel for how soluble they were during mixing. We’ve tested a majority of these picks in various blending disciplines, from a shaker bottle, to a full-scale blender, and even somewhat-full water bottles.

Third-Party Testing

As with any supplement, getting a third-party seal of approval is a nice reassurance, especially when you remember that supplements are not regulated by the FDA. This lack of regulation can be especially problematic for athletes that need to abide by specific governing agencies such as the NCAA or World Anti-Doping Agency. We looked closely at each product’s certifications, noting when a pick was supported by third-party testers.

The Benefits of Electrolyte Drinks

We’re not opposed to maintaining daily hydration levels through the recommended 3,000mL of water per day, but electrolyte drinks can help boost those experiences through a number of factors. (6) Below are some of the top potential perks associated with consuming electrolyte beverages as they relate to health and fitness.

Improved Hydration

It’s always recommended that you drink water to stay hydrated, but electrolyte drinks can be helpful in staying quenched, too. Supplementing with these mineral-rich powders can be beneficial when partaking in strenuous exercise, during bouts with illness, dealing with extreme heat, and even morning hangovers

Better Recovery

Electrolytes also promote blood clotting and bone health, as well as tissue growth and repair. (2) These perks can do wonders for creating a well-rounded environment for recovery, allowing you to bounce back quicker from those hard training sessions.

Overall Health and Wellness

The significant minerals found in most electrolyte powders can do more than simply quench your thirst. Calcium, for example, can be great for supporting your bone strength, while magnesium is a solid tool for sleep performance. (2) Studies also indicate that routinely drinking electrolytes and water can improve your mood and cognitive functions along with fewer instances of anxiety and hostility. (7)


Most electrolyte drinks come in single-serving packets, eliminating the need for measuring out scoops or toting large tubs with you when on the go. Plus, the powders typically dissolve quickly after a few shakes, making the mixing process as simple as one-two-three. Other supplements may require added attention when making a proper beverage, and let’s face it, those massive containers aren’t the most travel-friendly designs.

Who are Electrolyte Drinks For?

Electrolyte drinks can be considered safe for most healthy individuals, but it’s always wise to consult with your personal healthcare provider before adding a supplement to your daily regimen.

An athlete holding a water bottle.
Image via Shutterstock/Stefanovic Mina

That said, electrolyte drinks can be particularly helpful for athletes taking part in extended training sessions, as well as individuals suffering from sudden fluid losses through illness, diarrhea or vomiting.

Proper Electrolyte Dosages

The amount of electrolytes you should consume depends greatly on a number of factors, including your age, activity level, and diet habits. Naturally, you should rely on your food intake to support your electrolyte levels first, but strenuous exercise or sudden losses of fluids through vomiting, diarrhea, or illness can leave your levels under par. Below are the recommended daily doses for some of the most significant electrolytes often found in electrolyte drinks, per the Dietary Reference Intakes: (8)

  • Sodium: 2,300 mg/day
  • Potassium: 4,700 mg/day
  • Chloride: 3,600 mg/day
  • Magnesium: 3,500 mg/day
  • Calcium: 1,000 mg/day 
  • Phosphorus: 700 mg/day

Again, your needs may differ depending on your diet and activity levels, but these metrics can be a good general guideline to see if you’re taking in enough vital minerals.

How to Choose the Best Electrolyte Drink for You

Maintaining your hydration levels is pivotal to keeping your body healthy and supported when working out, and electrolyte drinks can be great tools for keeping these metrics in check. Below are a few factors worth considering when deciding on a proper electrolyte drink for your routine.

Electrolyte Blend

When searching for a quality electrolyte drink, one of the main minerals to look for is sodium. Sodium is the predominant electrolyte lost in sweat, so replenishing these mineral levels during supplementation is key. Other electrolytes can be included in the formulation in various doses to help support your athletic performance and daily hydration. 

Be sure to take your fitness goals and daily needs into consideration when looking through ingredients lists. If you’re wanting to support extended workouts, it can be best to look for robust blends including doses of multiple electrolytes that can work to replenish your levels during training. If you just want to boost your daily hydration, a simple makeup of just sodium can suffice.

Price Per Serving

Most electrolyte drinks are fairly affordable, with many coming in under $2 per serving. Conveniences like single-serving packaging and pre-made beverages can elevate the price, so it’s important to take this into account.

If you don’t mind measuring out your servings from a tub, you can potentially save some money. If you prefer to have your rehydration solution at the ready without much fuss, expect to pay a little more for such luxuries.

Regardless, make sure that your chosen electrolyte drink fits neatly into your budget before adding it to your cart. You don’t want to dry up your wallet for the sake of quenching your thirst.

Flavor Variety

Studies show that drinking flavored water can help influence your fluid intake. (9) After all, you’re likely to favor a drink that tastes good over a beverage lacking any flavor, right? So, it’s important to look for electrolyte drinks offering flavors that appeal to your palette. Look through the offerings to ensure your pick has an option you’d likely enjoy.

It’s also wise to look for electrolyte drinks offering some sense of variety in the flavor department. This can help defend against flavor fatigue after extended supplementation while still delivering the same sense of replenishment. The available flavors don’t need to be extensive, but having a little room for mixing things up can be a nice touch.

Third-Party Testing

Like other supplements, electrolyte drinks are not regulated by the FDA, which can allow room for malpractice when it comes to the dosages and makeup of each formulation. So, to reassure yourself that your chosen pick actually delivers its listed minerals, it can be helpful to look for products that have been approved for consumption by a separate third party.

This can be especially helpful for athletes governed by certain organizations like the World Anti-Doping Agency and NCAA. Popular third-party testing companies include Informed Choice, Informed Sport, and NSF.

Final Word

Electrolyte drinks can be helpful supplements for athletes wanting to replenish their hydration levels during extensive training. They can also be useful for keeping significant minerals at healthy levels when dealing with illnesses, hot environments, and even hangovers.

While supplementing with an electrolyte drink is no excuse for shoddy nutrition, they can be a worthwhile aid for most athletes, particularly those that routinely find themselves parched or dehydrated after long workouts. If you’re curious about adding these beneficial powders to your regimen, be sure to think about your activity levels, dieting habits, and (of course) flavor preferences before quenching your thirst. Once you have these metrics in order, feel free to mix up a beverage for yourself with one of the quality electrolyte drinks listed above.


Is it okay to drink electrolytes every day? 

Electrolyte drinks are generally safe for most healthy individuals, but supplementing with them day in and day out isn’t particularly necessary, especially when you’re not partaking in activities that further fluid and electrolyte loss. Plus, you’re plenty capable of consuming the recommended daily doses of electrolytes through your balanced diet.

If you are looking to have an electrolyte drink daily, be sure to take your activity levels and diet into consideration. It can also be smart to talk to your healthcare professional to truly determine if you’re insufficient in these minerals, and whether daily supplementation could be beneficial.

Is there a downside to drinking electrolytes?

In general, electrolyte drinks hold more benefits than negatives, allowing you to replenish hydration and mineral levels with ease when you feel dehydrated. That said, consuming electrolyte drinks in excess can lead to some less-than-desirable sensations including nausea and diarrhea. Be sure to listen to your body and consume these supplements when necessary.

What is the best electrolyte drink?

The best electrolyte drink is subjective and depends greatly on a variety of factors. Your age, activity levels, diet, and other components can help you determine which formulation is top for your needs. In our opinion, we think BUBS Naturals Hydrate or Die is the best electrolyte drink thanks to its convenient single-serving packaging and third-party-tested makeup. Plus, the formulation includes some carbohydrates for an added zest of energy for extended training. (1)


  1. Shephard, R. J. (2007). American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: Exercise and Fluid Replacement. Yearbook of Sports Medicine2007, 254–255.
  2. Shrimanker, I., & Bhatttarai, S. (2023, July 24). Electrolytes – statpearls – NCBI bookshelf. National Library of Medicine.
  3. American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand: Exercise and fluid … Kentucky High School Athletic Association. (n.d.).[UNIQID]
  4. Holesh, J. E., Aslam, S., & Martin, A. (2023, January). Physiology, carbohydrates. National Center for Biotechnology Information.
  5. The True Cost of Bottled Water. Optimum Water Solutions. (2022, June 10).
  6. Meinders, A.-J., & Meinders, A. E. (2010). [how much water do we really need to drink?]. Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde.
  7. Cousins, A. L., Young, H. A., Thomas, A. G., & Benton, D. (2019). The effect of hypo-hydration on mood and cognition is influenced by electrolyte in a drink and its colour: A randomised trial. Nutrients11(9), 2002.
  8. Dietary reference intakes: Electrolytes and water – mt. san antonio college. Mt. San Antonio College. (n.d.).
  9. Szlyk, P. C., Sils, I. V., Francesconi, R. P., Hubbard, R. W., & Armstrong, L. E. (1989). Effects of water temperature and flavoring on voluntary dehydration in men. Physiology & Behavior45(3), 639–647. 
  10. Swift, R., & Davidson, D. (1998). Alcohol hangover: Mechanisms and mediators. Alcohol health and research world.

The post The 7 Best Electrolyte Drinks of 2024 (Tested and Reviewed) appeared first on BarBend.

The 7 Best Pre-Workouts for Weight Loss of 2024 Fri, 20 Oct 2023 22:00:00 +0000 There are plenty of perks that come with adding a top-tier pre-workout to your supplement regimen. Increased energy, boosted focus, and better endurance throughout your workouts are just a few that immediately come to mind. But have you ever thought about this popular powder’s influence on your weight loss journey? While a healthy diet and consistent exercise still reign supreme...

The post The 7 Best Pre-Workouts for Weight Loss of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

There are plenty of perks that come with adding a top-tier pre-workout to your supplement regimen. Increased energy, boosted focus, and better endurance throughout your workouts are just a few that immediately come to mind. But have you ever thought about this popular powder’s influence on your weight loss journey? While a healthy diet and consistent exercise still reign supreme when it comes to dropping a few pounds or pants sizes, the best pre-workouts for weight loss can help you slim down to that desired physique, as well.

Naturally, however, these fat-burning benefits require a closer look at the actual structure of the supplement, and finding the ideal combination of ingredients, value and (of course) taste can be tricky. Despite the extra legwork, we still think pre-workouts are a worthwhile supplement for weight loss journeys, and we’ve had the pleasure of getting hands-on with a number of high-quality powders over our years in training. If your fitness goals are looking for an added spark to help your weigh-ins take a turn for the better, we’ve got you covered.

The 7 Best Pre-Workout Supplements for Weight Loss of 2024

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. 

How We Tested

The team here at BarBend is comprised of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, detail-oriented fitness enthusiasts, and more. In our years of training and monitoring our nutrition, we’ve touched plenty of pre-workout formulations, including many of the weight-loss-specific options featured in this round-up. For this article, we leaned on those experiences as well as additional background research to confirm our stances. We also consulted with other user reviews to curate well-rounded reasonings as to why these picks earned their monikers as top-performing weight loss pre-workouts.

Best Pre-Workout for Weight Loss Overall: Transparent Labs LEAN

10% Off
Transparent Labs LEAN
Transparent Labs LEAN
Transparent Labs LEAN

Third-party tested and clearly dosed, Transparent Labs LEAN has a huge variety of ingredients for endurance, power, alertness, and focus. Use code BARBEND10 for 10% off.


  • Caffeine: 180mg
  • Key Ingredients: 8,000mg of citrulline malate, 4,000mg of beta-alanine, and 300mg of alpha GPC
  • Flavors: Watermelon, Sour Grape, Green Apple, Orange, Blue Raspberry, Strawberry Lemonade, Tropical Punch, Lemon Lime, Sour Peach
  • Price Per Serving: $1.66


  • Contains acetyl l-carnitine HCI, which may help transport fatty acids out of the mitochondria for better energy return and fat-burning qualities. (12)
  • Plenty of flavors to choose from catering to a wide range of tastes.
  • LEAN is free of any artificial sweeteners, colors, and preservatives.


  • A lower caffeine dosage of 180mg per scoop may be too weak of a stimulation for some athletes
  • Can be left with undissolved “floaties” if you don’t mix LEAN well enough.
  • No stimulant-free option available.

If you’re looking for a one-two punch of energy and fat-burning components, Transparent Labs LEAN is tough to beat. Sure, you get 180mg of caffeine, 6,000mg of citrulline malate, and 2,000mg of beta-alanine for improved energy, endurance and power, but you also get decent doses of ingredients more commonly found in fat burners, including 1,000mg of acetyl l-carnitine HCI.

In addition to its interesting makeup targeting stubborn fat, LEAN is also available in a wide array of flavors, from staples like Blue Raspberry and Sour Grape, to more unique offerings such as Sour Peach and Strawberry Lemonade. Our tester found LEAN to be, “Slightly bitter, but not too sweet,” meaning the palette seems to match the flavor list without relying heavily on a sugar high for that jolt of responsiveness. Plus, LEAN is free of any artificial sweeteners, colors, and preservatives, making for a cleaner composition overall.

Transparent Labs LEAN Pre-Workout
Transparent Labs LEAN Pre-Workout at the BarBend garage.

We did experience one downside as we were testing LEAN. When mixing this pre-workout, you really need to ensure you’re getting a proper shake. We were left with a reasonable amount of undissolved powder and the occasional “floatie” more often than not. It may not be the quickest pre-workout to prepare before a training session, but extra movement is extra caloric burn, no matter how you go about it.

As impressive as LEAN is, though, for its fat-burning and energy-boosting benefits, we do wish there was a stimulant-free option for athletes wanting the perks of a quality pre-workout without the extra juice. Transparent Labs does have a worthwhile Stim-Free Pre-Workout, but its composition is more attuned to muscle gain, not weight loss. 

Read our full Transparent Labs LEAN Review.

Best Budget Pre-Workout for Weight Loss: Jacked Factory Nitro Surge

Jacked Factory NITRO SURGE
Jacked Factory NITRO SURGE

Jacked Factory’s pre-workout is affordable, comes in 13 flavors, and contains fully-dosed ingredients that may help with muscle growth, like the 1.6g of beta-alanine. 


  • Caffeine: 360mg
  • Key Ingredients: 6,000mg of l-citrulline, 3.2g of beta alanine, 360mg of caffiene
  • Flavors: Arctic While, Black Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Blueberry Lemonade, Cherry Limeage, Cotton Candy, Fruit Punch, Grape, Green Apple, Natural Peach Mango, Pineapple, Rocket Pop, Sour Peach Rings, Strawberry Margarita, Swoleberry, Watermelon
  • Price Per Serving: $1.00


  • Contains no sugars or carbohydrates, great for keeping your intake as clean as possible for the sake of weight loss.
  • $1.00 per serving is one of the best bargains you can find.
  • Dissolves easily for quick supplementation before training.


  • Those wanting creatine in their pre-workout should look elsewhere.
  • Available flavors can vary depending on your retail source.
  • Ingredients list is simple, which may deter more experienced athletes wanting more from their pre-workout.

Nitro Surge makes for a solid pre-workout option during fat loss regimens thanks to its lack of sugars and carbohydrates. This can help you avoid any unforeseen caloric intake as you try to operate in a deficit for the sake of improved weight loss. (7)

Additionally, we appreciate how beginner-friendly this cost-effective pre-workout is. The price per serving falls just at $1.00, and the ingredients are listed for one-scoop and two-scoop dosages for added clarity. Granted, the simplified list of fewer ingredients may be more barren than worthwhile for experienced pre-workout users, but we appreciate the introductory makeup as it allows athletes the chance to ease into the supplement without any jolting, potentially unpleasant sensations.

There are also a slew of flavors to choose from when it comes to Nitro Surge, so there’s no shortage of opportunities to find the perfect taste for your palette. Our favorite is the Strawberry Margarita offering — our tester stated they wouldn’t hesitate to, “Drink it all day by the side of a pool over ice,” — but feel free to browse for a concoction that sounds enticing to your needs. We’d also recommend checking multiple retailers like Amazon, as we’ve found that different flavors can be available on different sites.

Finally, Nitro Surge can be great for athletes wanting to support their weight loss journey with added energy thanks to its quick-dissolving nature. We had no issues mixing one scoop with 500mL of water before training, allowing us to quickly transition into our calorie-burning regimens. Focus is kept on the sweat and progress — not shaking continuously before even hitting the weight room or treadmill.

Read our full Jacked Factory Nitro Surge Review.

Strongest Pre-Workout for Weight Loss: Kaged Pre-Kaged Elite

Kaged Pre-Kaged Elite
Kaged Pre-Kaged Elite
Kaged Pre-Kaged Elite

Pre-Kaged® Elite provides nine patented ingredients with 35 milligrams of vitamin B6 and 1,000 micrograms of vitamin B12 in a single 36-gram scoop. Each serving is 25 calories and includes caffeine, taurine, l-citrulline, beta-alanine, l-tyrosine, and two types of creatine.


  • Caffeine: 388mg
  • Key Ingredients: 10,000mg of l-citrulline, 2,500mg of l-tyrosine, 3,000mg of creatine monohydrate
  • Flavors: Glacier Grape, Caribbean Sunrise, Orange Mango, Strawberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch
  • Price Per Serving: $2.40


  • 388mg of caffeine per serving can provide an excellent jolt of added energy pre-training.
  • Dosages of key ingredients are either at or above research-backed levels, making for a qualitatively potent blend.
  • Mixture includes 3g of creatine monohydrate and 2g of creatine nitrate for an easy way to consume two supplements at once for added convenience.


  • This is one of the more expensive pre-workouts per serving.
  • Athletes more sensitive to caffeine may find the 388mg dosage overwhelming.
  • Those with pickier tastes may not enjoy the limited flavor offerings.

Looking for a potent pre-workout to power up your weight loss goals? Consider Pre-Kaged Elite. We’re big fans of the exceptional attention to dosages showcased in this Kaged pre-workout, including an impressive 10,000mg of l-citrulline, which can help improve blood flow to your muscles. (4) This 10,000mg serving is well above the average dosage, hence its title of “Strongest Weight Loss Pre-Workout.” All that power and proper dosing can help you achieve those desired levels of focus, endurance and energy as you take part in your calorie-torching gym sessions.

The uptick in caffeine per serving is also a good indicator of this pre-workout’s potential effect on weight loss regimens. Studies have indicated that increased caffeine consumption can potentially promote weight, BMI and body fat reduction. (13) While this component may have you rushing for a tub of your own, be sure to take your caffeine tolerance into consideration. 388mg can be more than enough stimulation, and athletes more sensitive to the ingredient may be left with more unpleasant experiences than desired.

BarBend tries Kaged Pre-Kaged Elite
A tub of Kaged Pre-Kaged Elite Pre-Workout

Speaking of caffeine, we also appreciate how balanced the energy results are with Pre-Kaged Elite. Our tester noted, “I feel like I have a constant amount of energy — not hyper, no spikes, no lows. Not tingly at all.” 

It’s important to note that each scoop of Pre-Kaged Elite comes in at rough 35g of powder, which equates to a similar scoop-size of many popular protein powders. If you prefer to have your weight loss pre-workout be a less hefty mixture, it may be wise to look elsewhere. This gargantuan scoop also gives merit to the heightened cost per serving — at $2.40, it’s one of the most expensive we’ve tested for this round-up.

Read our full Kaged Pre-Kaged Elite Review.

Best Pre-Workout for Weight Loss for Men: Transparent Labs BULK Black

Transparent Labs BULK Black
Transparent Labs BULK Black
Transparent Labs BULK Black

Transparent Labs BULK Black is one of the strongest pre-workout supplements on the market. This product comes in five delicious flavors and has high levels of must-have pre-workout ingredients, like caffeine, citrulline, and beta-alanine.


  • Caffeine: 305mg
  • Key Ingredients: 8,000mg of citrulline malate, 4,000mg of beta-alanine, 2,500mg of betaine, 1,300mg of taurine, and 300mg of alpha GPC
  • Flavors: Cherry Kiwi, Blue Raspberry, Peach Mango, Sour Gummy, Black Cherry
  • Price Per Serving: $1.83


  • 1,000mg of l-tyrosine can help improve your focus and concentration.
  • 305mg of caffeine is more suited for male athletes given the gender’s ability to better metabolize the ingredient. (3)
  • Excellent taste that you’ll want to enjoy rather than down quickly before a workout, according to our tester.


  • 4,000mg of beta-alanine may leave some athletes with uncomfortable skin tingles.
  • While flavorful, the available options are more unique and limited.
  • Not as all-encompassing as other pre-workout formulas.

Okay, so classifying a weight-loss pre-workout solely for male or female athletes is sort of unnecessary — the supplements can be a worthwhile addition to any regimen regardless of your identification. With that said, though, studies have indicated that male athletes can metabolize caffeine at a higher rate than women, which means they can consume the ingredient at higher doses with less adverse effects. (3) BULK Black’s 305mg of caffeine per scoop, then, can be prime for athletes wanting that jolt of energy equivalent to over three standard cups of coffee.

We also enjoyed the 1,000mg of l-tyrosine, which helped improve focus and concentration when honing in our workouts. “All I could think about was lifting heavy circles,” our tester noted. Studies have shown that l-tyrosine reduces the effects of stress and allows for greater mental focus and endurance, so having a worthwhile dose can be great when trying to push yourself for a higher caloric burn. (9)

Our tester also stated that despite the heavier presence of caffeine and other performance-based ingredients, BULK Black didn’t leave them with any dreaded crash or tiredness post-workout. This can be great for athletes that typically train in the evening hours, as there’s less fear of compromising your sleep schedule for the sake of better performance in the gym.

Lastly, while we experienced minimal side effects with BULK Black, we understand that this is subjective to each individual athlete. For example, we didn’t experience any uncomfortable tingles in relation to the 4,000mg dose of beta-alanine, but recognize that this is a hefty dose nonetheless.

If you’re not a fan of the skin-crawling sensations associated with beta-alanine, you may want to forgo this option from Transparent Labs. If you’re willing to deal with the experience, though, try thinking of that tingling sensation as your fat running away from your physique — it could be a solid mind game to help you reap the best results possible.

Read our full Transparent Labs BULK Black Review.

Best Pre-Workout for Weight Loss for Women: KOS Bolt from the Blue

KOS Bolt from the Blue
KOS Bolt from the Blue
KOS Bolt from the Blue

This pre-workout strays from the typical ingredients list and pulls its effectiveness from a blue energy and focus blend with ingredients for energy like ginseng and green coffee beans along with potential mood boosters like ashwagandha and rhodiola for a balanced and clean and organic pre-workout devoid of artificial ingredients.


  • Caffeine: 70mg
  • Key Ingredients: Organic ashwagandha, ginseng, spirulina, and B-complex
  • Flavors: Electric Boostberry
  • Price Per Serving: $1.43


  • Ingredients such as ashwagandha and rhodiola help support your mood.
  • All-natural, organic, vegan composition.
  • Inclusion of folate and a B-vitamin complex aligns with women-specific needs by supporting energy, as well as reproductive and post-menopausal health. (8)


  • There’s just 70mg of caffeine, which may not be enough for some.
  • 995mg of the Blue Energy and Focus proprietary blend doesn’t promote the best sense of transparency.
  • Those wanting a more traditional pre-workout with the likes of citrulline, beta-alanine and other common ingredients should look elsewhere.

Again, you can experience the performance benefits of weight loss pre-workouts no matter your identification, but this unique offering from KOS has an interesting mixture of ingredients that can help support female athletes (whether they’re taking on a weight loss goal or not). Key ingredients such as 20mcg of folate and 995mg of a Blue Energy and Focus proprietary blend are interesting additions, as they can be especially important for women due to their potential support on energy levels, as well as reproductive and post-menopausal health. (8)

KOS’s Bolt from the Blue is also a worthwhile pre-workout for women — or any interested athlete, for that matter — thanks to its all-natural, organic, vegan make-up. This approach to supplementation can be great for those wanting a cleaner nutrition regimen or anyone looking to avoid synthetic ingredients.

With that being said, the “clean” approach isn’t immediately understood when reading the entire ingredients list. The proprietary blend here leaves the exact doses for each ingredient in question. This could drive some customers seeking more transparency away from KOS. Additionally, those wanting a bigger energy boost than your average cup of coffee may be left wanting more after drinking this mixture, since a serving only includes 70mg of caffeine. Still, though, it can be a worthwhile option for beginner athletes or those looking for an alternative to more potent pre-workouts on the market today.

Best Stim-Free Pre-Workout for Weight Loss: Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout

Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout
Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout

  • Caffeine: 0mg
  • Key Ingredients: Citrulline malate (5g), beta-alanine carnosyn (3.2g), L-carnitine (2g), L-taurine (1.2mg), pomegranate (500mg)
  • Flavors: Mango Lemonade, Strawberry Dragonfruit
  • Price Per Serving: $2.11


  • Caffeine: 0mg
  • Key Ingredients: 5g of citrulline malate, 3.2g of beta-alanine carnosyn, 2g of L-carnitine, 1.2mg of L-taurine, 500mg of pomegranate
  • Flavors: Mango Lemonade, Strawberry Dragonfruit
  • Price Per Serving: $2.11


  • The lack of caffeine makes this a solid non-stimulant option for athletes who work out late at night or may just want to avoid stimulants altogether.
  • Mixes fairly easily for added convenience before hitting the gym.
  • 1,000mg of coconut water powder helps promote better intra-workout hydration.


  • Other weight loss pre-workouts offer a more robust flavor selection.
  • A higher dosage of beta-alanine can lead to more skin tingles than preferred.
  • Athletes wanting a boost in energy may want to opt for a stimulant-based pre-workout.

Not every pre-workout needs to be this jitter-inducing concoction. There are plenty of stimulant-free options available, including this impressive supplement from Swolverine. PRE Pre-Workout contains zero caffeine yet still boasts a solid amount of other common pre-workout ingredients for improved endurance and blood flow during training.

Additionally, our tester noted that PRE delivered a heightened sense of focus, which can be partially attributed to the presence of Siberian ginseng in the makeup. Commonly used as a stand-in for caffeine in other stim-free pre-workouts, this “adaptogen” ginseng has been shown to improve athletic performance, reduce fatigue, and improve mental focus. (2)

Mixing Swolverine’s PRE Pre-Workout also proved to be a simple endeavor, as the powder had an efficient solubility in testing. To be on the cautious side, though, it may be best to give your mixture a quick jostle before each sip, as we’ve had experiences with settled powder clumps in previous training sessions (albeit not too often).

Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout Suggested Use

Another unique perk to this stimulant-free pre-workout is the inclusion of coconut water powder. This added ingredient can help promote better hydration during workouts, leading to more fulfilling sets and reps as you chase down that desired waistline. (6) Sure, we’d still recommend supplementing your exercise with a sports drink or water to help you stay replenished during your workouts, but this convenient perk can be a good foundation to start from.

Of course, there’s always an opposite side to the coin, though, and the main pitfall with PRE is its lack of variety in the flavor department. This pre-workout only lists two available flavors: Mango Lemonade and Strawberry Dragonfruit. If you opt for this pre-workout as an added cog to your weight loss nutrition plan, you could be left with flavor fatigue sooner rather than later. Plus, the listed tastes aren’t the most “basic” of the bunch, so the available options may not be the best fit for every athlete altogether.

Best Tasting Pre-Workout for Weight Loss: Jacked Factory Nitro Surge

Jacked Factory NITRO SURGE
Jacked Factory NITRO SURGE
Jacked Factory NITRO SURGE

Jacked Factory’s pre-workout is affordable, comes in 13 flavors, and contains fully-dosed ingredients that may help with muscle growth, like the 1.6g of beta-alanine. 


  • Caffeine: 360mg
  • Key Ingredients: 6,000mg of l-citrulline, 3.2g of beta alanine, 360mg of caffiene
  • Flavors: Arctic While, Black Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Blueberry Lemonade, Cherry Limeage, Cotton Candy, Fruit Punch, Grape, Green Apple, Natural Peach Mango, Pineapple, Rocket Pop, Sour Peach Rings, Strawberry Margarita, Swoleberry, Watermelon
  • Price Per Serving: $1.00


  • There are 16 flavors to choose from, varying from the basic to the more eclectic.
  • One two-scoop serving can deliver a caffeine dose equivalent to four standard cups of coffee.
  • The 3,200mg of beta-alanine falls within the research-backed dosage recommendations. (10)


  • The pre does not include creatine for other performance-laden benefits.
  • It isn’t third-party tested, although the pre-workout is produced in a Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP)-certified and FDA-registered facility.
  • There are more ingredient-rich formulas from other competing options.

Who said that a weight loss journey needed to be lacking in flavor? This impressive Nitro Surge pre-workout from Jacked Factory offers up a ton of mouth-watering flavors, ranging from trusted options like Grape and Blue Raspberry to the more adventurous tastes of Rocket Pop, Sour Peach Rings, and more. From our tester’s perspective, though, Strawberry Margarita is the top-tasting pick thanks to its “wildly delicious” flavor profile. Plus, we enjoyed the ample amounts of energy in each serving thanks to the 180mg of caffeine per scoop.

We do mention “per scoop” in this review because Jacked Factory was kind enough to break down dosages in both one-scoop and two-scoop columns across the tub. This can help you better understand how much of each ingredient you’re looking to ingest before your next fat-burning workout. The dual-columned nature can also make it easier for pre-workout novices to understand where the sensations at play are coming from.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that Nitro Surge is not third-party tested, so athletes required to abide by governing organizations should expect to take a closer look at the full make-up. With that said, though, Jacked Factory does produce its supplements in a Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP)-certified and FDA-registered facility, so there is still some reassurance at play.

It’s worth reiterating, too, that Nitro Surge is one of the most budget-friendly pre-workouts you can add to your weight loss nutrition plan, as servings come in right at $1.00. Sure, you won’t get the robust composition present in other mixtures, but on taste alone, we’re willing to sacrifice a few rows on the ingredients list.

Best Natural Pre-Workout for Weight Loss: Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout

Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout
Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout
Swolverine PRE Pre-Workout

  • Caffeine: 0mg
  • Key Ingredients: Citrulline malate (5g), beta-alanine carnosyn (3.2g), L-carnitine (2g), L-taurine (1.2mg), pomegranate (500mg)
  • Flavors: Mango Lemonade, Strawberry Dragonfruit
  • Price Per Serving: $2.11


  • Caffeine: 0mg
  • Key Ingredients: 5g of citrulline malate, 3.2g of beta-alanine carnosyn, 2g of L-carnitine, 1.2mg of L-taurine, 500mg of pomegranate
  • Flavors: Mango Lemonade, Strawberry Dragonfruit
  • Price Per Serving: $2.11


  • There are no artificial colors, preservatives, or ingredients present in the composition.
  • This product includes beetroot and betaine to potentially help with more fulfilling pumps.
  • Swolverine offers a monthly subscription service which can save you 15 percent per tub.


  • This has a higher cost per serving than other pre-workouts listed in this guide.
  • Athletes wanting a more fruitful flavor variety should look elsewhere.
  • Swolverine does not include creatine, a valued ingredient by some pre-workout users.

Boosted energy and better fat-burning potential doesn’t need to require a slew of artificial sweeteners and other components. Case in point, this pre-workout from Swolverine forgoes the common additives, colors, and preservatives for a clean-burning concoction built from natural ingredients for boosted energy, endurance, and focus.

We appreciate PRE’s all-natural makeup as it contains less than one gram of sugar per serving with no added sugars. The non-stim makeup also eliminates any irritating jitters, but there’s still 1,000mg of Siberian ginseng for better focus. Customer reviews have also praised PRE for its digestible nature, as it rests easily on the stomach and can be suitable for athletes who work out without a hearty meal beforehand.

Yes, PRE does come in at a more expensive price tag per serving, but thankfully Swolverine offers a subscription-based service that allows you to keep your trusted pre-workout in stock for 15 percent less than market value. We do recommend thinking through this service before signing up, though, as there are fewer flavor options across this profile than you may find with other pre-workouts in this guide. You can choose between Strawberry Dragonfruit, or Mango Lemonade — the latter of which we found to be heavy on the mango but refreshing nonetheless.

How We Chose the Best Pre-Workouts for Weight Loss

Finding a solid pre-workout for weight loss routines is fairly similar to the art of finding a worthwhile pre-workout in general. Still, though, there are a few key items we considered when crafting this fat-targeting, energy-boosting roundup. 

Ingredients and Formulation

There are certain ingredients — like caffeine, creatine, citrulline, citrulline malate, and beta-alanine — that should be present in most high-quality pre-workouts. For this weight loss-specific roundup, we also looked for helpful fat-burning ingredients like l-carnitine, l-tyrosine, green tea extract, and more. Plus, we know that the presence of an ingredient is one thing, but the actual dosage is just as important. Most, if not all, of the pre-workouts for weight loss included in this guide contain key ingredients delivered in research-backed dosages for the most optimal effects possible.

Price Per Serving

You want to get your money’s worth when it comes to supplements, right? Most pre-workouts will fall anywhere between $1.00 and $2.00 per serving. There are more expensive blends out there, but oftentimes, the results don’t justify the higher cost. We took a close look at each pre-workout’s per serving price tag to ensure we listed well-performing supplements that aim to make an impact on your weight loss — not your wallet.

Brand Transparency

Proprietary blends are commonly used in pre-workouts and can be spotted by a list of ingredients without measured dosages. Now, because of the prominence of proprietary blends in pre-workouts, we don’t automatically discredit a supplement if it contains such components — but it doesn’t bode well for the brand’s transparency. Additionally, we’ve included a handful of picks below due in part to the brand’s crystal-clear dosing and measurements. After all, when it comes to the complex structure of pre-workout, the clearer and more approachable an ingredients list is, the better.

Third-Party Testing

Because supplements are not regulated by the FDA, there’s room for malpractice when it comes to the actual makeup of pre-workout supplements. This can be especially problematic for athletes that need to abide by rules set in place by the World Anti-Doping Agency, NCAA, and other regulating organizations. To help navigate this “wild west” environment, some companies will employ a third-party to test for substances banned by such entities, helping ensure that the ingredients listed on your pre-workout are actually present in the formula. Popular third-party testing companies include Informed Choice, Informed Sport, and NSF.


Sure, everyone has their own flavor palette, but if we deem a pre-workout to be undrinkable, odds are that others will feel the same way. While we haven’t taste tested the entire gamut of pre-workout flavors on the market, we have a solid understanding of which flavors are typically appealing (and how they should actually taste). As such, we like to include our personal notes on the taste wherever relevant in the hopes that your supplementation is a consistently enjoyable endeavor.

Benefits of Pre-Workouts for Weight Loss

While adding a pre-workout to your supplement regimen won’t inherently trigger a fat-burning state, there are still a few perks that come with these training additives that can make for a more worthwhile weight loss journey.

Better Caloric Burn

To best achieve that desired physique or reading on the scale, you’ll need to achieve a calorie deficit. (7) This means burning off more calories than you’re consuming. But to safely go about this discipline, you can’t forgo consuming calories altogether — you still need to eat a healthy diet to maintain your progress and efficiency. As such, going hard in the gym can help you maintain that caloric deficit, and these pre-workouts for weight loss can play a key role in those tough training sessions.

Additionally, eating fewer calories throughout the day can leave you feeling drained when it comes time to work out. Supplementing with a worthwhile pre-workout for weight loss can help you overcome this obstacle. Some employ potential fat-burning components like l-carnitine, while others may keep you burning through your training with higher caffeine servings.

And when pre-workouts don’t include these ingredients, they instead feature higher doses of other performance-enhancing components to help you really sweat it out in the gym. It’s all a matter of determining how much you want your pre-workout to work with your weight loss journey — as well as how tolerant your body is in regards to these added ingredients.

Improved Focus

In addition to energy perks, many pre-workouts can help you hone in your mental fitness when it comes to working out for the sake of weight loss. Ingredients including l-tyrosine, alpha-GPC, and others are designed to help you focus more throughout your exercises, minimizing any distractions you may have that can take away from your goal-chasing endeavors. (14)

Having a more focused approach when working out to burn fat can also keep your mind on moving weight or hitting PRs rather than your weakened energy levels or nagging hunger. After all, maintaining a caloric deficit can be taxing on the mind, and having any form of support system to help you achieve a better burn is always a convenient addition to your regimen.

Enhanced Energy Conversion

When speaking of energy conversion in pre-workouts, you’re looking for the presence of ingredients such as l-carnitine, which can help improve fat oxidation. (12) This is a fancy way of saying that fatty acids are transported into cells more efficiently to create energy more efficiently. As a result, burned fat for the sake of power can lead to a better caloric burn in the end.

Appetite Suppression

Studies have indicated that caffeine intake can have a loose effect on suppressing your appetite throughout the day. (11) While it’s not an absolute appetite suppressant, being less hungry throughout your training and daily habits can be a good way to promote an easier caloric deficit. Pre-workouts can be a tasty way to consume the powerful ingredient in an effective, efficient manner — especially when trying to get psyched up for a hard-hitting, sweat-inducing workout.

Common Ingredients in Pre-Workouts for Weight Loss

Pre-workouts for weight loss are similar in structure to most pre-workouts on the market. With that said, however, there are still a few key ingredients to look for when trying to find a powder more attuned to your fat-burning fitness goals.


This popular pre-workout ingredient has been linked to improved alertness, perceived exertion, power output, and other performance-based benefits. (1) Heightened caffeine intake has also been linked to better weight, BMI, and body fat reduction, hence its presence in most weight loss pre-workouts. (13) A natural, organic alkaloid, caffeine is found in dozens of plants, but most commonly connected to coffee beans.

In terms of dosages, an effective serving can equate to three to 6mg per kilogram of body weight. For reference, a standard cup of coffee contains roughly 95mg of caffeine, per the FDA.


L-carnitine is more common in worthwhile fat-burning supplements, but some pre-workouts also use the effective ingredient for weight loss-specific needs. Essentially, this compound can help deliver fatty acids into your mitochondria for improved energy conversion, making it great for targeting stubborn fat for the sake of improved caloric burn. (12)

Green Tea Extract

Like l-carnitine, green tea extract can also have a positive effect on your fat-burning potential by helping improve energy conversion within your body. Because of this, studies have indicated that green tea extract can have a positive effect on both weight loss and weight management. (5)

Green tea extract can also be a good source of antioxidants, polyphenols, and caffeine, creating a more robust mixture within your powerful pre-workout.


While research is limited when it comes to l-tyrosine, the data suggests that supplementation can help you improve your focus mid-training by increasing production of adrenaline and dopamine. (9) Athletes should consider a proper dose to fall between 100 and 150mg per kilogram of body weight taken an hour before exercise — although some may experience GI distress with heavier servings.

Which Ingredients Should You Avoid with Weight Loss Pre-Workouts?

In general, you should avoid any ingredients that you know you’re sensitive to when searching for a proper weight loss-specific pre-workout. Items like excess doses of caffeine or beta-alanine can leave you with unpleasant sensations and uneasiness during training, so there’s no point in consuming a product that will leave you worse for wear — your calorie deficit can do just fine on its own in those cases.

Speaking of calories, when choosing a pre-workout for your weight loss journey, aim for a mixture that doesn’t use excess carbohydrates, like dextrose or maltodextrin, as a source of energy. These may linger in your system and not burn off as effectively during exercise, leaving you with unforeseen caloric intake that could throw off your nutritional goals.

How to Choose the Best Weight Loss Pre-Workout for You

Yes, pre-workouts are legal supplements and there are plenty of athletes utilizing them to their full advantage day in and day out. With that said, you still have some homework when trying to decide on a supplement for your personal fat-burning regimen. Below are just a few things to remember when trying to pick between powders.

Caffeine Per Serving

Caffeine is, after all, considered a drug, and everyone’s tolerance is different. The range of caffeine per serving from pre-workout to pre-workout can vary greatly between brands, so always look to ensure your personal powder falls in-line with your needs and wants.

It can also be a good idea to abstain from caffeine usage now and again so as to help defend against building up a heightened tolerance. Excessive caffeine consumption can make it difficult for your nervous system to relax post-workout, leading to more sleepless evenings and physical states not conducive to proper recovery. If you’re continually needing more and more caffeine to charge up for the day or a given training session, take a week without it to let your body wean off the drug for a while.

Fat-Burning Ingredients

Ingredients like l-carnitine and green tea extract can be excellent additions to your pre-workout formula if your main goal is to lose weight. These ingredients can help you target those stubborn areas for improved energy conversion, potentially leading to a better caloric burn in the end. While not every weight loss pre-workout will include these components, they are a definite plus that can add some robustness to your supplementation.


Keeping a consistent routine with supplementation is key to reaping the desired results, and how can you expect to energize your training with pre-workout you don’t find tasty? Be sure to search for a pre-workout that aligns with your palette from the start. Many of the top-performing options, like those included in this roundup, offer multiple flavors across their respective rosters, too, so there’s a little room for exploration if you feel so inclined.


Most pre-workouts will vary between $1.00 and $2.00 per serving. This price can be influenced by the number of ingredients included in the concoction, as well as the doses of said components. Other inclusions such as fat-burning ingredients or creatine can also hike up the cost, since your formula is devised to be more performance-laden.

When considering which pre-workout is right for your weight loss regimen, it’s important to look at the price of a singular tub in relation to the amount of servings you’re receiving. This can give you a solid indication as to whether or not the supplement fits into your training budget.

Final Word

If you’re looking to make your weight loss journey run more smoothly, a well-to-do pre-workout supplement can be a good addition to your regimen. While some formulas cater specifically to this fat-burning style of training, others can provide secondary assistance to help ensure your workouts are powered up from start to finish.

When thinking of a pre-workout for weight loss endeavors, be sure to consider your tolerance to ingredients such as caffeine, beta-alanine, and other common components. Additionally, it helps to opt for a supplement that fits your taste buds and budget, so there’s less of a chance for buyer’s remorse mid-way through a tub. We’ve done a good bit of legwork already to help identify some positive picks for fat-burning, sweat-riddled training, so if a pre-workout can help you make the most of your fitness for the sake of better weigh-ins, odds are we’ve gotten hands-on with it. 


Do pre-workouts burn fat?

Inherently, no. While some pre-workouts contain fat-burning ingredients like l-carnitine and green tea extract, many do not.

The main area where “burning fat” can be associated with pre-workouts is in their effect on your energy levels and endurance during training. A worthwhile pre-workout can keep you powered up throughout your session, leading to more movement and progress, which in turn, can lead to higher caloric burn.

Are pre-workouts good for weight loss?

Pre-workout supplements don’t directly influence weight loss, but they can be worthwhile additions to help you achieve a better caloric burn in training. These supplements can help you push harder and longer during workouts, which can give you a better chance of maintaining that caloric deficit — a vital component to any proper weight loss journey.

When should I take my pre-workout for weight loss?

Naturally, your weight loss pre-workout should be taken before you work out, but certain formulations may require more specific instructions. Be sure to read your pre-workouts suggested use instructions before hitting the gym. In general, though, most supplements will call for you to consume your serving between 30 and 60 minutes before training.


  1. Childs, E., & de Wit, H. (2006). Subjective, behavioral, and physiological effects of acute caffeine in light, nondependent caffeine users. Psychopharmacology185(4).
  2. CICERO, A. F. G., DEROSA, G., BRILLANTE, R., BERNARDI, R., NASCETTI, S., & GADDI, A. (2004). Effects of siberian ginseng (eleutherococcus senticosus maxim.) on elderly quality of life: A randomized clinical trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics38, 69–73.
  3. Dillon, P., Kelpin, S., Kendler, K., Thacker, L., Dick, D., & Svikis, D. (2019). Gender differences in any-source caffeine and energy drink use and associated adverse health behaviors. Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research9(1), 12–19. 
  4. Gonzalez, A. M., & Trexler, E. T. (2020). Effects of Citrulline Supplementation on Exercise Performance in Humans: A Review of the Current Literature. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research34(5), 1480–1495.
  5. Hursel, R., Viechtbauer, W., & Westerterp-Plantenga, M. S. (2009). Effects of green tea on weight loss and weight maintenance. A meta-analysis. Appetite52(3), 838.
  6. Kalman, D. S., Feldman, S., Martino, E., & Krieger, D. R. (2012). Comparison of coconut water and a carbohydrate/electrolyte sport drink on measures of hydration and physical performance in exercise‐trained men. The FASEB Journal26(S1).
  7. Kim, J. Y. (2021). Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance. Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome30(1), 20–31.
  8. Miraglia, N., & Dehay, E. (2022). Folate Supplementation in Fertility and Pregnancy: The Advantages of (6S)5-Methyltetrahydrofolate. Alternative Therapies In Health And Medicine.
  9. Neri, D. F., Wiegmann, D., Stanny, R. R., Shappell, S. A., McCardie, A., & McKay, D. L. (1995). The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine.
  10. Perim, P., Marticorena, F. M., Ribeiro, F., Barreto, G., Gobbi, N., Kerksick, C., Dolan, E., & Saunders, B. (2019). Can the Skeletal Muscle Carnosine Response to Beta-Alanine Supplementation Be Optimized? Frontiers in Nutrition6.
  11. Schubert, M. M., Irwin, C., Seay, R. F., Clarke, H. E., Allegro, D., & Desbrow, B. (2017). Caffeine, coffee, and Appetite Control: A Review. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition68(8), 901–912.
  12. Singh, S., Mishra, A., Srivastava, N., Shukla, R., & Shukla, S. (2018, January). Acetyl-l-carnitine via UPEGULATING dopamine D1 receptor and attenuating microglial activation prevents neuronal loss and improves memory functions in parkinsonian rats. Acetyl-L-Carnitine via Upegulating Dopamine D1 Receptor and Attenuating Microglial Activation Prevents Neuronal Loss and Improves Memory Functions in Parkinsonian Rats.
  13. Tabrizi, R., Saneei, P., Lankarani, K. B., Akbari, M., Kolahdooz, F., Esmaillzadeh, A., Nadi-Ravandi, S., Mazoochi, M., & Asemi, Z. (2018). The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: A systematic review and DOS-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition59(16), 2688–2696.
  14. Tamura, Y., Takata, K., Matsubara, K., & Kataoka, Y. (2021). Alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine increases motivation in healthy volunteers: A single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled human study. Nutrients13(6), 2091.

The post The 7 Best Pre-Workouts for Weight Loss of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

The 7 Best Sports Drinks for Athletes, Travel, and More for 2024 Thu, 21 Sep 2023 19:24:11 +0000 If you leave a puddle of sweat on the floor after a workout (great job, by the way), the odds are you need a drink. But you’re losing more than just water when you soak your shirt, and sometimes, a bottle of water just isn’t enough. That’s where sports drinks can be useful.  Sports drinks are formulated to...

The post The 7 Best Sports Drinks for Athletes, Travel, and More for 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

If you leave a puddle of sweat on the floor after a workout (great job, by the way), the odds are you need a drink. But you’re losing more than just water when you soak your shirt, and sometimes, a bottle of water just isn’t enough. That’s where sports drinks can be useful. 

Sports drinks are formulated to replace the fluids, glucose, and electrolytes that we lose when we sweat during a hard workout. Obviously, we need water to live, but glucose and electrolytes are essential for maintaining your body’s basic functions, which is why sports drinks contain specific amounts of sugar and electrolytes to replenish those essentials. (1) With so many options on the market, it can be hard to settle on just one, so we dove in to help find the best sports drinks for a variety of needs. 

The Best Sports Drinks

How We Tested

The BarBend team is made up of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, and lifelong fitness enthusiasts, and we’ve put down countless bottles of sports drinks for both fitness and testing purposes. For this article, we tried different formulas, researched their potential benefits, and consulted user reviews to find the best ones. 

Best Sports Drink Overall: Transparent Labs Hydrate

Transparent Labs Hydrate
Transparent Labs Hydrate
Transparent Labs Hydrate

This product contains 500 mg of a coconut water powder complex that can potentially help keep with satiation thanks to coconut water’s fiber content. Plus, it's combined with a dose of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and taurine for a complete electrolyte supplement. 


  • Calories: Not Disclosed
  • Sugar: Not Disclosed
  • Electrolytes: 84mg calcium, 50mg magnesium, 500mg sodium, 250mg potassium
  • Flavors: Tropical Punch, Peach Mango
  • Price Per Serving: $0.75


  • It includes essential electrolytes, including a 500mg dose of sodium. 
  • The Tropical Punch flavor tastes like Hawaiian Punch. 
  • At $0.75 per serving, this is on the lower end of the price range. 


  • A lot of the ingredients are in proprietary blends, so you can’t be sure of the specific amounts of some of the ingredients included. 
  • The calories and macros aren’t listed, which may make this a no-go for macro counters. 
  • It contains tree nuts, so those with tree nut allergies should avoid this mix.

The main basic function of a sports drink is to replenish what you lose when you sweat. Transparent Labs Hydrate does this in spades thanks to its blend of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium. The 500mg dose of sodium here is a standout, especially since having an inadequate amount of sodium in the system can lead to cramping. (2) “As an athlete who’s prone to cramping, I’m a fan of the dosage,” our tester says. “I lose a lot of sodium when I sweat, so the high amount of sodium here is great.” 

In addition to the electrolytes, it also includes other ingredients like taurine, an essential amino acid that can improve exercise performance and recovery. (3) Of the two flavors available (Tropical Punch and Peach Mango), we tried the Tropical Punch. “It tastes like very concentrated Hawaiian Punch,” our tester says. This is great news if you have a sweet tooth (raises hand), but you can always add more water to dilute the flavor a bit.

Best Greens Sports Drink: Athletic Greens AG1

Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens

This nutritious greens powder is NSF certified for sport and includes 75 absorbable ingredients and is free of gluten, sugar, dairy, eggs, and peanuts. It is compatible with vegan, keto, and paleo diets. 


  • Calories: 50
  • Sugar: <1g
  • Electrolytes: 118mg calcium, 26mg magnesium, 45mg sodium, 300mg potassium
  • Flavors: Pineapple Vanilla
  • Price Per Serving: $3.30


  • In addition to supplying electrolytes, this greens powder also acts as a multivitamin and probiotics supplement.
  • It delivers high doses of micronutrients like vitamin B7 and zinc. 
  • This powder fits a range of diets, from vegan to keto. 


  • At $3.30 per serving, this is one of the more expensive options. 
  • If all you want are electrolytes, this is definitely overkill. 
  • The digestive blend and probiotics may cause some gas and bloating. 

If you’re not into stacking a bunch of supplements together, an all-in-one greens powder like Athletic Greens AG1 might be the perfect option. It has the essentials (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium), but it also delivers huge doses of B vitamins, zinc, niacin, and vitamin E, just to name a few of the vitamins and minerals included. AG1 also delivers an antioxidant blend and a digestive enzyme blend, as well as 7.2 billion CFU of probiotics

Athletic Greens AG1
Athletic Greens AG1 in the BarBend Garage

While you may not be getting the highest dose of electrolytes with AG1, you’re getting a supplement that acts as a sports drink, multivitamin, and digestive supplement. At $3.30 per serving, this is one of the more expensive supplements on this list. But considering the sheer number of nutrients it delivers (and the convenience of taking them all in one go), it could be worth the price. 

Read our full Athletic Greens Review

Best Sports Drink with Caffeine: Tailwind Endurance Fuel

Tailwind Endurance Fuel (Caffeinated)
Tailwind Endurance Fuel (Caffeinated)
Tailwind Endurance Fuel (Caffeinated)

Tailwind Endurance Fuel delivers four essential electrolytes, including 310mg of sodium, to help prevent cramps during endurance workouts. Plus, the 20g of sugar and 35mg of caffeine offer a mild energy boost without causing jitters. 


  • Calories: 100
  • Sugar: 25g
  • Electrolytes: 27mg calcium, 12mg magnesium, 310mg sodium, 90mg potassium
  • Flavors: Raspberry Buzz, Tropical Buzz, Colorado Cola
  • Price Per Serving: $0.97 (30-serving bag), $0.80 (50-serving bag)


  • The high 310mg dose of sodium can help stave off cramps.
  • There are 35mg of caffeine in this mix, enough for a light energy boost without jitters.
  • This mix is gluten-, soy-, and dairy-free, as well as vegan and non-GMO. 


  • This is designed for endurance workouts of two hours or more, so you’ll have to cut the dose for shorter workouts. 
  • The 25g of sugar in this mix won’t work for keto or low-carb athletes. 
  • The high sodium count makes it taste pretty salty. 

If you’re going out on a long run or ride (or you just want to bang out a few hours of cardio), a little caffeine goes a long way. The 35mg of organic caffeine in Tailwind Endurance Fuel is just enough to provide a gentle energy boost but not enough to cause the jitters, which can throw off your pacing on a long run. Each serving also has 25 grams of carbs and 100 calories, as well as a whopping 310mg of sodium to help prevent cramping. 

One of our testers found Tailwind to be the best option during 20-mile training runs, thanks in part to how light and easy to digest it was. “A lot of other drinks can feel heavy in your stomach, which feels awful on long runs,” he says. “Tailwind was perfect — it was easy on the stomach, and the high sugar count and caffeine gave me steady energy.”

Best All-Natural Sports Drink: Harmless Harvest Coconut Water

Harmless Harvest Coconut Water
Harmless Harvest Coconut Water
Harmless Harvest Coconut Water

This all-natural coconut water offers a potent 812mg dose of potassium as well as moderate amounts of calcium, magnesium, and sodium. It's also USDA-certified organic with zero artificial flavors or sweeteners. Plus, there's a Watermelon flavour for people who dislike the taste of coconut water. 


  • Calories: 90
  • Sugar: 20g
  • Electrolytes: 69mg calcium, 29mg magnesium, 55mg sodium, 812mg potassium
  • Flavors: Original, Watermelon
  • Price Per Serving: $4.17 (12-pack), $3.75 (24-pack)


  • This drink packs a whopping 812mg of potassium, one of the electrolytes lost in sweat during hard workouts. 
  • The coconut water in this is USDA-certified organic with no artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. 
  • There’s a watermelon flavor for those who aren’t fans of coconut water. 


  • At around $4 per serving, this is one of the most expensive electrolyte replacements you’ll find. 
  • Even with the watermelon flavoring, this may not be palatable for people who hate coconut water.
  • The 20 grams of sugar make this less than ideal for keto or low-carbohydrate athletes.

If you’re looking for an all-natural sports drink, it doesn’t get more natural than a bottle of coconut water. Nature’s OG of sports drinks, this coconut water contains 69mg of calcium, 29mg of magnesium, 55mg of sodium, and a huge 812mg dose of potassium, which is a key component in many bodily functions, including muscle contraction. (7)

In addition to the electrolytes, Harmless Harvest Coconut Water contains 20 grams of naturally occurring sugar in addition to the electrolytes. This can be ideal for keeping energy levels up during workouts but may turn off people who are trying to keep their carbs low. Plus, this coconut water has been USDA-certified organic, with no artificial flavors or sweeteners, so this is about as natural as you’re going to find. This is an extremely pricey drink at $3 to $4 a pop, but if you want an all-natural sports drink, it could be worth the price of admission. 

Best Sports Drink for Travel: Onnit HYDRATech Instant

Onnit HYDRATech Instant
Onnit HYDRATech Instant
Onnit HYDRATech Instant

Onnit contains a blend of sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are all hydrating electrolytes. In addition, this formula contains only 7g of sugar, which is much lower than many sports drinks on the market. 


  • Calories: 35
  • Sugar: 7g
  • Electrolytes: 130mg calcium, 25mg magnesium, 260mg sodium, 260mg potassium
  • Flavors: Tangerine, Fresh Lime
  • Price Per Serving: $2


  • This powder comes in individual serving packets, making it easy to take on the go. 
  • The 7 grams of sugar in this drink is ideal for low-carb athletes. 
  • It dissolves quickly in water with zero clumps or residue.


  • Even though the sugar count is low, keto athletes can easily find an option with zero carbs. 
  • There are only two flavors, so if you’re looking for more variety, look elsewhere. 

Powdered sports drinks allow for customized dosing, but it can be a pain to haul around a bag of powder wherever you go. ONNIT solves this problem by doling out its HYRDATech Instant sports drink in easy-to-carry single-serving packets. Each packet contains a moderate dose of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium, with only seven grams of sugar per packet. 

The powder lives up to the “instant” in its name by dissolving quickly in water, leaving zero clumps or residue. And while there are only two flavors (Tangerine and Fresh Lime), user reviews are nearly unanimous on how great they taste. 

Best Electrolyte Sports Drink: Liquid I.V.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier
Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier

This hydration supplement is packed with electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals to help you replenish what is lost while sweating.


  • Calories: 45
  • Sugar: 11g
  • Electrolytes: 500mg sodium, 380mg potassium
  • Flavors: Lemon Lime, Strawberry Lemonade, Seaberry, Tropical Punch, Pina Colada, Concord Grape, Golden Cherry, Acai Berry, Guava, Passion Fruit, Strawberry, Watermelon
  • Price Per Serving: $1.56


  • The ratio of sodium, potassium, and glucose helps this drink absorb faster in your body than water. 
  • In addition to electrolytes, this delivers various vitamins, including vitamin C and B vitamins. 
  • There are 12 different flavors to choose from. 


  • Some people find the taste too sweet. 
  • The stevia used in this can cause gastric distress in some people. 

Liquid I.V. stands out in a crowded field of sports drinks not for the electrolytes that it has but for how it uses them. The mix of 500mg of sodium and 250mg of potassium is designed to allow your body to absorb the liquid sooner than it would absorb water alone, quenching your thirst more effectively. It’s a lofty claim, but one that our tester has verified. “I drink water constantly but still feel thirsty,” she says. “But one of these and I’m good.”

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Single-Serve Packet
Liquid I.V. in the BarBend Garage

Plus, each single-serving packet delivers five times the amount of sodium and over six times the amount of potassium that you’ll find in sports drinks like Gatorade. It also offers five essential vitamins — B3, B5, B6, B12, and vitamin C. If you’ve got finicky taste buds, you’re in luck because Liquid I.V. comes in 12 different flavors, as well as a variety pack for you indecisive folks. 

Read our full Liquid I.V. Review

Best Sports Drink for Athletes: Swolverine INTRA

Swolverine INTRA
Swolverine INTRA
Swolverine INTRA

This intraworkout supplement is packed with helpful ingredients from 4,300mg of 2:1:1 ratio BCAAs to a hydration matrix featuring coconut water extract and ginseng. It also contains a blend of b vitamins and electrolytes.


  • Calories: 5
  • Sugar: 2g
  • Electrolytes: 105mg calcium, 37mg magnesium, 135mg sodium, 87mg potassium
  • Flavors: Tropical Blast, Cherry Frost
  • Price Per Serving: $1.50


  • The 4,300mg of essential amino acids can help athletes with recovery and performance. 
  • There’s 800mg of ginseng as well as vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 for an extra boost during workouts. 
  • User reviews universally praised both flavors. 


  • At $1.50 per serving, it’s pricey for a powdered sports drink. 
  • If you’re only looking for electrolytes, the extra ingredients here might be unnecessary.

Electrolytes are the foundation of a good sports drink, and Swolverine INTRA delivers with its doses of calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium. But athletes may want more of a boost, which is where INTRA stands out. Studies have suggested that the 800mg of ginseng in this mix may contribute to muscle activation and muscle recovery, and the vitamins B6 and B12 included in this formulation can help increase and maintain energy levels. (4)(5)

It’s also loaded with 4,300mg of essential amino acids, including leucine, which is a key factor in stimulating protein synthesis, making it ideal for an athlete in the recovery phase. (6) It also doesn’t hurt that the flavors seem to be a hit with reviewers, as most of the user reviews we’ve seen can be summed up with this user’s quote: “Both flavors are INSANELY good!”


Benefits of Sports Drinks

At their most basic, sports drinks serve the same function as water — they’re meant to hydrate you. But where water just replenishes…water, sports drinks are formulated to replace everything you lose when you sweat. In addition to restoring your fluid balance, sports drinks also replace essential electrolytes that you lose during a sweat session, and some even provide an energy boost in the form of sugar or caffeine.

Replacing Electrolytes

The main selling point of a sports drink is its electrolyte content. When you sweat, you lose essential electrolytes like sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Not replacing these electrolytes can result in cramping, dizziness, and a drop in athletic performance. (1) Sports drinks prevent this by replacing those electrolytes. 


When you sweat, you lose a lot of fluid. (8) The water and electrolytes in sports drinks help you absorb and retain water better than water alone. 

Boosting Energy 

Many sports drinks also provide an energy boost in the form of sugar or caffeine.

A runner drinking from a sports bottle.
Image via: Pablo Calvog / Shutterstock

This can come in particularly handy if you take them during a long workout, as both sugar and caffeine can provide a quick boost of energy to help you finish your run or bang out a few more reps. 

How We Chose the Best Sports Drinks

There are a lot of sports drinks on the market, so picking the best ones took some consideration. We looked at several different factors when choosing the right drinks, including the electrolyte content, additional ingredients, taste, and price.

Electrolyte Blend

A good sports drink needs to replace the essential electrolytes that athletes lose when they sweat, so we searched out selections that contained at least moderate amounts of sodium, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Any selections that we chose that didn’t have all four or contained smaller doses had to stand out in some other way. 

Additional Ingredients

Electrolytes are the star of the show here, but some drinks have additional ingredients that an athlete may find useful. Caffeine and sugar can provide a boost of energy to get you through your workout, for instance. Others contain vitamins or amino acids like taurine, which can help reduce recovery time after a hard workout. (3)


If a sports drink tastes gross, you’re not going to drink it. And if you don’t drink it, even the best sports drink won’t do you any good. So we made sure that the drinks we chose for this list tasted good and gave special preference to ones that offered multiple flavor options. 


Sports drinks vary in price, often depending on the formula and ingredients. While there are some expensive options on this list, we also made sure to include ones that would fit tighter budgets. 

How Much Do Sports Drinks Cost? 

Sports drinks can vary in price per serving quite a bit, with prices starting at well under a dollar and ending around the three- to four-dollar range. Often, the price will vary based on the electrolyte dosage, any additional ingredients, and what form it takes. Often, you’ll find powders cheaper than premixed sports drinks. 

What to Consider Before Buying a Sports Drink

There’s no shortage of sports drinks on the market, making finding the right one for your needs challenging. When you’re thinking about picking up a sports drink, you should consider factors like a drink’s electrolyte content, its calorie count, how much sugar is in it, and how much it costs. 

Electrolyte Content

Replenishing your electrolytes is the key factor in choosing a sports drink. Keep an eye out for drinks that have sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. 

Calorie Count

The calorie count you need can vary depending on your fitness goals. If you’re trying to lose weight, consider a sports drink with little to no calories.


A person wiping his sweat after working out.
Credit: Adamov_d / Shutterstock

If you participate in an endurance sport or you’re doing a competition with multiple events in a day, you may want something with a calorie count of around a hundred or so. 

Sugar Content

Again, your goals and needs will determine how much sugar you want in a sports drink. If you want to lose weight, look for a sports drink with low or no sugar content. If you have long training sessions or it’s competition day, look for a drink that can replenish your glucose levels. 


If you exercise hard and often, you’re likely going to be drinking a sports drink regularly. So it’s worth looking for one that you can buy in fairly large quantities. While some of the sports drinks on this list cost a few dollars per serving, some great ones are a lot easier on the budget. Make sure whichever sports drink you go with is one that you can afford to take regularly. 

Final Word

The right sports drink is perfect for rehydrating after a sweaty workout. The electrolytes in sports drinks replace the ones you lose in sweat and help your body absorb and maintain fluids. These drinks can be helpful after long workouts, in hot environments, and even for fighting through a nasty hangover. If you’ve lost fluids, a good sports drink can help.

If you’re looking at a sports drink, consider your goals, how you work out, and how much you’re willing to spend. When you have an idea of what you’re looking for, you can use this list to help you pick the right one. 


What is the best sports drink?

The best sports drink varies from person to person, but right now, our favorite is Transparent Labs Hydrate for its high dose of sodium, the additional taurine in the formula, and the low price. 

Can I drink sports drinks all the time? 

While a sports drink is a great way to rehydrate, it might not be the best idea to drink them all the time. Many sports drinks have sugar in them, and while that can be handy during or after a workout, drinking sports drinks throughout the day can really pile on the sugar.

Does coconut water count as a sports drink? 

Coconut water is a great all-natural sports drink. It contains the essential electrolytes sodium, magnesium, calcium, and potassium, as well as a decent amount of sugar to replenish glycogen stores.


  1. Shrimanker I, Bhattarai S. Electrolytes. [Updated 2024 Jul 24]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-.
  2. Veniamakis E, Kaplanis G, Voulgaris P, Nikolaidis PT. Effects of Sodium Intake on Health and Performance in Endurance and Ultra-Endurance Sports. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Mar 19;19(6):3651. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19063651. PMID: 35329337; PMCID: PMC8955583.
  3. Kurtz, J.A., VanDusseldorp, T.A., Doyle, J.A. et al. Taurine in sports and exercise. J Int Soc Sports Nutr 18, 39 (2021).
  4. Cristina-Souza G, Santos-Mariano AC, Lima-Silva AE, Costa PL, Domingos PR, Silva SF, Abreu WC, De-Oliveira FR, Osiecki R. Panax ginseng Supplementation Increases Muscle Recruitment, Attenuates Perceived Effort, and Accelerates Muscle Force Recovery After an Eccentric-Based Exercise in Athletes. J Strength Cond Res. 2022 Apr 1;36(4):991-997. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003555. PMID: 32379240.
  5. Kim YN, Hwang JH, Cho YO. The effects of exercise training and acute exercise duration on plasma folate and vitamin B12. Nutr Res Pract. 2016 Apr;10(2):161-6. doi: 10.4162/nrp.2016.10.2.161. Epub 2016 Feb 26. PMID: 27087899; PMCID: PMC4819126.
  6. Mero A. Leucine supplementation and intensive training. Sports Med. 1999 Jun;27(6):347-58. doi: 10.2165/00007256-199927060-00001. PMID: 10418071.
  7. Lindinger MI. Potassium regulation during exercise and recovery in humans: implications for skeletal and cardiac muscle. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1995 Apr;27(4):1011-22. doi: 10.1016/0022-2828(95)90070-5. PMID: 7563098.
  8. Baker LB. Sweating Rate and Sweat Sodium Concentration in Athletes: A Review of Methodology and Intra/Interindividual Variability. Sports Med. 2017 Mar;47(Suppl 1):111-128. doi: 10.1007/s40279-017-0691-5. PMID: 28332116; PMCID: PMC5371639.

The post The 7 Best Sports Drinks for Athletes, Travel, and More for 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

The 10 Best Organic Protein Powders Fri, 15 Sep 2023 22:28:04 +0000 Protein is one of the most popular supplements on the market. We already know that supplementing with protein can help athletes gain muscle and recover from exercise. (1)(2) But did you know that protein supplements can also help individuals meet their everyday protein needs and even support weight loss? (3) Organic protein powders may appeal even more to...

The post The 10 Best Organic Protein Powders appeared first on BarBend.

Protein is one of the most popular supplements on the market. We already know that supplementing with protein can help athletes gain muscle and recover from exercise. (1)(2) But did you know that protein supplements can also help individuals meet their everyday protein needs and even support weight loss? (3) Organic protein powders may appeal even more to those looking to take a protein supplement on the daily.

There are different sources of organic protein, ranging from pea protein to whey protein. Some protein powders even contain micronutrients, probiotics, superfoods, and digestive enzymes. Thankfully, our team of expert product testers turned to some of the top brands to find the best organic protein powders in this review. Rest assured that all products we reviewed here boast 100 percent organic ingredients. 

The 10 Best Organic Protein Powders of 2024

Editor’s note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it should not be taken as medical advice. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. It’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor before beginning a new fitness, nutritional, and/or supplement routine. Individual needs for vitamins and minerals will vary.

About Our Experts

This article has been reviewed by Chrissy Arsenault, RDN with notes from Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D., a registered dietitian with 10 years of experience in the clinical setting. They looked into the research we cite and the efficacy/quality of the organic protein powders we list to help ensure we’re providing advice that’s safe. However, everyone’s body is different, so before you try any new products, it’s best to consult your doctor.

How We Tested and Chose the Best Organic Protein Powders

The BarBend team is made up of competitive athletes, certified personal trainers, and lifelong fitness enthusiasts. To determine the best organic protein powders available today, we’ve tested nearly 100 different profiles from the industry’s best brands, using a multi-point methodology to rate each profile on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest). Below are some of the categories and components that played into our rankings.

Formula Quality

The products in this roundup typically have a short, pronounceable ingredient list, and preferably easily digestible protein sources, like whey, casein, or plant-based proteins. High quality protein supplements should have a solid macronutrient profile consisting of high protein, low carbohydrates, and low fat. They should also contain micronutrients whenever possible to fill any gaps in individuals’ diets.

An open container of KOS Organic Plant Protein
An open container of KOS Organic Plant Protein

We tried to avoid supplements with excessive artificial ingredients, fillers, preservatives, sugar alcohols like erythritol, or added sugars. We also skipped any protein supplements that list any proprietary blends, as these don’t specify individual ingredient dosages. This makes it difficult to assess their effectiveness and safety. 

Goals and Dietary Needs

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to choosing the best organic protein powder. Some individuals might be looking for a protein powder that will support their athletic performance or weight loss, while others might be looking for one that meets specific dietary needs, like gluten-free or vegan.

However, in this process, we were also cautious of supplements that make unrealistic or miraculous claims about rapid muscle gain, fast recovery, extreme weight loss, or instant results. 

Remember that supplements and their claims are not regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), so it’s important to read the nutrition label and ingredient list. If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.

Taste and Flavor

While unrelated to health benefits, try to choose a taste or flavor that you enjoy so that you can consistently use the product and enjoy using it. 

Some protein powders offer only chocolate or vanilla flavors, while others offer many decadent flavors to choose from. We’ve sampled different flavors and listed out the ones available for each of our picks on this list.


Again, while unrelated to health benefits, no one likes clumping at the bottom of their shaker bottle. Some tend to mix better in water, while others mix better in milk or non-dairy beverages, like oat milk.

legion whey+ protein powder
Mixing up Legion Whey+ protein powder.

Our BarBend product testers have tested the products on this list in water, smoothies, food, and dairy and non-dairy bases to ensure that we can recommend protein shakes that are highly soluble. So, most of the products you’ll see on this list mix well in a shaker bottle. 


Ask yourself the following questions: Have you heard of the brand? Has the product gone through third-party testing via organizations like NSF to ensure they meet quality and safety standards? 

A good product will boast third-party certifications on the product label that vouch for their credibility. This is important because supplements are not regulated by the FDA.

Best Organic Protein Powder Overall: KOS Organic Plant Protein

KOS Organic Plant Protein
KOS Organic Plant Protein
KOS Organic Plant Protein

This protein powder packs 20 grams of plant-based protein plus various superfoods, vitamins, and minerals. It also contains enzymes to aid digestion and promote gut health.


  • Price Per Serving: $2.30 to 2.33
  • Protein Source: Pea protein, flax seed, quinoa, pumpkin seed protein, chia seed
  • Protein Per Serving: 20 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 150 to 160 calories, depending on flavor
  • Third-Party Testing: USDA Organic
  • Available Flavors: Blueberry Muffin, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Salted Caramel, Salted Caramel Coffee, Unflavored, Vanilla


  • KOS Organic Plant Protein has a diversified protein blend with five different types of plant-based protein incorporated into it – making it a complete protein.
  • This pick is fortified with a vitamins and minerals blend to meet at least part of the daily value (DV) for many micronutrients.
  • It contains a digestive enzyme blend to support your digestion.


  • While it contains digestive enzymes, the blend is proprietary, so we don’t know the exact amount.
  • It ranks about middle of the line for its taste and solubility.
  • It’s a bit on the pricey side, but it does contain a lot of extra blends beyond its protein content.

For general health needs, KOS Organic Plant Protein is a wonderful organic and plant-based choice for increasing your protein intake. Whether you’re an athlete or looking to maintain, lose, or gain weight, this pick has you covered. 

Overall, we gave KOS a 4.75 out of 5 for its formulation. With a high-quality plant protein blend, superfood blend, and vitamin and mineral blend, this product is like taking a protein powder, greens, and a multivitamin all in one sitting.

Another great aspect of the formulation is that it contains a digestive enzyme blend, which may be helpful for individuals who need extra digestive support or have digestive issues. (4) Our expert reviewer Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D. states, “I like that KOS keeps digestion in mind with a digestive enzyme blend, but I wish it wasn’t proprietary. I prefer to know exactly what and how much of it I’m getting.”

Tester scooping KOS Vegan Protein Powder into a glass of water
Tester scooping KOS Vegan Protein Powder

Unlike other popular plant-based protein powders out there like Orgain, KOS Organic Superfood Protein does not contain any erythritol, which is a sugar alcohol. It’s also free from sugar, dairy, and soy. “I like that it’s free from these ingredients, which can cause GI upset in some people,” Bourgeois adds.

Instead, it’s sweetened with stevia extract and monk fruit extract depending on the flavor. While monk fruit is milder in sweetness, stevia can taste bitter to some, which we picked up when testing. Our tester also noted that it scores about a 3 out of 5 for taste. As far as mixability goes, our tester scored this product a 3 out of 5 for solubility, so it’s nothing special as far as that goes. “The shake is fairly thick, so I advise using a blender or excess liquid to mix the shake better,” our tester states.

Read our full KOS Organic Plant Protein Review

Best Organic Protein Powder for Muscle Gain: Transparent Labs Organic Vegan

Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Protein
Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Protein
Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Protein

A surprisingly delicious vegan protein powder that's totally free from artificial ingredients and soy, Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Protein contains  a 2:1 ratio of rice to pea protein powder, and four grams of fiber. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.50 to 1.67
  • Protein Source: Organic rice protein, organic pea protein isolate
  • Protein Per Serving: 24 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 130 to 150 calories, depending on flavor
  • Third-Party Testing: Analytical Resource Laboratories
  • Available Flavors: French Vanilla, Chocolate


  • This pick contains 24 grams of plant-based protein per serving, which is a good value for your money and high for a vegan protein powder.
  • Its ingredient list is short and simple – no artificial sweeteners or colors.
  • It’s gluten-free and non-GMO.
  • Transparent Labs Organic Vegan protein contains 4 to 5 milligrams of iron, which is 20 to 30 percent of the daily value for this nutrient.


  • Neither flavors taste or smell too great compared to other picks on our list.
  • The sodium content in this protein can be higher than desirable for those watching their sodium intake, with 260 to 300 milligrams of sodium per serving (15% of the daily value).
  • With only two flavors available – french vanilla and chocolate – you’re limited in options if you don’t like either of those.

Transparent Labs Organic Vegan protein is perfect for those looking for a post-workout protein powder that’ll support muscle growth and recovery. When your goal is to gain muscle, you may need a lot more protein than the average individual – anywhere from 1.2 to 1.6 grams per kilogram per day. (5) For example, for a 200-pound adult, you’d need 145 grams of protein per day – that’s a lot of protein, and this supplement can help you meet your protein goal. While most plant-based protein powders are lower in protein content, this pick gives you a lot of bang for your buck with 24 grams of protein per serving. 

[Related: New Study on Protein Timing: Even 100 Grams Per Meal Isn’t Wasted]

With a short and simple ingredient list, Transparent Labs has created a simple, no-fluff vegan protein – we rated it 4 out of 5 for formulation. Additionally, if you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet, iron is a micronutrient that’s often deficient. (6) Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D. states, “I like that you can meet 30% of your daily iron needs with one serving.” However, the sodium content can also be on the higher side for those watching their sodium intake for general wellness or blood pressure. “It also contains 260-300 mg of sodium per scoop, which isn’t a crazy amount, but it does account for around 15% of the recommended daily sodium intake,” Bourgeois adds.

Our tester grabbing a scoop of Transparent Labs Organic Vegan
Our tester grabbing a scoop of Transparent Labs Organic Vegan

As far as taste goes, it’s a little on the earthy side, so we scored it a 2 out of 5. Our tester who tried the chocolate flavor of the shake states, “Not too bad for a vegan protein powder. It tastes like a dark chocolate drink (not milk chocolate) but with an earthy hint because of the rice and pea protein. I would not suggest this for people who like sweet/sugary protein drinks. There is not that much sugar and you can really taste the cocoa powder.” 

Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Protein is also third-party tested through Analytical Resource Laboratories, with its certificate of analysis posted publicly on the Transparent Labs website. This helps ensure its purity, safety, and quality.

Read our full Transparent Labs Organic Vegan Protein Review.

Best Organic Protein Powder for Athletes: Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan

Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan Protein Powder
Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan Protein Powder
Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan Protein Powder

Jacked Factory's Authentic Vegan protein powder is just about the closest formula to whey protein we can find when it comes to macros. The big appeal of this protein powder, to us, is the price. For what it offers, this vegan product is one of the most affordable we've found.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.16
  • Protein Source: Vegan protein blend – organic pea protein isolate, sunflower seed protein, organic pumpkin seed protein, watermelon seed protein, mung bean protein
  • Protein Per Serving: 22 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 110 calories
  • Third-Party Testing: No
  • Available Flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate


  • Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan protein powder contains five premium protein sources to help athletes meet their protein needs and the full spectrum of essential amino acids.
  • It’s free from chemicals, fillers, soy, and artificial food dyes.
  • This pick is an economical option, especially for a vegan protein supplement. 


  • Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan protein powder doesn’t mix well with water, even in a shaker bottle.
  • It’s a little earthy in taste and is also sweetened with stevia extract, which can taste bitter to some people. 
  • It’s limited in flavor offerings – you only have the option of vanilla or chocolate.

Athletes – look no further. Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan is one of the best vegan protein powders out there. Studies show that protein supplementation may not necessarily benefit someone who is sedentary, but can help accelerate muscle and strength gains in athletes. (7) This means that as an athlete, you may consume more protein throughout the day than the average individual and many options out there can be expensive or have too many “extra” ingredients, leaving you feeling not at your best.

First, for an athlete, the protein source matters. This product contains a diversified plant protein source to meet your complete EAA needs, which vegan protein powders often lack – without incorporating lower quality protein sources like soy protein. Consuming a product with complete protein is important for athletes because this means that the protein powder contains all amino acids to make new protein in the body – which is essential for muscle gain and recovery. (8) We scored this product a 4 out of 5 for its high quality formulation.

[Related: How Much Protein Do You Need for CrossFit?]

Second, this supplement is also free from food dyes, chemicals, and fillers, making it an excellent choice for athletes looking for a clean vegan protein powder with a high amount of protein. Although this product isn’t third-party tested, it is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility, which helps ensure its purity and potency. This is important for athletes because a product needs to be free of any banned substances in order for them to compete in their sport.

However, this product didn’t score as strongly on the practical factors including taste and solubility – with a score of 2 out of 5 on solubility and 3 out of 5 for taste. Our tester states, “I wasn’t super impressed with the taste and mixability, but I appreciate that the protein powder was easy on my stomach.” Even with a shaker bottle, there were clumps at the bottom of the cup. “I saw a thick layer of protein powder that settled at the bottom of the shaker bottle, despite multiple attempts to shake it,” our tester adds.

[Related: How Much Protein Do You Need for Bodybuilding?]

Best Tasting Organic Protein Powder: Onnit Plant-Based Protein

Onnit Plant-Based Protein
Onnit Plant-Based Protein
Onnit Plant-Based Protein

Onnit's plant-based protein powder is made of a blend of pea, pumpkin, sunflower seed, and watermelon seed proteins. This one is available in two separate flavors, too, including Chocolate and Vanilla. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.91 to 2.25
  • Protein Source: Pea protein concentrate, pumpkin seed protein powder, sunflower seed protein powder, watermelon seed protein powder
  • Protein Per Serving: 20 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 100 calories
  • Third-Party Testing: Informed Sport Certified
  • Available Flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate


  • Known for its great taste, Onnit Plant-Based Protein contains avocado powder to improve its mouthfeel, flavor, and texture, and monk fruit for natural sweetness.
  • This pick features Smooth Protein, which is a blend of seed proteins that make it highly soluble.
  • Due to its protein blend containing pea, pumpkin, sunflower, and watermelon seeds, this product contains all essential amino acids (EAAs).


  • It’s limited in flavor options, with only chocolate or vanilla available to choose from.
  • While monk fruit is a natural sweetener with a milder taste, this product also contains stevia, which can impart a bitter taste.
  • It’s one of the pricier options in the market.

Plant-based protein powders aren’t exactly known for their great taste – they can taste earthy, bitter, or beany, especially compared to their whey counterparts. However, if we had to pick a powder solely based on its taste, we’d choose Onnit Plant-Based Protein – it’s actually good. Our testers rated it an impressive 4.75 out of 5 for taste. It’s only offered in vanilla and chocolate flavors, but who needs more flavors when the ones available are both delicious?

[Related: Vegan Diet for Athletes: Can You Build Muscle with Plant-Based Nutrition?]

Our tester also scored this formulation a solid 4 out of 5. Although Onnit Plant-Based protein consists of plant protein, its protein sources are diversified, so it contains all EAAs to support vegetarian and vegan diets that might be lacking in certain amino acids. In addition to being a great option for vegan diets, it’s dairy-free, gluten-free, soy-free, and contains no sugar. It’s also slightly sweetened with monk fruit and stevia extract. While stevia can sometimes impart a bitter aftertaste, this doesn’t seem to detract from the product’s amazing taste.

Our tester holding a container of Onnit Plant-Based Protein
Our tester holding a container of Onnit Plant-Based Protein

Additionally, it’s fairly mixable in water or a blender bottle – our product tester gave pretty high marks for this product on solubility, with a score of 4.25 out of 5.

Best Vegan Organic Protein Powder: Ritual Essential Daily Shake 18+

Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake 18+
Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake 18+
Ritual Essential Protein Daily Shake 18+

This clean, transparent protein powder relies on organic, non-GMO yellow peas for its 20-gram protein dosage. Additionally, the subscription-based model helps ensure you’re always stocked up to help you meet your nutritional goals day in and day out.


  • Price Per Serving: $2.13 to 2.67
  • Protein Source: Pea protein
  • Protein Per Serving: 20 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 115 calories
  • Third-Party Testing: Informed Sport Certified
  • Available Flavors: Vanilla


  • 100% of its ingredients are traceable, so that you know what you’re putting in your body.
  • Ritual Essential Daily Shake 18+ mixes well, which is especially important for a plant-based protein shake.
  • The formulation contains a complete amino acid profile, with 8 grams of EAAs and 4 grams of BCAAs. 


  • The sodium content can be a little higher than desired for those watching their sodium intake, with 290 milligrams of sodium per serving.
  • Its packaging can be hard to seal, since protein gets stuck in it.
  • It’s one of the most expensive pea protein options on the market.

Ritual Essential Daily Shake 18+ is a clean and traceable plant-based protein shake that’s ideal for vegan diets. First, it’s completely plant-based, while so many options out there are made with whey. Ritual is made with American peas and naturally sweetened with organic monk fruit extract, which has less of an aftertaste than stevia. 

Second, although pea protein on its own is not complete in the ratios needed to be considered a true “complete protein”, this product contains L-methionine. Complete proteins can be helpful for general wellness since they contain all the amino acids to maintain lean muscle. (8) Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D. states, “I like the formula’s macro ratio, but I especially like that Ritual added L-methionine to make it a complete protein. Methionine is an essential amino acid, meaning our bodies need it but can’t produce it, so it’s super convenient to get it in your protein powder.” Overall, this formulation scored a 5 out of 5 from our product testers.

[Related: I Tried Ritual Essential Vitamins for Three Months Straight. Here’s How I Felt]

Another important factor for vegans when selecting a protein powder is the consistency and solubility of the shake. Specifically, many vegan protein shakes are clumpy and don’t mix well, which can be a challenge for meeting protein needs. However, this pick seems to boast a smooth consistency and texture. “This has a shockingly great consistency. Mixed in water, it dissolves, and it also has a really smooth texture. It’s not thick, but it’s not watery like some proteins are,” our tester states. Overall, we scored this product a 5 out of 5 for solubility.

This pick is also third-party tested through Informed Sport, so you can trust its purity and quality  – which is important since supplements are not regulated by the FDA. There’s also a certificate of traceability on this specific product that you can find on the Ritual website.

[Related: The 9 Best Clean Protein Powders, RD-Approved and Expert-Tested]

Best Organic Whey Protein Powder: Legion Whey+

Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder
Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder
Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder

An all natural, non-GMO, fat-free whey that's cheaper than many competitors, Legion Whey Isolate Protein Powder is made from 100 percent grass-fed whey protein isolate from sustainable dairy farms in Ireland. It's also higher in calcium compared to other powders on the market.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.52 to 1.80
  • Protein Source: Whey protein isolate
  • Protein Per Serving: 22 to 23 grams of protein, depending on flavor
  • Calories Per Serving: 100 to 110 calories, depending on flavor
  • Third-Party Testing: Labdoor™ tested for purity
  • Available Flavors: Dutch Chocolate, Chocolate Hazelnut, Cinnamon Cereal, Apple Pie, Banana Bread, Birthday Cake, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Cocoa Cereal, Cookies & Cream, French Vanilla, Fruity Cereal, Honey Cereal, Mocha Cappuccino, Salted Caramel, Strawberry Banana, Unflavored


  • Legion Whey protein comes in 16 different flavors for the flavor enthusiast.
  • It doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners, flavors, or food dyes.
  • It boasts an excellent macronutrient profile – no fat, low carbohydrates, and high in protein.
  • This pick is third-party tested through Labdoor and produced in facilities that are NSF-certified, FDA-inspected, and GMP-compliant.


  • Some flavors are high in potassium, which could be an issue if you are taking other electrolyte supplements or beverages.
  • It’s sweetened with stevia, which can have a bitter aftertaste to some individuals.

Legion Whey+ is our favorite pick out of organic whey proteins because it consists of whey protein isolate as its protein source. Whey protein isolate undergoes further processing, removing more fats, carbohydrates, and lactose – and thus “isolating” the whey. This results in a product with a higher protein concentration (usually around 90 percent or higher) and minimal lactose content. 

A person holds a scoop of Legion Whey+ protein powder
A scoop of Legion Whey+ protein powder.

Whey isolate is excellent because it tends to be more nutrient-dense than whey protein, making it a popular choice among individuals with lactose intolerance or those seeking higher protein content per serving. Compared to whey, isolate is also more readily digestible. (9) Additionally, studies show that consuming whey protein isolate can help improve muscle mass and strength while reducing body fat. (10) Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D. states, “Whey+ is clinically dosed to support muscle building and workout recovery. Its macro ratios and ingredient sources are impressive.” Our team of testers scored this pick a 4.75 out of 5 for its formula.

[Related: How to Clean Your Gross Protein Shaker Bottle Properly (and What Will Happen if You Don’t)]

As far as taste goes, our tester scored this product a sparkling 4.5 out of 5 after trying the Cinnamon Cereal and Dutch Chocolate flavors. “I tried the Dutch chocolate flavor and it honestly tasted great, (if anyone has ever had ovaltine before it tasted very similar), was a pleasant chocolate flavor sweetened with stevia, definitely not too sweet,” he states. He also loved the Cinnamon Cereal flavor, stating “It kind of tasted like when you first start eating a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and the cereal hasn’t had a chance to fully incorporate into the milk yet. The flavor’s there but not quite as pungent as I would’ve liked.” Legion Whey+ also offers variety for those who get bored of vanilla or chocolate flavors with 16 different flavors available. 

Legion Whey+ is also third-party tested through Labdoor and produced in facilities that are NSF-certified, FDA-inspected, and GMP-compliant. This helps ensure the purity and quality of the product since supplements aren’t closely regulated. However, in our independent testing, we rated Whey+ at a C grade, given the fact that this powder ranked in the top 50 percent of all tested supplements for heavy metals.

Legion Whey+ Protein Scorecard
BarBend worked with an accredited lab to gather testing data on the overall purity of Legion Whey+ protein powder.

Read our full Legion Whey+ Review.

Best Unflavored Organic Protein Powder: NOW Sports Certified Organic Whey Protein

NOW Sports Certified Organic Whey Protein
NOW Sports Certified Organic Whey Protein
NOW Sports Certified Organic Whey Protein

NOW Sports Certified Organic Whey Protein only contains one ingredient: unflavored whey protein concentrate. It’s extensively third-party tested and is a cost-effective option for athletes.


  • Price Per Serving: $1.44
  • Protein Source: Whey protein
  • Protein Per Serving: 19 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 100 calories
  • Third-Party Testing: USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, Informed Sport Certified (Steroid-Free)
  • Available Flavors: Unflavored


  • The only ingredient in this product is organic whey protein concentrate and it comes unflavored.
  • This product contains naturally occurring branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) that may support recovery after exercise.
  • It’s extensively third-party tested and produced in a GMP facility.
  • This organic protein powder is cost-effective, at only $1.44 per serving.


  • This pick is unflavored, so it won’t taste great on its own.
  • It’s not available in multiple flavors, unlike other protein supplements.

If you’re looking for an unflavored, organic whey protein powder that is well-suited for athletes, look no further. It contains a single ingredient: organic whey protein concentrate. No fluff. 

Those looking for an unflavored protein powder might be looking for an easy product to integrate into recipes – and this unflavored product fits the bill from a taste perspective. Our tester states, “If you want something to make smoothies with or bake with, I think this is a good option. It doesn’t have a taste that would overpower any other flavors you use it with.” However, if you’re a protein powder flavor enthusiast, this product may not be the best choice for you – our tester rated its plain taste a 3 out of 5.

[Related: The 8 Best-Tasting Protein Powders, Tasted and Tested by Our Team]

Mixability is also equally important for an unflavored protein powder so that you don’t end up with clumps in the recipe. “No issues blending — in a shaker cup by itself, it dissolves pretty well. And then in a blender you don’t notice it at all,” our tester adds, giving the product a 5 out of 5 for solubility.

Additionally, NOW Sports Certified Organic Whey Protein is third-party tested through USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, and Informed Sport. The Informed Sport certification is particularly important in the world of sports nutrition, since it checks the product for over 220 banned substances that might prohibit an athlete from competing in their sport. You can even view the testing results online. This product is also produced in a GMP facility, which means that it has been tested for stability, potency, and product formulation.

[Related: How Much Protein Do You Actually Need Per Day?]

Best Gluten-Free Organic Protein Powder: Vega One Organic All-in-One Shake

Vega One Organic All-in-One Shake
Vega One Organic All-in-One Shake
Vega One Organic All-in-One Shake

This plant-based shake boasts 140 calories, 20 grams of protein, and an ample amount of the antioxidants Vitamins A, C, and D — which help boost your immune system and fight inflammation.


  • Price Per Serving: $3.80 to 4.29 
  • Protein Source: Pea protein 
  • Protein Per Serving: 20 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 140 to 150 calories, depending on flavor
  • Third-Party Testing: USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Available Flavors: Berry, Mocha, Plain Unsweetened, French Vanilla, Chocolate Mint, Coconut Almond, Chocolate


  • If you’re sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease, Vega One Organic All-in-One Shake is one of the few gluten-free options out there.
  • This vegan protein powder contains high quality ingredients like fruits and sprouted veggies.
  • Vega contains no fillers, no artificial sweeteners, no preservatives, and no added sugar.
  • This pick contains probiotics and 6 grams of fiber per serving to support healthy digestion.


  • Despite containing many important nutrients, it’s low in certain nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.
  • Vega uses stevia leaf extract to sweeten this pea protein powder, which can have a bitter aftertaste to some individuals.
  • It’s expensive for what you get.

Vega One Organic All-in-One shake is one of the few gluten-free products out there. It avoids cross-contamination with wheat allergens during its production process. Adhering to a gluten-free diet through consuming naturally gluten-free foods and certified processed gluten-free products is critical for those living with celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten. (11)

Vega One All In One Shake Taste and Review

It’s also packed with nutritious, gluten-free ingredients. Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D. gave the formulation a 4.5 out of 5, stating, “Vega One Organic All-In-One Shake is a plant-based protein powder that prioritizes whole food ingredients to provide a hefty dose of protein and other nutrients in every scoop. It boasts an impressive ingredient profile. With ingredients like sprouted quinoa, a fruit and veggie blend, and pea protein, it’s rich in fiber and many important vitamins.” 

[Related: Add These High-Protein Vegetables to Your Diet for a Muscle-Building Boost]

This pick can also help support digestion for those with celiac disease who are looking for digestion-friendly products. First, it contains probiotics (Bacillus subtilis), which can help promote a more balanced microbiome. (12) “I also love that it contains probiotics to support a healthy gut,” Bourgeois adds. It would be helpful to know the probiotics concentration in this product, but it was not noted anywhere on the nutrition facts label. 

Second, it also contains 6 grams of fiber, which is helpful in meeting your daily dietary fiber needs of 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men according to the USDA Dietary Guidelines. (13)

According to our testers, Vega One Organic All-in-One Shake also scored pretty high in taste with a score of 4 out of 5 and solubility, with a score of 4 out of 5. However, it tends to be on the pricier side, so if you’re not strictly adhering to a gluten-free diet, you might be able to find better options on this list that fit your needs. 

Read our full Vega One Organic All-in-One Shake Review.

Best Organic Protein Powder for Weight Loss: Garden of Life Raw Organic Whey Protein

Garden of Life Raw Organic Whey Protein
Garden of Life Raw Organic Whey Protein
Garden of Life Raw Organic Whey Protein

Garden of Life Raw Organic Whey Protein offers 21 grams of whey protein sourced from American Humane Certified grass-fed cows, as well as 2 billion CFU of probiotics to help aid digestion.


  • Price Per Serving: $2.87 to 3.58
  • Protein Source: Organic whey protein concentrate
  • Protein Per Serving: 21 grams of protein
  • Calories Per Serving: 120 calories
  • Third-Party Testing: USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Available Flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Unflavored 


  • The organic whey protein concentrate is cold-processed to maintain the integrity of the amino acids. 
  • It contains no artificial sweeteners, artificial flavors, antibiotics, hormones, or pesticides.
  • This pick contains 2 billion CFUs of probiotics to support a healthy gut, which may in turn, help with weight loss.


  • Garden of Life Organic Whey is low in vitamin and mineral content, with only 6% daily value for calcium and 2% daily value for potassium.
  • It’s low in dietary fiber content with only 1 to 2 grams per serving.

If you’re looking for an organic protein powder for weight loss, Garden of Life Raw Organic Whey Protein checks off all the boxes: solid macronutrient profile, low in calories, and contains 2 billion CFUs of probiotics (Bifidobacterium lactis).

First, this pick is high in protein with 21 grams of protein, low in fat with 2 grams of fat, and low in fat with 6 grams of carbs – making it a great macronutrient profile for those looking to lose weight. Many people with a weight loss goal follow a higher protein diet with lower fat and carb content, so this pick fits those criteria. (14) According to Garden of Life, their organic, grass-fed whey protein is cold-processed, which maintains the structure and integrity of the essential amino acids instead of denaturing them in the production process. 

[Related: Garden of Life Perfect Food Juiced Greens Powder Review]

Second, digestion support is important for those looking to lose weight. Probiotics are helpful for promoting a healthy gut – and this pick supplies 2 billion CFUs of probiotics. (12) Emerging research also shows that gut bacteria may play a role in weight loss. (15) However, for weight loss purposes, it would have been nice for this product to contain a little bit more dietary fiber to support satiety and digestion.

Third, this product is fairly low in calories with 120 calories per serving. People with a weight loss goal are looking for a calorie deficit, so having a lower calorie count from a protein supplement can be helpful.

Additionally, we like this Garden of Life offering due to its transparency and purity. In our independent testing, this protein powder scored an A grade, ranking in the top 10 percent of all tested supplements for presence of heavy metals, bisphenols, phthalates, and pesticides.

Garden of Life Certified Grass-Fed Whey Vanilla Protein Scorecard
Garden of Life’s Certified Grass-Fed Whey Protein Powder earned an A grade for purity from our independent lab findings.

Taste is also an important consideration when you’re trying to lose weight but consume foods that taste good. “The taste was earthy, but less so when mixed with any kind of milk,” our tester notes, giving it an overall 3.5 out of 5. It also received a solid solubility score of 4 out of 5.

[Related: The 10 Best Protein Powders for Weight Loss]

Best Organic Protein Powder for Probiotics: Pure Food Plant-Based Protein Powder

Pure Food Plant-Based Protein Powder
Pure Food Plant-Based Protein Powder
Pure Food Plant-Based Protein Powder

With one billion colony forming units (CFUs) of probiotics, Pure Food's vegan protein powder should be your pick for more optimal gut health. This powder also contains 20 grams of protein and four grams of BCAAs. 


  • Price Per Serving: $1.66 to 2.08
  • Protein Source: Protein blend – organic pea protein, brown rice protein, hemp protein, chia seed protein, pumpkin seed protein
  • Protein Per Serving: 10 to 11 grams of protein, depending on flavor
  • Calories Per Serving: 60 to 85 calories, depending on flavor
  • Third-Party Testing: No
  • Available Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Raw Cacao


  • This protein powder contains 1 billion CFUs of probiotics and a high protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score to support a healthy gut.
  • This pick meets many dietary restrictions including vegan, paleo, keto, gluten-free, dairy-free, and soy-free.
  • It contains no added sugar, no fillers, no heavy metals, and no other additives.


  • Compared to other protein supplements, its amount of protein is low at only 10-11 grams.
  • It’s low in calories, so other ingredients are needed to bulk up its nutrition profile.
  • This pick isn’t third-party tested.

Looking for an organic protein shake that also supplies probiotics? Check out Pure Food Plant-Based Protein powder. This product contains 1 billion CFUs of probiotics and a highly digestible amino acid profile to support individuals who are looking for a protein shake for digestive support. Probiotics are helpful for promoting a healthy gut, as they help provide good bacteria to your gut microbiome. (12)

However, given that many individuals choose this product for its probiotic content and for digestive support, it could also benefit from the addition of more dietary fiber and digestive enzymes to provide further digestive support. (4) Its current formulation only contains 3 grams of fiber, while the USDA recommendation for fiber is 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. (13) You could certainly mix this powder into a smoothie with some fruits and chia seeds for extra fiber content, though. It mixes well in water or in a smoothie, with a solubility score of 4 out of 5.

Pure Food Plant Based Protein Nutritional Facts
Pure Food Plant Based Protein Nutritional Facts

Pure Food Plant-Based Protein Powder also doesn’t have enough protein per serving for it to be a standalone protein shake, with only 10-11 grams of protein per serving. It’s also low in calories at 60-85 calories per serving. Chelsea Rae Bourgeois, M.S., R.D.N., L.D. states, “I’d recommend individuals to add other ingredients to bulk up its nutrition profile.” Overall, our tester scored this product a 3.5 out of 5 for its formulation. 

Read our full Pure Food Plant-Based Protein Powder Review.

Benefits of Organic Protein Powders

While the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for a sedentary adult is about 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight, individuals may need more protein depending on their activity level and goals. (13) For example, some recent research points to higher protein needs of up to 1.6 grams per kilogram of body weight when you’re trying to build lean muscle mass. (5) These are the individuals who will reap the most health benefits of organic protein powders.

Helps Build Muscle and Support Recovery

Organic protein powders can be a convenient and concentrated source of protein for people looking to build muscle and support muscle recovery after exercise. These benefits of protein supplementation apply whether you’re an active individual or a competitive athlete. 

Protein powders are helpful because they’re rich in essential amino acids – and amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Protein intake can promote muscle protein synthesis by reversing the muscle damage caused by exercise and promoting the growth of new muscle tissue. (1)(2)

Helps Meet Your Protein Intake Goals 

Protein powders are a versatile and convenient way to supplement your diet and meet your protein intake goals with additional protein without having to consume a lot more food. Whether you’re looking to increase your protein intake due to higher activity levels, training for a marathon, or looking for strength gains, taking a protein supplement can help you meet your goals.

A 2023 study found that supplementing with protein may help reduce body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and percentage of body fat in participants. These results suggest that meeting protein goals through foods and protein supplements can be an effective strategy for weight management and improving overall metabolic health. (16)

Our tester mixing a shake of Transparent Labs Organic Vegan
Our tester mixing a shake of Transparent Labs Organic Vegan

However, remember that protein supplements are intended to supplement, not replace. When possible, individuals should aim to obtain nutrients from whole food sources as they provide a wider range of essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, that are beneficial to meeting your nutrient needs. Whole foods also contain other macronutrients beyond just protein to help achieve a balance of carbs, fat, and protein.

Supports Satiety and Fullness

Protein has a more significant satiety effect than fats and carbohydrates. (17) This means that you’ll feel fuller for longer between meals if you incorporate protein into your diet. Results from a 2022 study showed that a high-protein diet was more effective than a low-protein diet in promoting weight loss by reducing food intake due to a higher satiety index. (18)

Protein also has a higher thermic effect of food (TEF) than carbohydrates and fats. This means that a more significant proportion of the calories from protein are used in the process of digesting and metabolizing the protein rather than being stored as fat. This higher TEF of protein can lead to increased energy expenditure, which better supports weight loss goals. 

How Much Do Organic Protein Powders Cost?

When taking into consideration what organic protein powders cost, it’s important to look at the price per serving rather than the price per tub or price per scoop. That’s because different tubs have different numbers of servings – and a serving can be a single scoop or multiple scoops depending on the product.

To look at the cost per serving, you’ll need to compare the cost of the container to the number of servings that the tub contains. For organic protein powders, the cost ranges from $1 to $4 per serving depending on the brand and ingredients.

The cost per serving for an organic protein powder can depend on the protein source, amount of protein per serving, and presence of added ingredients (digestive enzymes, probiotics, micronutrients). Certain organic protein powders that meet specific dietary needs can also command a higher price. Ultimately, you should choose the protein powder that best fits your specific needs and preferences – and that choice will look different from person to person.

How to Choose the Best Organic Protein Powder

Making an informed choice can be tough when there are so many options for organic protein powders. While we’ve done our best to compile a comprehensive list for you, here are some considerations when you’re at the shelf or browsing for an organic protein powder that isn’t on this list. 

Nutrition Facts Label

When you’re checking out an organic protein powder, the nutrition label is top priority. This is where you can really assess whether it’s the right fit for you. 

First, take a close look at the protein content per serving. This is crucial if you’re trying to build muscle or support recovery from workouts. According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines, the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for a sedentary adult is about 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight – so this means you’ll want a high-quality protein supplement that provides at least 18 to 24 grams of protein if you’re consuming it in place of a meal or between meals, to meet your total protein needs. (13

Next, take a look at the overall calorie count. This is important if you’re closely monitoring your intake to gain, lose, or maintain weight. The goal here is to find a powder that fits your goal of calorie surplus, deficit, or maintenance. 

[Related: Calories In, Calories Out; Myth or Truth for Weight Loss?]

Then, review the fat and carb content – these are the rest of the macronutrients, or nutrients that your body uses in the largest amounts. You’ll ideally want a product with lower fat and lower carb content for a good macronutrient balance. 

And don’t forget about those all-important micronutrients. Some powders are fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, which can be beneficial if you’re not getting enough of those essential nutrients from your regular diet or if you’re following a vegetarian or vegan diet. For example, micronutrients like calcium and vitamin D can help reduce bone density loss and keep your bones strong. (19)(20) And, iron can help improve iron status in individuals who are at-risk for iron deficiency anemia, which is a common health concern for plant-based diets. (6)

Ingredient List

Once you’ve reviewed the nutrition panel, take a deeper dive into the ingredient list. You really want to see a clean, straightforward, and short list – this means no sketchy fillers or artificial additives that don’t add any real value. 

“Organic” is a good starting point for a protein supplement, but don’t assume that means it’s healthier or completely free of additional ingredients than other products. (21) Organic simply means that the product is prepared without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial agents. We’ve seen several organic protein powders that still contain fillers. Fillers are any ingredients that aren’t associated with the protein source but also don’t add any value.  Examples include preservatives, bulking agents like maltodextrin, corn syrup, or cornstarch, and even fats or sugars.

BarBend tester displaying KOS Organic Plant Protein.

Manufacturers also sometimes sneak in ingredients like artificial sweeteners or flavors to enhance the taste and texture. But, those don’t align with the goal of a high-quality, nutritious supplement and may not align with your preferences if you prefer natural ingredients. Instead, look for powders that use simple, recognizable ingredients that actually boost the nutritional profile – things like organic cocoa or natural vanilla. These additions can provide great flavor without compromising the integrity of the product.

Your Specific Nutrition Needs and Dietary Preferences

You’ll want to assess whether the protein powder meets your specific dietary needs and lifestyle preferences. Are you following a vegan or plant-based diet? Make sure the protein source is plant-based, like pea or rice protein. If you are relying on protein powder as a primary protein source, make sure the source ideally has several protein sources to make up a “complete protein” – which means it contains all essential amino acids.

Dealing with any food allergies or intolerances? Check for certifications that show that it’s free of common allergens like soy, nuts, or gluten. 

Think about what your individual health goals are. Are you looking to build muscle? Support energy levels? Complement a keto diet? Different protein powders are formulated to cater to different needs, so find one that aligns well with your personal objectives. 

Third-Party Certification

Since the supplement industry isn’t as regulated by the FDA as we might hope, third-party certifications become incredibly important when selecting a protein powder to check for purity and safety. These independent organizations like the USDA for organic certification or NSF for overall safety standards put the products through rigorous testing. They check things like whether the ingredients truly match what’s listed, if the product is free from harmful contaminants, and if the manufacturing processes meet high-quality standards. 

[Related: Dirty Bulking Vs. Clean Bulking — How Do You Want to Get Big?]

These certifications give you that extra layer of assurance that what you’re consuming is safe and as natural as advertised. You don’t want to risk ingesting anything questionable, especially when it comes to a supplement you’re relying on to support your health and fitness goals. The third-party stamps of approval are like a seal of trustworthiness.

Other Practical Considerations

Of course, once you’ve narrowed down the options based on the nutrition profile and ingredient quality, there are a few more practical factors to consider. If important to you, consider the price per serving, mixability, and taste reviews when choosing a product. First, take a look at the price per serving. The most expensive powder isn’t necessarily the best – you want to find that sweet spot of quality and value. Budgets vary, so find one that fits your spending parameters without sacrificing the nutritional benefits. 

Mixability is another important factor, especially if you plan to blend the powder into smoothies or shakes regularly. You don’t want a gritty, clumpy mess – look for reviews that highlight how smoothly it mixes into different liquids including water, milk, and non-dairy beverages. 

And finally, taste is crucial. If you don’t enjoy the flavor, you’re much less likely to stick with it in the long run. Some people prefer a neutral, unflavored powder, while others enjoy something a little sweeter. Reading taste reviews can give you a good sense of whether the flavor profile aligns with your personal preferences. Or, if you can find a single pack of a protein powder you’ve been wanting to try, you can see if you like it before you buy a whole tub.

Final Word

We evaluated the quality of the formulation, protein and calorie content, protein source, taste, flavor, price, mixability, and credibility of each pick on our best organic protein powders list. While the right protein depends on your goals, preferences, and dietary needs, we hope that this review can help as a starting point for narrowing down your choice from the many options that are out there. It may take a bit of research, but finding that perfect organic protein supplement is worth the effort to best support your health and fitness journey.


Are organic protein powders healthy?

Yes, organic protein powders can be healthy. While organic protein powders are not inherently healthier for you than conventional protein powders from a nutritional standpoint, most of our picks in this review have a balanced macronutrient profile and are great for everyday use.

How much do organic protein powders cost?

Organic protein powders can range quite a bit in price depending on your specific needs. The cheapest organic protein powders can cost as low as $1.16 per serving and are a great value for your money, like the Jacked Factory Authentic Vegan protein on our list. The more expensive organic protein powders can cost as much as $4.29 per serving, like the Vega One Organic All-in-One-Shake. We recommend that you weigh your specific needs against the cost to see if a specific product is worth it.

What is the best organic protein powder?

While what’s considered the best organic protein powder is rather subjective, we think the KOS Organic Superfood Plant-Protein Powder on our list is pretty great for general wellness if you don’t have specific dietary needs like gluten-free or vegan. For more specific needs or goals, check out the other items in this review.


  1. Hulmi, J. J., Lockwood, C. M., & Stout, J. R. (2010). Effect of protein/essential amino acids and resistance training on skeletal muscle hypertrophy: A case for whey protein. Nutrition & Metabolism, 7(1), 1-11.
  2. Pearson, A. G., Hind, K., & Macnaughton, L.S. (2023). The impact of dietary protein supplementation on recovery from resistance exercise-induced muscle damage: A systematic review with meta-analysis. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77(8), 767-783. 
  3. Moon, J., Koh, G. (2020). Clinical Evidence and Mechanisms of High-Protein Diet-Induced Weight Loss. Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome, 29(3), 166-173.
  4. Quinten, T., Philippart, J. M., De Beer, T., Vervarcke, S., & Van Den Driessche, M. (2014). Can the supplementation of a digestive enzyme complex offer a solution for common digestive problems? Archives of Public Health, 72(Suppl 1), 7.
  5. Nunes, E. A., Colenso-Semple, L., McKellar, S. R., Yau, T., Ali, M. U., Fitzpatrick-Lewis, D., Sherifali, D., Gaudichon, C., Tomé, D., Atherton, P. J., Robles, M. C., Naranjo-Modad, S., Braun, M., Landi, F., & Phillips, S. M. (2022). Systematic review and meta-analysis of protein intake to support muscle mass and function in healthy adults. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 13(2), 795–810.
  6. Haider, L. M., Schwingshackl, L., Hoffmann, G., & Ekmekcioglu, C. (2018). The effect of vegetarian diets on iron status in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 58(8), 1359–1374.
  7. Pasiakos, S. M., McLellan, T. M., & Lieberman, H. R. (2015). The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 45(1), 111–131.
  8. Harvard University. (n.d.). Protein. Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.
  9. Lönnerdal, B. (1985). Biochemistry and physiological function of human milk proteins. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 42(6), 1299–1317.
  10. Dos Santos, E. M., Moreira, A. S. B., Huguenin, G. V. B., Tibiriça, E., & De Lorenzo, A. (2023). Effects of Whey Protein Isolate on Body Composition, Muscle Mass, and Strength of Chronic Heart Failure Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Nutrients, 15(10), 2320.
  11. Bascuñán, K. A., Vespa, M. C., & Araya, M. (2017). Celiac disease: understanding the gluten-free diet. European Journal of Nutrition, 56(2), 449–459.
  12.  Bodke, H., & Jogdand, S. (2022). Role of Probiotics in Human Health. Cureus, 14(11), e31313.
  13. U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025. 9th Edition.
  14.  Kim J. Y. (2021). Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance. Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome, 30(1), 20–31.
  15. Noor, J., Chaudhry, A., Batool, S., Noor, R., & Fatima, G. (2023). Exploring the Impact of the Gut Microbiome on Obesity and Weight Loss: A Review Article. Cureus, 15(6), e40948.
  16. Ambulkar, P., Hande, P., Tambe, B., Vaidya, V. G., Naik, N., Agarwal, R., & Ganu, (2023). Efficacy and safety assessment of protein supplement – micronutrient fortification in promoting health and wellbeing in healthy adults – a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Translational and Clinical Pharmacology, 31(1),13-27. 
  17. Dhillon, J., Bruce A. Craig, B. A., Leidy, H. J., Amankwaah, A. F., Anguah, K. O., Jacobs, A., Jones, B. L., Jones, J. B., Keeler, C. L., Keller, C. E. M., McCrory, M. A., Rivera, R. L., Slebodnik, M., Mattes, R. D., & Tucker, R. M. (2016). The Effects of Increased Protein Intake on Fullness: A Meta-Analysis and Its Limitations. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(6), 968-83
  18. Rakha, A., Mehak, F., Shabbir, M. A., Arslan, M., Ranjha, M. M. A. N., Ahmed, W., Socol, C. T., Rusu, A. V., Hassoun, A., & Aadil, R.M.  (2022). Insights into the constellating drivers of satiety impacting dietary patterns and lifestyle. Frontiers in Nutrition, 9, 1002619.
  19. Song, L. (2017). Calcium and Bone Metabolism Indices. Advances in Clinical Chemistry, 82, 1–46.
  20. Yao, X., Hu, J., Kong, X., & Zhu, Z. (2021). Association between Dietary Calcium Intake and Bone Mineral Density in Older Adults. Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 60(1), 89–100.
  21. Vigar, V., Myers, S., Oliver, C., Arellano, J., Robinson, S., & Leifert, C. (2019). A Systematic Review of Organic Versus Conventional Food Consumption: Is There a Measurable Benefit on Human Health?. Nutrients, 12(1), 7. 

The post The 10 Best Organic Protein Powders appeared first on BarBend.

The 6 Best Probiotic Supplements of 2024 Fri, 08 Sep 2023 21:22:20 +0000 Bacteria get a bad rap, but not all bacteria are actually bad for you. Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of beneficial bacteria called probiotics. Probiotics are involved in everything from helping you digest your food to absorbing nutrients. Having a healthy, balanced gut biome is key to having a strong immune system, maintaining a healthy metabolism, and...

The post The 6 Best Probiotic Supplements of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

Bacteria get a bad rap, but not all bacteria are actually bad for you. Your gut microbiome consists of trillions of beneficial bacteria called probiotics. Probiotics are involved in everything from helping you digest your food to absorbing nutrients. Having a healthy, balanced gut biome is key to having a strong immune system, maintaining a healthy metabolism, and regulating your mood and energy levels. (1) You can bolster your body’s probiotics by eating fermented foods, like yogurt and sauerkraut, but a probiotic supplement can give you the extra boost your gut might need.

Probiotic supplements can come in many forms, from probiotic capsules to greens powders. And they can also include additional ingredients like prebiotics (the foods probiotics eat), micronutrients, and digestive enzymes. If you’re looking for a probiotic to help solve digestive issues, boost your immunity, or just improve your overall wellness, the options can be overwhelming. To help you out, we looked for and tested a wide range of options to find the best probiotic supplements for various needs — these are our favorites.

The Best Probiotic Supplements

Best Probiotic Supplement Overall: Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic
Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic
Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotic

Transparent Labs Gut Health probiotic contains 1,000mg of probiotics (100 billion CFU) — one of the highest doses on the market. This supplement is also vegan since the capsules are made from plant-based hypromellose. 


  • Probiotic Amount: 100 billion CFU
  • Form: Capsule
  • Flavor: N/A
  • Price Per Serving: $1.53


  • This pick has a huge probiotic count of 100 billion CFU.
  • The capsule form makes it easy to take this probiotic on the go. 
  • People who avoid animal products will appreciate that this supplement uses vegan hypromellose capsules.


  • 100 billion CFU may cause gas and bloating in people who are new to probiotics. 
  • You can find cheaper probiotics on the market.
  • If you want your probiotics in the form of a greens powder, you’ll have to look elsewhere. 

If you’re looking for the most bang for your buck, Transparent Labs’ Gut Health Probiotics is the way to go. With 100 billion colony-forming units (CFU) per dose, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a more potent dose. And it doesn’t just have a huge dose, Gut Health also offers various different strains — there are 10 different strains of probiotics here, offering a variety of potential benefits that range from improving gut health to strengthening immunity. (2)(3)

While most supplements provide CFU counts in the low billions, the 100 billion that Transparent Labs Gut Health Probiotics provides is the largest dose we’ve seen. Plus, it comes in capsule form, which makes it easy to take or stack with other supplements. The capsules are vegan, so no worries if you are avoiding animal products (besides the bacteria, of course). And at about $1.50 per serving, it’s a bargain, especially when you consider the dosage. 

Related: Best Probiotic Supplements for Women 

Best Probiotic Supplement for Digestion: Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics

Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics
Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics
Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics

Onnit Gut Health with Probiotics includes a digestive enzyme supplement, five strains of probiotics, two types of prebiotics, and a dose of betaine HCI. If you subscribe, you can save $10 per month on this supplement. 


  • Probiotic Amount: 10 billion CFU
  • Form: Capsule
  • Flavor: N/A
  • Price Per Serving: $2.53 


  • In addition to probiotics, this supplement has prebiotics and digestive enzymes as well, both of which can also help with digestion. 
  • The capsule is vegetarian, which is ideal for people who are avoiding animal products. 
  • These come in individual serving packets, making it easy to grab a serving to take later when you’re heading out the door.


  • $76 for a month’s supply might put this out of some people’s budgets.
  • If you don’t like taking pills, you’re better off looking for a powdered blend.

While probiotics on their own can help improve digestive health, some people may be looking for some extra help. In addition to five different probiotic strains to potentially help with digestion, Onnit Total Gut Health also packs 900mg of Jerusalem artichoke and 600mg of dandelion root, both of which are soluble fibers that can help move food through the digestive system. (4) These fibers also act as prebiotics, helping to feed the 10 billion CFU of probiotics that Onnit delivers to your system. 

Total Gut Health also offers a digestive enzyme blend that includes betaine, which can help your body break down food. (5) It should be noted that while these do come in convenient packets, each serving is seven pills. And while you can take them throughout the day, Onnit recommends taking them all at once, which might be a problem for people who don’t like taking pills. 

Best Probiotic Greens Supplement: Athletic Greens AG1

Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens

This nutritious greens powder is NSF certified for sport and includes 75 absorbable ingredients and is free of gluten, sugar, dairy, eggs, and peanuts. It is compatible with vegan, keto, and paleo diets. 


  • Probiotic Amount: 7.2 billion CFU
  • Form: Powder
  • Flavor: Vanilla and pineapple
  • Price Per Serving: $2.63


  • In addition to probiotics, this greens powder also contains 75 different vitamins and minerals.
  • The digestive enzyme blend may help bolster the probiotics’ contribution to gut health. 
  • The vanilla and pineapple flavoring is effective in tamping down the lawn-trimmings taste that greens powders often have. 


  • At over $2.50 per serving, this is one of the pricier options. 
  • If you prefer a capsule to a powder, this isn’t the supplement for you. 

If you want to get in your probiotics, your vitamins, and your greens all in one fell swoop, Athletic Greens AG1 has you covered. In addition to 7.2 billion CFU of probiotics, this greens powder contains 75 different vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, and zinc. AG1 also includes a superfood blend, an antioxidant blend, and a digestive enzyme blend as well. 

And while most greens powders have that “freshly-mowed lawn” taste to them, AG1 has a vanilla and pineapple flavor that adds some sweetness and definitely cuts down on the grassy taste. “I’ve never been a fan of greens powders because the taste is awful,” our tester says. “But this is kind of sweet. I actually looked forward to waking up and starting my day with this one.” At over $2.50 per serving, this is on the higher end of the price spectrum, but with such a packed ingredients list, you’re getting a lot for your money. 

Read our full Athletic Greens AG1 Review

Best Probiotic Supplement for Bloating: Ritual Synbiotic+

Ritual Synbiotic+
Ritual Synbiotic+
Ritual Synbiotic+

Ritual Synbiotic+ offers pre-, pro-, and postbiotics in a fiber capsule that keeps the probiotic tablet intact until it reaches the colon, where the probiotics can do the most good. 


  • Probiotic Amount: 11 billion CFU
  • Form: Capsule
  • Flavor: N/A
  • Price Per Serving: $1.80 


  • Ritual’s unique gel capsule form is designed to release the probiotics in the colon, not the stomach, which may reduce the odds of abdominal bloating. 
  • In addition to pre- and probiotics, this also includes tributyrin, which may help minimize bloating. 
  • Purchases come with a money-back guarantee. 


  • At $1.80 per serving, this is approaching the more expensive end of probiotic supplements. 
  • This only comes in capsule form, so if you’re looking for a powdered supplement, you should consider something else. 

Ritual’s offering stands out for its three-in-one approach to maintaining gut health. The outer casing of the capsule is made up of prebiotic fibers, which not only help the probiotic tablet inside stay intact until it can reach the colon, but also provide a food supply for them when they get there. The probiotic tablet inside contains 11 billion CFU that include the strains Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus, which, among other potential benefits, may reduce the occurrence of bloating. (6) Finally, the probiotic tablet is surrounded by a short-chain fatty acid called tributyrin, which can also help keep bloating to a minimum. (7

Tributyrin is also what’s known as a postbiotic, a naturally occurring metabolic result of a healthy gut biome, and it can help support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. (8) Ritual’s website is very transparent, tracing all of its ingredients back to the source, and while this isn’t one of the cheaper probiotic supplements out there, they do offer a money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with your results. 

Best Probiotic for Weight Loss: Naked Gut Health

Naked Gut Health
Naked Gut Health
Naked Gut Health

Naked Gut Health provides five billion CFU of probiotics and two grams of fiber to help keep your digestive system healthy. Plus, it's unflavored, which makes it easy to blend into a smoothie or stack with other supplements. 


  • Probiotic Amount: 5 billion CFU
  • Form: Powder
  • Flavor: Unflavored
  • Price Per Serving: $0.50


  • The soluble fiber in this helps you feel full, so you’re less likely to overeat.
  • There are zero sweeteners, only two net carbs, and 15 calories per serving. 
  • It’s unflavored, so you can mix it with a greens powder or smoothie without messing up the taste. 


  • This comes in powder form, which may not be as convenient as capsules or tablets. 
  • Five billion CFU is on the lower end of doses for probiotics. 

If you’re looking for a probiotic that may help with weight loss, Naked Gut might be the perfect option. It offers two grams of soluble fiber in the form of pectin, inulin, and acacia. Soluble fiber absorbs water in the stomach, causing it to take up more space and helping you feel fuller for a longer period of time. This can help prevent you from snacking between meals or overeating, plus it can also help regulate your blood sugar. (9

The inulin is also associated with increased levels of increased Bifidobacterium, a probiotic that can help support digestion. (10) The fiber also serves as a food source for the five billion CFU blend of probiotics, which can help them thrive in your gut to help you maintain a healthy digestive system. Also, at $0.50 per serving, it’s one of the least expensive probiotic supplements you’ll find. 

Best Probiotic Supplement for the Money: Swolverine Probiotix

Swolverine Probiotix
Swolverine Probiotix
Swolverine Probiotix

This probiotic from Swolverine offers 5.75 billion CFU of probiotics in seven different strains with no fillers, GMOs, pesticides, or gluten. Plus, it's one of the most affordable probiotic supplements on the market. 


  • Probiotic Amount: 5.75 billion CFU
  • Form: Capsule
  • Flavor: N/A
  • Price Per Serving: $0.55


  • At just over fifty cents per serving, this is a quarter of what some probiotics cost. 
  • Vegans will like that the capsules are made from vegetable cellulose and not gelatin.
  • The mild 5.75 billion CFU is less likely to cause gut discomfort than some of the higher-dosed options.


  • Those looking for higher doses of probiotics may be disappointed with the 5.75 billion CFU here. 
  • This only has probiotics, so if you want prebiotics as well, you’ll have to find a different supplement.

Many probiotic supplements can cost two dollars or more per serving, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get a solid probiotic at a decent price. Swolverine Probiotic gives you a two-month supply for $32.99, which comes to just over fifty cents per serving. Its affordability doesn’t mean it’s an inferior product, though — Probiotix offers seven different probiotic strains that may help boost your immune system, strengthen your gut biome, and aid your digestion. 

And you won’t find any fillers, soy, GMOs, pesticides or gluten, ensuring that every dose is just the 5.75 CFU of probiotics that you paid for. Plus, the servings come in a single vegan capsule, which makes it easy to take on the go. And the single capsule serving size can make it easier to take for people who aren’t fans of swallowing pills. 

Benefits of Probiotic Supplements

Most people tend to focus on how probiotics can help with digestive issues, which makes sense because they do their work in your digestive tract. But the potential benefits of probiotics go far beyond digestion — it may also help reduce inflammation, improve your mental health, and even help keep your energy levels up. 

Aid in Digestion

Adding a probiotic supplement may help improve your body’s ability to absorb nutrients as well as reduce digestive problems, like gas and bloating. Having an abundance of healthy bacteria in your system can help fend off any harmful bacteria that you may consume with your food and help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. (11)

Reducing Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can lead to a wide range of health issues like heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease, and it’s so prevalent that the World Health Organization lists chronic inflammatory diseases as the most common cause of death in the world. Studies have suggested that probiotics may reduce inflammation in subjects. (12

Improving Mental Health

As counterintuitive as it may seem, there is evidence that higher levels of unhealthy bacteria in the gut may increase individuals’ levels of stress. Some studies have found that probiotics, as they can help lower the amount of unhealthy bacteria in the gut, may also help improve mental health in the process. (13)

Higher Energy Levels

Another issue that may arise when unhealthy bacteria thrive in the gut microbiome is higher levels of fatigue. Studies on endurance athletes suggest that probiotics can help stave off fatigue and raise energy levels by maintaining a healthy gut biome. (14

How We Chose The Best Probiotic Supplements

There’s no shortage of probiotic supplements on the market, and the right one for each person can vary depending on your needs and goals. So we looked at a few factors that are common across a broad range of needs, like dosage, ingredients, and price.


Finding the right dosage of probiotics is key. For most people (especially beginners), you’ll want somewhere between five and 10 billion CFU, so we included quite a few with that dosage. Other people may want or need more, so we added supplements with higher amounts, up to 100 billion CFU. 

But if you’re new to probiotics, you may not want to go right to the higher-dosed supplements. Taking high doses of probiotics may lead to gastric issues like bloating or gas, so be sure to start on the lower end and then work your way up if need be. 


Many probiotic supplements are stand-alone supplements, but others come in the form of multivitamins, greens powders, and even fiber supplements. If you already have a greens powder or multivitamin that you like, a standalone supplement may be the right option.

A person pouring a scoop of powder into a glass of water.
credit: miss.lemon/Shutterstock

But if you’re looking to combine your supplements, you may want to check out some of the probiotics on this list that have added fiber, vitamins, or minerals. 


We won’t sugar-coat it — probiotics can be expensive. Some of the higher-dosed supplements can cost up to $3 per serving. But if you’re looking for a more moderate (yet still effective) dose, you can pay anywhere from $0.50 to $1.50 per serving. We included probiotics on all ends of the pricing spectrum to help you find one that will fit your budget. 

How Much Do Probiotic Supplements Cost? 

Long story short: Probiotics can cost a lot. If you’re looking for a supplement that has a more robust ingredients list, you may be looking at $2-$2.50 or more per serving. But you don’t have to spend a ton to find an effective probiotic supplement. There are options on this list that cost under a dollar but still have effective dosages. Most often, these less expensive options will be on the more basic side — essentially a capsule that contains several billion CFU. If you’re willing to shell out a little more, you’ll usually find some with unique features that will help the probiotics pass through the stomach intact or with added vitamins, minerals, or enzymes. 

What to Consider Before Buying a Probiotic Supplement

From how much to take to what additional ingredients you want, there are a lot of factors to consider when deciding on the right probiotic supplement for you. We’ve laid out some of the most important ones below. 


Figuring out how many CFUs are right for you can be tricky. Too little, and you may not notice any effects. Too much, and you may experience gastrointestinal discomfort. For most people, 10 to 20 billion CFUs is plenty, but those who have never tried probiotics should probably stay closer to five. (15) If you have serious stomach issues or 10 to 20 CFU doesn’t seem to be helping, a higher dose might be a good idea. 


Probiotic supplements are most commonly found in either powder or capsule form. Powders are ideal for people who are averse to taking pills and they mix easily with smoothies or water, but they can be a pain to take with you if you travel.

photo credit: Geza Farkas/Shutterstock

If you don’t have any problems with swallowing pills, the capsule can be more convenient since you don’t need to do any mixing or shaking, and they can go pretty much anywhere you go. 


A supplement won’t do you any good if you can’t afford it. Fortunately, probiotics vary widely in price — you can find effective supplements for well under a dollar per serving, while probiotics with additional ingredients or mixed in green powders can be on the middle to higher end of the price spectrum. Be sure to align your needs with your budget, and you’ll find the right one for you. 

Added Ingredients

If you’re looking for a probiotic to solve a specific issue like bloating or bad digestion, it may be worth it to seek out a supplement that has additional ingredients like digestive enzymes or added fiber. Also, if you’d like an all-in-one supplement, you may want to seek out a greens powder that mixes probiotics with vitamins and minerals, so you can take care of your daily supplements all at once. 

Final Word

Having a well-balanced gut biome can provide you with a plethora of health benefits, including better digestion, reduced inflammation, and even more energy. But it’s important to remember that probiotic supplements don’t take the place of healthy lifestyle habits like eating enough fiber, exercising, and getting proper sleep. 

If you’ve developed healthy habits but still need some help with your gut biome, a probiotic supplement may be able to help you out. If you’re considering a probiotic supplement, decide what ingredients you want, set your budget, and then use this list to help you find the right one for you. 


What is the best probiotic supplement?

The best probiotic supplement can vary for every individual person, but for our money, Transparent Labs Gut Health is the best option overall because of its high 100 billion CFU dosage, 10 different strains, and affordable price.

Can you take too many probiotics?

You can’t overdose on probiotics, but taking too much can cause gastric discomfort, like gas and bloating. (16) If you’re not sure how much to take, start with a smaller dose, like 5 billion CFU, then work your way up if you need to.

Is a probiotic good for your stomach?

Yes, a probiotic can be helpful in maintaining a healthy gut biome. Probiotics consist of healthy bacteria that reside in your digestive system and can aid in digestion, nutrient absorption, and nutrient synthesis. (1)


  1. Thursby E, Juge N. Introduction to the human gut microbiota. Biochem J. 2017 May 16;474(11):1823-1836. doi: 10.1042/BCJ20160510. PMID: 28512250; PMCID: PMC5433529.
  2. Dempsey E, Corr SC. Lactobacillus spp. for Gastrointestinal Health: Current and Future Perspectives. Front Immunol. 2022 Apr 6;13:840245. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.840245. PMID: 35464397; PMCID: PMC9019120.
  3. Yan F, Polk DB. Probiotics and immune health. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2011 Oct;27(6):496-501. doi: 10.1097/MOG.0b013e32834baa4d. PMID: 21897224; PMCID: PMC4006993.
  4. Sawicka B, Skiba D, Pszczółkowski P, Aslan I, Sharifi-Rad J, Krochmal-Marczak B. Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) as a medicinal plant and its natural products. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-le-grand). 2020 Jun 25;66(4):160-177. PMID: 32583794.
  5. Wang, H., Li, S., Fang, S., Yang, X., & Feng, J. (2018). Betaine Improves Intestinal Functions by Enhancing Digestive Enzymes, Ameliorating Intestinal Morphology, and Enriching Intestinal Microbiota in High-salt stressed Rats. Nutrients, 10(7).
  6. Ceccherini C, Daniotti S, Bearzi C, Re I. Evaluating the Efficacy of Probiotics in IBS Treatment Using a Systematic Review of Clinical Trials and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Nutrients. 2022 Jun 28;14(13):2689. doi: 10.3390/nu14132689. PMID: 35807868; PMCID: PMC9268703.
  7. Mocanu V, Park H, Dang J, Hotte N, Thiesen A, Laffin M, Wang H, Birch D, Madsen K. Timing of Tributyrin Supplementation Differentially Modulates Gastrointestinal Inflammation and Gut Microbial Recolonization Following Murine Ileocecal Resection. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 17;13(6):2069. doi: 10.3390/nu13062069. PMID: 34204288; PMCID: PMC8233937.
  8. Cresci G, Nagy LE, Ganapathy V. Lactobacillus GG and tributyrin supplementation reduce antibiotic-induced intestinal injury. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2013 Nov;37(6):763-74. doi: 10.1177/0148607113486809. Epub 2013 Apr 29. PMID: 23630018; PMCID: PMC3818407.
  10. Del Piano M, Carmagnola S, Anderloni A, Andorno S, Ballarè M, Balzarini M, Montino F, Orsello M, Pagliarulo M, Sartori M, Tari R, Sforza F, Capurso L. The use of probiotics in healthy volunteers with evacuation disorders and hard stools: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2010 Sep;44 Suppl 1:S30-4. doi: 10.1097/MCG.0b013e3181ee31c3. PMID: 20697291.
  11. Kechagia M, Basoulis D, Konstantopoulou S, Dimitriadi D, Gyftopoulou K, Skarmoutsou N, Fakiri EM. Health benefits of probiotics: a review. ISRN Nutr. 2013 Jan 2;2013:481651. doi: 10.5402/2013/481651. PMID: 24959545; PMCID: PMC4045285.
  12. Carvalho BM, Saad MJ. Influence of gut microbiota on subclinical inflammation and insulin resistance. Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:986734. doi: 10.1155/2013/986734. Epub 2013 Jun 12. PMID: 23840101; PMCID: PMC3694527.
  13. Messaoudi M, Lalonde R, Violle N, Javelot H, Desor D, Nejdi A, Bisson JF, Rougeot C, Pichelin M, Cazaubiel M, Cazaubiel JM. Assessment of psychotropic-like properties of a probiotic formulation (Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175) in rats and human subjects. Br J Nutr. 2011 Mar;105(5):755-64. doi: 10.1017/S0007114510004319. Epub 2010 Oct 26. PMID: 20974015.
  14. Mach N, Fuster-Botella D. Endurance exercise and gut microbiota: A review. J Sport Health Sci. 2017 Jun;6(2):179-197. doi: 10.1016/j.jshs.2016.05.001. Epub 2016 May 10. PMID: 30356594; PMCID: PMC6188999.
  16.  Figueroa-González I, Cruz-Guerrero A, Quijano G (2011) The Benefits of Probiotics on Human Health. J Microbial Biochem Technol S1:003. doi:10.4172/1948-5948.S1-003

The post The 6 Best Probiotic Supplements of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

The 7 Best Meal Replacements for Weight Loss of 2024 Fri, 01 Sep 2023 21:16:56 +0000 While they should never take the place of a whole-food diet, meal replacement shakes can be a great tool for weight loss. They can help you stay full without loading you up on calories and keep you satiated longer. Plus, if you’re too busy to cook something, they’re a much healthier alternative to a trip to the nearest...

The post The 7 Best Meal Replacements for Weight Loss of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.

While they should never take the place of a whole-food diet, meal replacement shakes can be a great tool for weight loss. They can help you stay full without loading you up on calories and keep you satiated longer. Plus, if you’re too busy to cook something, they’re a much healthier alternative to a trip to the nearest drive-through. The best meal replacements for weight loss are packed with protein, carbs, fats, and vitamins to help keep you fueled throughout the day.

But when it comes to choosing the best one for weight loss, finding one that suits your personal needs and preferences is key. So we shopped around and found a stack of the best meal replacements for weight loss to suit a range of dietary needs, preferences, and requirements. 

Best Meal Replacements For Weight Loss

Best Meal Replacement for Weight Loss Overall: HLTH Code Complete Meal

15% OFF with code BARBEND
HLTH Code Complete Meal
HLTH Code Complete Meal

HLTH Code is delicious, offers 27 grams of protein with 400 calories, and contains up to 25 vitamins and minerals.  It's also insanely satiating, which means you're getting a lot of bang for your buck with each serving. Save 15% with code BARBEND.


  • Calories: 400 
  • Macros: 27g protein, 17g carbohydrates, 27g fat
  • Flavors: Chocolate Macadamia, Creamy Vanilla
  • Servings Per Container: 15
  • Price: $59.95 ($49.95 w/monthly subscription)


  • This powder has a large 27-gram dose of protein, which is on the high end for meal replacements.
  • This meal replacement has both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as MCT powder. 
  • The 400 calories and 27 grams of fat can help you feel fuller longer. 


  • Gymgoes who rely on carbs for energy will need to get their carbs elsewhere, since this only has four net carbs per serving. 
  • This only comes in chocolate or vanilla flavors. 

If you’re trying to lose weight, a meal replacement won’t do you any good if you’re hungry again an hour after you take it. HLTH Code Complete Meal combats this with 400 calories, 27 grams of protein, and 27 grams of fat per serving, all of which can help you feel full and stay full longer. (1) The fat blend includes both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as MCT powder, which is associated with greater fat loss in overweight individuals. (2)

This formula is also loaded with ingredients to help aid in digestion, like apple cider vinegar digestive enzymes, and nine grams of fiber. (3) Each two-scoop serving offers half of the daily nutritional requirement of a host of micronutrients like vitamin D, calcium, and vitamin B12. Keep in mind that the carbohydrates are on the lower side, so if you’re an athlete who relies on carbohydrates for performance, you may want to consider a meal replacement with more carbs. 

Best Vegan Meal Replacement for Weight Loss: Rootana


Rootana is a plant-based, vegan-friendly meal replacement shake packed with over 20 percent of your daily needs of 27 different vitamins and minerals. The macro profile is diet-friendly with 20g of protein, 44g of carbs (8g of fiber), and 14g of omega-rich fats for the original flavor. Other flavors are Vanilla and Dark Chocolate.


  • Calories: 400
  • Macros: 20g protein, 44-46g carbohydrates, 14g fat
  • Flavors: Original, Dark Chocolate, Vanilla
  • Servings Per Container: 14
  • Price: $49.99 ($44.99 with monthly subscription) 


  • This product uses pea protein to supply its 20 grams of protein.
  • Rootana doesn’t use any artificial ingredients, sweeteners, or flavors. 
  • The flaxseed and sunflower seed oil that Rootana uses as fat sources are rich in omega fatty acids. 


  • Users have reported that Rootana can be gritty if you don’t use a blender to mix it. 
  • The 44 to 46 grams of carbs may be too high for people on a low-carb diet. 

It’s hard enough to find a good meal replacement for losing weight, but narrowing your options down to a vegan one can be downright daunting. Rootana is an excellent solution, thanks to its all-natural ingredients and 20 grams of protein sourced from peas, as well as its omega-rich fat sources, like flaxseed and sunflower seed oil. 

Of the 44 grams of unrefined carbs in this mix, you’ll find eight grams of fiber to help with digestion (3), as well as at least 20 percent of the recommended daily requirement for 27 different vitamins and minerals. If you’re sticking to a low-carb diet, this might not be the option for you, but if you need a vegan meal replacement that will help keep you full, this mix’s 400 calories should tide you over until your next scheduled meal.  

Best Affordable Meal Replacement for Weight Loss: 310 Shake

310 Meal Replacement Shake
310 Meal Replacement Shake
310 Meal Replacement Shake

The 310 Meal Replacement Shakes offer a tri-plex blend of protein to control hunger, promote muscle growth, and has only two grams of net carbs and zero artificial sweeteners.


  • Calories: 110
  • Macros: 15g protein, 7g carbohydrates, 2g fat
  • Flavors: Organic Chocolate, Caramel Sundae, Chocolate Bliss, Cookies N’ Cream, Pumpkin Spice, Strawberry, Tropical Coconut, Vanilla Creme, Chocolate, Mocha, Horchata, Peppermint Swirl, Salted Caramel, Organic Vanilla
  • Servings Per Container: 28
  • Price: $69.99


  • At about $1.84 per serving, this is one of the most affordable meal replacements out there. 
  • If you’re looking for a lower-calorie option, you’ll like the 90 calories in this supplement. 
  • There are 14 different flavors to choose from, so you’ll have plenty of options. 


  • For many people, 110 calories won’t be enough to replace a full meal. 
  • You’re only getting two grams of net carbs per serving, which may not be enough for athletes who rely on carbs for performance. 

Many meal replacements cost over two dollars per serving, but 310 Meal Replacement Shake is a more budget-friendly $1.84 per serving. But that doesn’t mean you’re not getting a solid meal replacement — 310 offers 15 grams of protein, 7 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fat in an extremely lean 110-calorie scoop. If you’re looking to keep those calories low or just want something to tide you over between meals, this is a great choice. 

It’s pretty clear that the low cost is reflected in the lower concentrations of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, but the content that it does have is high quality. This meal replacement is gluten-, GMO- and soy-free, as well as vegan and organic, so it can accommodate a range of preferences and dietary restrictions. Plus, it comes with more flavors than we’ve seen in any other meal replacement, including some exotic flavors like Horchata and Tropical Coconut. 

Best Digestible Meal Replacement for Weight Loss: Ka’Chava Whole Body Meal

Ka'Chava Whole Body Meal
Ka'Chava Whole Body Meal

This vegan meal replacement offers various superfood blends that include organic fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, enzymes and probiotics. It totals 240 calories, 25 grams of plant-based protein, 25 grams of carbohydrates (including seven grams of fiber), and seven grams of fat. 


  • Calories: 240
  • Macros: 25g protein, 24g carbohydrates, 7g fat
  • Flavors: Vanilla, chocolate, Coconut Acai, Chai, Matcha
  • Servings Per Container: 15
  • Price: $69.95 ($59.95 w/monthly subscription)


  • The prebiotic and probiotic blend, and digestive enzymes in the supplement may make it easier to digest. 
  • The 24 grams of carbs may make this ideal for refueling after a workout. 
  • There are nine grams of fiber per serving, which can help you feel fuller longer and aid in digestion.


  • At $4.66 per serving, this is one of the more expensive options. 
  • The higher amount of carbs may not work for people on a low-carb diet. 

Ka’Chava Whole Body Meal includes both prebiotics and probiotics, which can improve gut health and aid digestion. (5) Plus, it has nine grams of fiber, which can not only keep things moving in your gut, but it can also help keep you feeling satiated. (6) The high amount of hunger-abating fiber is useful because at 240 calories per serving, it’s lighter than some of the other options on this list. 

Despite its low calorie count, this meal replacement offers a solid 25-gram dose of plant-based protein and 24 grams of carbohydrates, as well as seven grams of fat. In addition, it offers an adaptogen blend that includes different mushrooms, ginger, and maca root as well as an antioxidant blend that includes strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cherries. And, as you’d expect from a meal replacement that’s vegan, dairy-, soy-, and preservative-free, this uses zero artificial sweeteners, leaning instead on coconut flower nectar to sweeten the taste. 

Best Meal Replacement Bar for Weight Loss: Onnit Protein Bites

Onnit Protein Bites
Onnit Protein Bites
Onnit Protein Bites

Onnit’s protein bites combine the decadence of a dark chocolate coating with a great tasting center, available in three delicious flavors — Chocolate Cookie Dough, Chocolate Coconut Cashew, and Chocolate Peanut Butter. These bites contain up to 9g of grass-fed whey isolate, and 7g of dietary fiber.


  • Calories: 120-150
  • Macros: 7-9g protein, 12-15g carbohydrates, 5-7g fat
  • Flavors: Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate Cookie Dough, Chocolate Coconut Cashew, S’Mores, Cookies and Cream
  • Servings Per Container: 24
  • Price: $39.95 ($33.96 w/monthly subscription)


  • This comes in bar form, so it’s easy to take and eat on the go. 
  • All the bars are dipped in a tasty chocolate coating. 
  • The whey protein is sourced from grass-fed cows. 


  • It tops out at nine grams of protein, which is on the low end of meal replacements. 
  • User reviews report that the chocolate coating tends to melt and make a mess when the weather heats up. 

While a powder supplement is certainly more convenient than cooking a meal, it can’t compare to how easy it is to slip a bar in your pocket or gym bag. Onnit’s Protein Bites are a great way to fill up between meals or on the go, since they pack 120 to 150 calories (depending on the flavor) into bite-sized portions that you can eat without having to blend or shake anything. 

These bars all have a chocolate coating, which makes you feel like you’re eating a candy bar instead of a meal, which is great for dieters who struggle with cravings for sweets. Plus, the six to seven grams of fiber in each serving can help you feel fuller, despite the low calorie count. You’ll only be getting around nine grams of protein per serving, but that protein comes from grass-fed, non-GMO cows, which is great if you’re picky about ingredient sourcing.

Best Vitamin-Rich Meal Replacement for Weight Loss: Ka’Chava Whole Body Meal

Ka'Chava Whole Body Meal
Ka'Chava Whole Body Meal
Ka'Chava Whole Body Meal

This vegan meal replacement offers various superfood blends that include organic fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, enzymes and probiotics. It totals 240 calories, 25 grams of plant-based protein, 25 grams of carbohydrates (including seven grams of fiber), and seven grams of fat. 


  • Calories: 240
  • Macros: 25g protein, 24g carbohydrates, 7g fat
  • Flavors: Vanilla, Chocolate, Coconut Acai, Chai, Matcha
  • Servings Per Container: 15
  • Price: $69.95 ($59.95 w/monthly subscription)


  • This meal replacement includes 26 different vitamins and minerals, most at moderate to high doses. 
  • With 25 grams of protein, 24 grams of carbohydrates, and seven grams of fat, this has a very well-balanced macro profile.
  • The nine grams of fiber, along with the pre- and probiotic blends, can help aid in digestion.


  • The $4.66 price per serving may put this beyond some people’s budgets. 
  • 24 grams of carbohydrates might be too much for people on low-carb or keto diets.

A meal replacement is more than just calories and macronutrients. To really replace a whole-food meal, a supplement needs to include the vitamins and minerals that you’d get from a traditional meal. Ka’Chava’s Whole Body meal does that in spades, with 26 different vitamins and minerals, including 125 percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamin B12, 100 percent of the dietary recommendation of chromium, and 83 percent of your recommended allowance of vitamin A.

It also packs in 25 grams of plant-based protein, 24 grams of carbohydrates, and 7 grams of fat, for a total of 240 calories. And despite it being lower in calories than other meal replacements on this list, the nine grams of fiber included should help keep you feeling full. Plus, this is vegan, non-dairy, and free of gluten, soy, preservatives, and artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners. 

Best Low-Carb Meal Replacement for Weight Loss: HLTH Code Complete Meal

15% OFF with code BARBEND
HLTH Code Complete Meal
HLTH Code Complete Meal
HLTH Code Complete Meal

HLTH Code is delicious, offers 27 grams of protein with 400 calories, and contains up to 25 vitamins and minerals.  It's also insanely satiating, which means you're getting a lot of bang for your buck with each serving. Save 15% with code BARBEND.


  • Calories: 400 
  • Macros: 27g protein, 17g carbohydrates, 27g fat
  • Flavors: Chocolate Macadamia, Creamy Vanilla
  • Servings Per Container: 15
  • Price: $59.95 ($49.95 w/monthly subscription)


  • There are only four net carbs in this supplement, making it ideal for keto and low-carb diets. 
  • The 27 grams of protein is on the higher end for protein powders, let alone meal replacements. 
  • The MCT powder in the fat may help dieters achieve ketosis. (7)


  • If you’re not on a low-carb diet, you may want to choose an option with more carbohydrates. 
  • The only flavor options are Chocolate Macadamia and Creamy Vanilla. 
  • The high fat content may put off people who aren’t on a keto diet. 

If you’re following a low-carb or keto diet, it can be hard to find a good meal replacement that can offer not only low carbs, but also a decent amount of healthy fats. HLTH Code’s formula has this dialed with a high 27-gram dose of fats composed of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as MCT powder, which studies suggest may help put the body in a state of ketosis. 

There are 13 grams of carbs as well, but nine of those grams are fiber, which is passed through your body without being digested, so you’re only looking at four net carbs per serving. (8) The formula also includes a solid 27 grams of protein, which is at the high end of protein for meal replacement powders. Plus, it offers 50 percent of your daily recommended allowance for 21 different vitamins and minerals per serving. 

How We Chose the Meal Replacements for Weight Loss

The best meal replacements for weight loss can vary widely from person to person. Men might want more vitamin B to fill in a common deficiency, women may want more collagen for healthy hair and nails, some people want low carbs, others want higher calories. Here’s what we considered when looking for the best meal replacements for a range of needs. (9) (10)


A meal replacement should have a balanced amount of the three macronutrients — protein, fat, and carbohydrates — so protein powders didn’t make the cut because most of them don’t contain significant amounts of carbs and fat. Unless it’s specifically intended for a particular diet (like keto or vegan), we sought out meal replacements that had a good balance of all three. 


We looked for meal replacements that had at least some of the essential vitamins, like B vitamins and vitamin C, that the body requires to maintain cell function, facilitate oxygen transport, and fuel those handy functions that keep you breathing. (11)

Pea protein powder in a scoop
Credit: SrideeStudio / Shutterstock

If a supplement included vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and B, they got preferential treatment. 

Essential Fatty Acids

Essential fatty acids are called essential because our bodies need them, but can’t make them, so we need to get them from food. (12) Since we get those from food, a good meal replacement should provide them, so we looked specifically for meal replacements that had a mix of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.


Minerals like calcium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium are all essential for our survival, but like essential fatty acids, our bodies can’t make them. (11) To make this list, a meal replacement had to include some amounts of these minerals.


Meal replacements, even lower-calorie ones, can sit heavy in the stomach. Plus, drinking hundreds of calories in a minute versus taking 15 to 20 minutes to eat the same amount of calories in whole-food form can be hard on the digestive system. We gave preference to options that offered forms of digestive aid, like pre- and probiotics, digestive enzymes, and fiber.

The Benefits of Meal Replacements for Weight Loss

Meal replacements are a great way to get a meal in when you’re busy, which can save you from making a pit stop at a fast-food restaurant. Plus, they can be a great way to replace a larger meal to help you cut calories out of your diet. Here are a few ways that meal replacements can help you lose weight. 


Eating on the go can be tough — it can take a lot of planning and meal prep to eat healthy when you’re not at home.

A gymgoer drinking whey powder shake from a glass.
Credit: YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV / Shutterstock

A meal replacement shake or bar can be an easy way to make sure whatever meals you eat on the road or in the office have the right amount of calories and macros to help you stay on your nutrition plan. 


Let’s be real — chicken, rice and broccoli can get real old, real fast. Having a meal replacement with a fun flavor like Horchata or Vanilla Cake can break you out of the monotony of eating right, and reduce the chance of you breaking and going on a food bender. 


Some meal replacements are so low in calories that they can make great snacks. A 100-calorie meal replacement between lunch and dinner can help prevent you from diving into a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos in the afternoon.

How Much Do Meal Replacements for Weight Loss Cost?

The prices of meal replacements vary based on factors such as container size, caloric density, and ingredients. You can expect to pay more for meal replacements with higher-quality ingredients or ones that cater to specific dietary preferences. The list here has options that range in price from under a dollar to over four dollars per serving, so be sure that your needs and your budget are in alignment before you pull the trigger. 

What to Consider Before Buying A Meal Replacement for Weight Loss

Finding the right protein shake can be hard enough, but seeking out the perfect supplement that can replace an entire meal is a whole different ball game. If you’re thinking about using a meal replacement to help you lose weight, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind, like the calorie count, whether it’ll keep you full, and whether it tastes good enough for you to take day in and day out.

You Still Need Whole Food

First and foremost, a meal replacement is not intended to eliminate your need for solid food. No matter what a company’s marketing says, there are some things that your body needs to get from whole foods.

A scoop of supplement powder, a few eggs, bananas and weights.
Credit: Nickola_Che / Shutterstock

You can use a meal replacement to replace a meal or to help you make it to the next meal without binging — but make sure you’re actually chewing on something a few times a day. 

Calorie Count 

Getting the right calorie count is a delicate balance — you want enough calories to keep you full until your next scheduled meal but not so many calories that it takes you out of the calorie deficit you need to lose weight. This might take some trial and error or macro counting, but it’s worth the extra work to get this part right.


There’s no point in taking a meal replacement if you’re just going to be hungry again an hour after you eat it. Take a look at the nutritional information on whatever meal replacement you’re considering and check to see if it has good amounts of protein, fat, and fiber, all of which are effective at keeping hunger at bay. (6)


Look, if you’re cutting weight, you’re already going through it. A meal replacement should be a reprieve from boredom, not another tasteless, boring “healthy” meal that you have to choke down. There are plenty of options on this list with interesting and fun flavors to try. Even the ones listed here that only have chocolate or vanilla options do those flavors well. Do some taste-testing of your own and find a flavor that you’ll look forward to eating. 

Final Word

Meal replacements can be a big help when you’re trying to lose weight. They’re fast and convenient, and if you choose the right one, they can feel like a treat to get you through your calorie-deficient day. 

There are lots of options on the market, which can seem overwhelming, but the good news is that there’s a meal replacement for just about every dietary need and preference. We chose the best of the best, so all you have to do is decide what your priorities are, figure out what you’re willing to spend, and then use this list to find the perfect one. 


What’s the best meal replacement for weight loss?

The best meal replacement for weight loss depends on several factors, but right now, our favorite is HLTH Code Complete Meal. It has a high protein count, enough fats and calories to keep you full, and half of the recommended amount of 21 different vitamins and minerals in each serving.

Can I only drink meal replacement shakes? 

In a word, no. Meal replacements are handy for replacing a meal or two here and there, but you’ll be missing out on essential nutrients and dietary fiber if you’re not eating whole foods every day.

Can a protein shake replace a meal?

A protein shake will do if there’s no other option available, but don’t make a habit of it. Protein shakes are low in fat and carbohydrates and generally don’t offer much in the way of vitamins and minerals. You’re better off with a meal replacement that offers healthy doses of all of the above.


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The post The 7 Best Meal Replacements for Weight Loss of 2024 appeared first on BarBend.
